I Fix The System Law

Chapter 807: Fenglingqi Valley

Several hours later, Leng Shiqi and Duke Gao had left the Underworld, and Duke Gao's expression still seemed a little surprised.

"Master, you have gained some inheritance, why don't you go back and understand it quickly."

Father Gao gave Leng Shiqi a deep look. He nodded and prepared to leave, but before leaving, he seemed to remember something suddenly and asked: "I came back and checked the latest information in the past two days and found that A kind of interesting thing.

Do you still have an impression of Leng Seventeen who was ranked on the Flying Dragon List in the world's No. 1 spiritual practice last time? "

Hearing the name "Leng Shiqi", a weirdness flashed through Leng Shiqi's heart, and he replied, "I have an impression, what happened to him?"

"What's wrong with him? The miscellaneous family doesn't know, but the miscellaneous family has accidentally discovered that many people are inquiring about this person in secret. If it is a general spiritual cultivation sect, that's all, but the Liuhe spiritual realm is actually among them!" Gao Gonggong said a little dignified.

Liuhe Spirit Realm!

It was one of the four holy spirit realms, the most powerful force in the Thunder Yan Dynasty, and even the Liuhe Spirit Venerable, who was in the Profound Realm!

It was Liuhe Lingzun who broke into the palace with many masters, but now Liuhe Lingyu is inquiring about Leng Shiqi. What do they want to do?

Gao Gonggong guessed: "The miscellaneous family is worried that Liuhe Spirit Realm wants to get in touch with overseas forces through this cold seventeen. The cultivation of the overseas spiritual practitioners is generally not high, but there are also a few strong people in the Tianyuan realm!

If overseas strength is drawn to the Liuhe Spiritual Realm, that is also a major threat to the most dynasty! "

However, Leng Shiqi did not think that this was the purpose of Liuhe Spiritual Realm, because he knew that Liuhe Spiritual Realm recognized the name "Leng Shiqi".

After Leng Shiqi returned to the Xueyi Pavilion from the Donglin County branch, he had a gambling battle with the disciples of the Liuhe Spirit Realm, and in the end they won.

At that time, Leng Shiqi hadn't participated in the blood seed plan, and he used this real name.

Perhaps the people from Liuhe Spiritual Realm suddenly discovered that the Feilong List had such a name, and suspected that he was from the Blood-clothed Pavilion.

Leng Shiqi was so guessing, but Father Gao's next sentence made his heart sink.

"Not only the Liuhe Spirit Realm, but the mysterious and unpredictable Nether Temple is also investigating this person!"

The Nether Temple in the Second Hall of Yin and Yang!

One of the most mysterious forces on the Starfall Continent, they are actually exploring the news of Leng Shiqi!

"Finally, are you here?" Leng Shiqi secretly said in his heart.

At the beginning, he displayed the sword of ghosts and gods in the world's first spiritual practice. At that time, some people speculated that he might be born in the Nether Temple.

The reason why Leng Shiqi did this was to get on the flying dragon list, and secondly, he wanted to draw out the Nether Temple!

Now it seems that the other party has taken the bait!

Leng Shiqi had never forgotten that he still had the blood of the Shadow Clan in his body, and the Shadow Clan and the Nether Temple were inextricably linked.

After he awakened the blood of the Star Clan, he obtained great benefits, so he was a little coveted for the blood of the Shadow Clan in his heart. It's a pity that he doesn't know how to stimulate the blood, let alone how to find the Nether Temple, so he can only use a passive method.

It's just that he was a little puzzled, why didn't he receive similar information?

He asked: "Master, this matter is of great importance, so it's better to report it to the chief."

"The miscellaneous family has this intention."

If this matter was reported to the Great Commander Heiyan Tianzun, then Heiyan Tianzun would definitely report it to the soul clone. Both the Liuhe Spirit Realm and the Nether Temple were thorns in the eyes of the Thunder Yan Dynasty and had to deal with it carefully.

In this way, Leng Shiqi was able to grasp the progress of this piece of information at any time.

After sending off Father Gao, Leng Shiqi went on to recuperate.

A few days later, he stood in front of the gate of Xingzhi Pavilion, looking at the group of people in front of him with a little surprise.

He didn't even think that 70% of the people willing to go to Xihuang County with him in the end would be!

You know, even though Leng Shiqi is leaving, Xingzhi Pavilion still has to continue to operate normally, and this requires at least 30% of the people to barely support it.

In other words, everyone except the necessary ones is willing to follow him!

Leng Shiqi himself didn't expect him to have such a big appeal.

These people didn't follow him for a long time. The longest group was He Feichen and Huang Lao. It only took one or two years to calculate.

In fact, Leng Shiqi knew that the reason they were willing to go was not because of their loyalty to him, but more for the benefit and future!

He doesn't care how greedy the people under him are, or that the more profitable people are, the harder they are. Having these people follow him to the West Wilderness County will be very useful no matter what they are doing. Of course he is happy to be so.

Leng Shiqi had a guest with everyone for a while and was ready to set off.

They didn't have any special missions, they didn't use the cross-domain teleportation array, so they could only walk slowly to Xihuang County.

Fortunately, this is not as slow as the last mission. On the contrary, all of these people are masters, and they have some storage space on their bodies. The speed of travel is not slow. It is estimated that they will be able to reach the Western Wilderness in more than a month. County.

The things that can be handled in the past few days are almost handled, the only thing that has not been done is to go to the Zhuge family to release a few masters. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

There is no way. Leng Shiqi's injury is not healed, so he can't worry about running to the Zhuge family. Moreover, he is in full swing right now, and the entire Leiyan Dynasty is paying attention to him. He is really not easy to sneak away.

This matter has to wait until the limelight passes.

The wind and waves were calm along the way, but when everyone came to the territory of Xihuang County, they did not go to Xihuang City!

Generally speaking, his palace is located in Xihuangcheng, but Leng Shiqi did not choose here, instead letting someone build a palace in a special place!

This is the place with the strongest aura in Xihuang County, Fenglingqi Valley!

This place is very magical, the aura within a thousand miles around it is very thin, but the aura is extremely abundant in the valley, which is why it got its name.

Since the spiritual energy is strong here, it is strange that there is no spiritual cultivation sect established, just because there are two spiritual practitioners living in seclusion.

The spiritual practitioner of the Heavenly Origin Realm!

These two are both casual cultivators and have lived in seclusion here a hundred years ago, so naturally no one dared to establish a sect here.

But Leng Shiqi saw this place at a glance. His palace was not really a palace, but it was cultivated as a power.

You must have plenty of spiritual power!

On this day, Leng Shiqi brought many masters under his command towards Fengling Qigu, and when they just approached, an old and strong voice came out from afar.

"Who came from?"

Leng Shiqi held a fist at the void and said, "Now, Liu Xingzhi, I'm here to be a neighbor with Senior."

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