I Fix The System Law

Chapter 801: Gong Gao covers the main

  Mo Linhui came personally!

   Concubine Jing's front foot came to complain, and his back foot came, and the news spread quickly!

   In this palace, I don't know how many of his eyeliners are.

   The soul clone remembered the matter secretly, and Jing Fei's face immediately became gloomy. If Mo Linhui intervened in this matter, I was afraid that there would be no way for me to do anything.

   "Your Majesty..." As soon as Concubine Jing opened her mouth, she was stopped by the soul clone.

   "Mo Xiangguo must have come here for national affairs, you first go to the side hall and wait, I will deal with it impartially." The soul clone said with majesty.

   Jingfei didn't dare to disobey, so she had to retire and give Mo Yile a deep look before she left.

   Mo Yile also got up and left a sentence: "I didn't mean it."

   After the second daughter left, Mo Linhui walked quickly, "Your Majesty, the old minister has something to say about the concubine Yi!"

   The soul clone shook his head and said: "Mo Aiqing doesn't need to say much, I know the things about Concubine Yi."

   There are counts, what counts are there?

Mo Linhui was still speculating on the holy intentions, and the soul clone continued: "This matter is a little weird inside and out. If there is no ghost, I don't believe it, so I plan to deduct the three months of Yifei. As a warning, what does Mo Aiqing think?"

  The concubine killed the court lady, this kind of thing was stabbed to the emperor's place, if it is a concubine with no background, it is possible to directly abolish it.

   But when I got to Mo Yile, I was only fined for three months, which is almost the same as no punishment.

   The daughter of the dignified Xiangguo still lacks that little expense?

  Mo Linhui understands that this is the face given to him by the majesty in front of him, and he has given it so neatly that he can't even use the prepared rhetoric.

   He bowed and said: "The little girl's stubbornness and sheer ignorance of the rules have caused trouble to Your Majesty, and the Sacred Heart of Your Majesty does not care about it, and the veteran will naturally repay her with death."

  Since the emperor has given you such a big face, you have to show some sincerity.

   The soul clone smiled, "Mo Aiqing can't die, I also count on you to help me open up and expand the territory and build supreme achievements.

   By the way, you should also have this information. "

   While talking, the soul clone took out the intelligence of the demon mountain range.

   "The old minister also just learned that the great victory of the Miscellaneous Mountains is really a great celebration. Then General Manager Liu not only solved the Miscellaneous Mountains, but also found the first hall of worship of the Northern Wei Dynasty, which is an amazing achievement."

   "Yes, a wonderful work." The soul clone stood up and said: "Then Mo Aiqing thinks I should give him some reward?"

Mo Linhui meditated and said slowly: "Mr Liu just received a lot of rewards for the World's Number One Spiritual Cultivation Conference just half a month ago. Not only does he have the power of acting commander of the Dark Thunder Guard, he is also named a Zhenling. public.

   Now that only half a month has passed, Manager Liu has made such a great contribution. It stands to reason that a big reward should be given, but the old ministers who have been given too much reward are afraid that there will be other voices in the court.

  Especially Manager Liu is too young, and his qualifications are still relatively low, and the woodsaury will be destroyed by the forest wind. "

   What he said is rather obscure. To put it bluntly, it is not advisable to give a big reward in a short period of time, otherwise it will easily cause dissatisfaction from others.

   Even if Leng Shiqi is a genuine contribution, the continuous rewards will still make people jealous, and even secretly hate.

   "What Mo Aiqing said is quite true, but Mr. Liu won this great victory only after he was born and died. If the reward is flat, it would be a bit unreasonable."

   At this moment, Mo Linhui's expression suddenly became a bit stern, and he whispered: "The old official has something that I don't know if it is inappropriate to say it."

   "Mo Aiqing, but it's okay to say." Seeing Mo Linhui's expression on the soul clone, he probably guessed what the other party was going to say.

Mo Linhui's eyes flashed, and said: "Your Majesty, Liu Xing knows this person has grown up too fast. Two years ago, he was a small supervisor in North County of Xihuang County, but now he is about to take over the Dark Thunder Guard. Up!

Both his power and strength are increasing at the speed of the enchanting. How long has it been since your majesty became the throne? There was the world’s first spiritual assembly before and after the two great achievements of calming the demon mountain range, then with his ability to go forward The credit is not few.

   Has your Majesty ever thought about a question. Now Liu Xingzhi is in the middle of the court, and what else can he reward him with the rewards?

   Is the Dark Thunder Guard's commander, or is it a king?

   What's next? What can I give?

   Your Majesty must be careful to overpower the master! "

   The more Mo Linhui talked to the back, the lower his voice was suppressed, but the words he said became a little embarrassing.

   If the soul clone is an ordinary emperor, there is no resistance in front of these words, and there will be more or less vigilance and suspicion about Leng Shiqi!

   The soul clone was silent for a while before saying: "Then what reward does Mo Aiqing think should be given this time?"

   "This is naturally decided by your Majesty. The old minister has only one sentence, that is, try not to give too much real power!" New 81 Chinese website update the fastest computer terminal: https://www.@x81zw@@

   "Well, I understand, why not do this..." The soul clone said his thoughts.

   Hearing the words, the expression in Ma Linhui's eyes kept flashing, his face hesitated.

   The soul clone knew at a glance that Mo Linhui felt that the reward was a bit inappropriate. He glanced at the side of the palace and said: "General Liu has not returned to the imperial capital yet. This matter is not in a hurry. It is better to discuss it later.

  Mo Aiqing go back first, I still have some housework to deal with here. "

   Mentioned the word family affairs, Mo Linhui's heart trembled, and his eyes flashed across the depths. It turned out that His Majesty was waiting for him here.

   It’s just that he doesn’t understand. He has already made it very clear just now. Why does your Majesty still want to do this?

   But Mo Linhui raised his head and looked directly at the soul clone and said: "Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that your majesty's decision is the most secure. Although there may be some people in the court who are not satisfied, the old minister will solve it properly."

   "If this is the case, then there will be Lao Mo Aiqing. I have recorded your words in my heart, and I have a good idea in my heart."

   knows in his heart again, at this moment Mo Linhui suddenly found that he could no longer see the emperor, but he, the old fox, the elder of the three dynasties, could not guess the emperor's true intentions!

  Where would he think ~www.ltnovel.com~ The majesty in front of him is the same person as Leng Shiqi!

   And Leng Shiqi from the town of Demon City had already brought all the people back to the imperial capital through the cross-domain teleportation array. The information had already been handed over, so Leng Shiqi did not enter the palace for the first time but chose to fix it for two days.

   For this point, he has not been criticized by the intentional people, thinking that he is proud of it, because the things about the demon mountain range in the past two days have spread throughout the entire Leiyan Dynasty!

   Leng Seventeen single-handedly sneaked into the Demon Mountain Range alone, and set up an ambush with two seventh-order big monsters and swept all the demon all at once. It has shocked countless people!

  Also, the murderer behind the demon mountain range is actually the first one in the worship hall of the Northern Wei Dynasty. This is simply provoking the Leiyan Dynasty.

   Many people cursed at the Northern Wei Dynasty, and some of them screamed that they would attack the Northern Wei Dynasty.

   It’s impossible to attack, but it’s okay to hit it hard.

   More importantly, Leng Shiqi also brought back Zhuo Zhou's body!

   That is the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Tianyuan realm, the master in charge of the worship hall of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and it can be regarded as the facade of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

   But he still died in the hands of Leng Shiqi!

   Not only did the Northern Wei Dynasty greatly lose its strength and face at the same time, it also made countless people applaud.

   During this period of time, the prestige of Leng Shiqi was unmatched in the Leiyan Dynasty!

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