I Fix The System Law

Chapter 802: Seal king

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After two days of rectification, Leng Shiqi was summoned into the palace, and he wanted to recover for a while according to his wishes. He was seriously injured, severely overdrawn a lot of strength, and must take a long time to recuperate.

Even though he has a lot of natural treasures on his body that can speed up this speed, it will take at least one or two months to return to his peak state.

Now he can play at most about 40% of his strength, but fortunately, in the imperial capital, there should be no problem with a large number of expert guards.

And the reason why he wants to enter the palace so anxiously is because he wants to have more confidence when his prestige is at its peak!

When Leng Shiqi stepped into the palace hall, all the other courtiers had already arrived, and everyone was watching him.

Everyone's eyes are different, there are admiration, admiration, envy, and of course jealousy, dissatisfaction... It can be described as life style.

Leng Shiqi walked to the center of the main hall and said righteously: "Your Majesty, the minister has lived up to the emperor's order and has cleared the beast tide of the Demon Mountain Range."

The soul clone on the dragon chair laughed, "Liu Aiqing not only solved the beast tide, but also captured the Northern Wei dynasty behind it. This contribution is indispensable."

"It is the blessing of dragging your majesty, the minister dare not take credit."

"If anything, I call Liu Aiqing to come here today to discuss merits and perform rewards. I have already drawn up a will, Zuo Ying."

The little **** Zuo Ying immediately held a copy of the imperial decree, and said: "Feng Tian carries the emperor's edict, said Liu Xingzhi, the four chiefs of the dark thunder and the guard, and the spirit of the town, Liu Xingzhi, who strangled the beast tide during the day and destroyed the conspiracy of the Northern Wei Dynasty. The world can learn from.

Special seal, Prince! "

Seal the king!

Prince of foreign surname? !

It exploded with a "boom" above Chaotang.

Throughout the ages, the princes of each generation can be said to be very few, and only the better ones among the princes can be crowned kings.

And every time a body of imperial power alternates, it is common for several princes to die.

As for princes with foreign surnames, there have been fewer than ten since the establishment of the Leiyan Dynasty!

Everyone who can be made a prince has made great contributions, even the people who laid down this area for the Leiyan Dynasty.

How about cold seventeen?

Although within a few days, the beast tide was wiped out and the first worship hall of the Northern Wei Dynasty was smashed. The minister admitted that this was a great achievement, but it was still not enough to directly enshrine the king!

The soul clone frowned, and the spiritual power within the body turned, bursts of invisible coercion filled the hall. Everyone felt a chill behind their backs, and all bowed their heads in silence.

"Zuo Ying, read it again,"

"Liu Xingzhi, who served as a supervisory envoy in Xihuang County with the cultivation of spiritual veins, he ruled a lot of peace during the period, and even broke the smuggling of fine iron from Zhulu Country and strangled the Xuanyang faction.

After leaving Zhu Lu as an envoy, he secretly forced Zhu Lu to take care of the domestic chaos, and he could only kneel down and rely on the dynasty.

He was promoted to the Great Supervisory Envoy of the North County in Linggang, participated in the elite meeting to retake it in one fell swoop, and then entered the Dark Thunder Guard headquarters as an inspector envoy.

Shantai County and his entourage took off the Thunder League and the confederate Tianhe Gang during the day. They won the Leiyan Dzi in the sky and were applauded by the emperor and sealed the four chiefs of Leiwei.

Ordered to destroy the top sect Thousand Illusion Sword Sect, kill the Thousand Illusion Sword Sovereign with one's own power and turn things around.

Not long ago, many masters came to the palace, and the dynasty was at stake. Liu Xingzhi stood up without fear of danger and showed the true nature of my dynasty man.

The greatest hidden danger of the dynasty since your majesty's accession to the throne is the spiritual sect. Liu Xingzhi made plans for the world’s first spiritual meeting, so that the sects of the world would enjoy fighting each other. Now they can't take care of themselves, and the danger of the dynasty has disappeared.

A few days ago, there was an outbreak of beasts in the Miscellaneous Mountains, and the Northern Wei Dynasty intervened behind him. Liu Xingzhi won a big victory by committing a risk. "

Zuo Ying stopped at this point. He said briefly about Leng Shiqi's experience along the way, but all the courtiers were silent.

Because this experience is too shocking!

If this experience is scattered among several people, it is enough to make people praised, but it happened to one person, it is terrible!

Leng Shiqi's strength and abilities are too terrifying, he can always survive with a small Boda, and what is even more terrifying is his growth rate!

It has only been a few years since he entered the Dark Thunder Guard in Xihuang County. If it is an ordinary person, it would be good to be able to go from the Supervisor to the Great Supervisor.

It's cold seventeen, now the four chief executives, Zhenling Gong, who has the power of acting general, will be crowned king again!

If everyone hadn't heard it with their own ears, they might just treat it as a joke.

The soul clone looked at the ministers and stopped talking, he said: "I didn't want to say anything more. In my opinion, Liu Aiqing is not enough for a prince.

I understand your thoughts, but think about it, when Liuhe Lingzun brought a large number of spiritual masters into the palace, who was the first to stand up!

Liu Aiqing would rather die to preserve the majesty of the Lei Yan Dynasty. This courage, this boldness and loyalty through the ages is nothing but a prince. "

The expressions of the courtiers began to waver slowly. There were many reasons why they were unwilling to let Leng Shiqifeng King, and each had its own mind. But all of them also have a common reason, that is, they are afraid that Leng's seventeen merits will overwhelm the master, and the party will eventually lead to chaos, which is not good for the Leiyan Dynasty!

Maybe he doesn't have such thoughts now, but what about in the future?

People are going to change.

At this moment, Mo Linhui took two steps forward. He knew that it was time for him to play.

"Manager Liu, I have a question I want to ask."

Leng Shiqi knew that this old thing was about to start a show, "Mo Xiangguo, please."

"According to the rules of the dynasty, all princes with foreign surnames will have their own fiefs, dare to ask Mr. Liu whether he is willing to stay in the imperial capital or want a fief."

When others heard it, their spirits suddenly appeared. If Leng Shiqi was entrusted with the king, he would naturally go to his fief, it would be equivalent to staying away from the center of the imperial capital!

Although he has great rights in his fief, he can be called a country within a country, but the threat is not big. Because if you want to seek rebellion in this world, you need not only the number of soldiers, but more importantly, the number of masters!

If you talk about masters, can you beat the Thunder Yan Dynasty more?

So once you are crowned king, it means that your rights are almost reached.

In the past, princes of foreign surnames were like this, in order to eliminate the potential threat of these people.

Moreover, everyone thought of another layer more, that is, Leng Shiqi went to the fief, which seems to conflict with the post of the Dark Thunder Guard!

The commander of the Dark Thunder Guard must be in the headquarters of the imperial capital, but after the king is entrusted to the fief, how should he choose?

Thinking of this, the ministers felt better.

In their eyes, the commander of the Dark Thunder Guard is actually more attractive than the king, but he holds the position of the entire Thunder Yan Dynasty intelligence and holds countless unknown secrets in his hands!

In the world, if there is a person who does not want to offend, it must be the commander of Dark Thunder Guard.

Originally, when Leng Shiqi broke through the Tianyuan realm, he could take over as the leader of the Dark Thunder Guard. Now if he accepts the king to go to the fief, then the position of the leader will basically be void.

But if he wants to be the leader, he has to refuse to be crowned king!

The courtiers wanted to understand this level, and suddenly felt that their majesty was playing a game of rising and falling. It was really foresight!

They also want to see how Leng Shiqi makes a choice.

Leng Shiqi said without hesitation: "The minister is willing to follow the rules of the dynasty and go to the fief."

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