I Fix The System Law

Chapter 800: Harem

   Leng Shiqi said: "There is a powerful spiritual skill in there, but there is nothing else."

   Zhuge Puhe's smile suddenly froze, and the three words "don't believe" were almost written on his face.

   "Why, Brother Zhuge can't believe me?" Leng Shiqi frowned. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"No, no." Zhuge Puhe shook his head and withdrew his expression, "How can you not believe Brother Liu? Trust is the basis of our cooperation. I just think of the conditions Brother Liu said before. I don't know if that spiritual skill is enough to release how many masters of our clan. Come?"

   "One celestial element realm, three celestial beings in one realm." Leng Shiqi thought for a while and said.

   He didn't deliberately embarrass Zhuge Urawa, just that big star picker was enough to exchange for a Tianyuan realm powerhouse. He finally gave up the power of the Heavenly Origin Realm, but he also got some benefits. In addition, release a Heavenly Origin Realm and three Heavens and Humans into one realm, forgiving Zhuge's family can not overcome any big storms.

   "Okay, just as Brother Liu said." This time Zhuge Puhe agreed very readily, but it was a bit unexpected for Leng Shiqi.

   "Now that I am a bit sensitive and can't walk around at will, I will find a chance to visit Zhuge's family after I return to the imperial capital."

   "I'm waiting at any time." Zhuge Puhe held his fist.

   Then the two returned to the town demon city first, and after the next day, everyone prepared to return to the imperial capital.

   While in the palace, Leng Shiqi’s soul clone "Lei Haoyan" is still reviewing memorials.

   What he held in his hand was the battle report from Zhenyao City. Although he and Leng Shiqi had the same mind, they couldn't do this if they were too far apart.

   Seeing the content of the intelligence, he did not show any unexpected expressions, and murmured: "How can I benefit the deity more?"

   Just as he was thinking about it, a young **** gently walked over. This person is the newly promoted **** of the soul clone, Zuo Ying. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   As for the original old eunuchs, they are still there, but they are not in good health and can't serve them often.

   Zuo Ying came over respectfully, with a weird expression: "Your Majesty, please see you."

  Respect Concubine was one of the first imperial concubines to follow the eldest prince Lei Haoyan. Today, she is the most prestigious concubine in the harem and the most likely to sit on the throne of the queen.

   The position of queen is temporarily vacant, because during the period when Lei Haoyan was most desperate, several of his concubines also suffered a lot. And Lei Haoyan's concubine at the time was frail and sickly.

   So now in the harem, everyone is eyeing the position of the queen, because there are still a lot of grievances.

   When the soul clone thinks about the harem, it feels a little headache, and there is no day that can go away.

   But the harem has never been able to do politics, and the harem concubine cannot come to his study at will. The concubine Jing naturally knows the rules, but she still found it. There must be something important.

   He put down the information in his hand and said, "Please come in, please."

   Zuo Ying took a small step and went out to deliver the decree. However, he just turned back at the door and his expression became more and more weird, "Your Majesty, Consort Yi also asked to see you."

   The soul clone raised her brows, and Yi Fei was naturally Mo Yile.

   She was directly entrusted as a concubine right after she entered the palace. She was envious of others. Who made her father Mo Linhui the Xiangguo, and now she is the elder of the Sanyuan Pavilion. This background is only envious of others.

   In addition to the concubine, Mo Yile also gathered a few concubines who supported her.

   In addition, the few people selected from the spiritual cultivation sect also hugged tightly. The identities of a few of them are extraordinary, but it is a pity that none of the forces behind them are in the imperial capital, and the distant water cannot save the nearby fire.

   These people are considered to be the lowest in the harem, so they hugged very tightly so that they could compete with Jingfei and Yifei.

   Speaking of it, this harem still means one-third of the world.

  The most powerful ones are the elderly concubines Jing. They all followed when Lei Haoyan was the prince. Nowadays, they may not be able to compare with the young girls who are young and graceful, but they are superior in status.

   Next are the daughters of the officials who elected the concubine last time. They are headed by Mo Yile, and finally are the people of the spiritual cultivation sect.

   It is worth mentioning that although the concubines of the spiritual cultivation sect are very low in status, and their backs are not very useful, but the cultivation base of these people is not weak, all of them are in the four realms of heaven and human!

   There are cultivation bases in the body, and ordinary tricks are useless to them, but they must be guarded everywhere, even for fear that they will die.

   So, the harem is the three forces fighting each other, it is very happy.

   Now that Concubine Jing and Concubine Yi are here at the same time, there must be a moth!

   "Let them come in together." The soul clone wanted to see what happened.

   Soon, the graceful concubine and the youthful Mo Yile walked in together, and said: "See your majesty for the concubine body."

   "No gift, it's really rare for you two colleagues to come here, let's talk, what happened."

   "Your Majesty!" Suddenly the eyes of the concubine Jing flushed, and she said sadly: "The concubine wants to sue the concubine for bullying and deceives others. She actually killed the concubine's personal court lady Xiaojie this morning under all eyes.

   Although Xiaojie is a court lady, she has been by her side since she married her majesty. She follows her concubine as a sister, but does not want to be killed by this femme fatale!

   Concubine body~www.ltnovel.com~ Please be the master. "


   A court lady died, this matter is said to be big in the harem, but it is not small.

   In fact, it is really nothing to die two palace ladies on weekdays. The main thing is to see if anyone wants to pursue it. Now Jingfei uses this matter to point her sword at Yifei, that is a big deal!

   The soul clone looked at Mo Yile, and Mo Yile raised her head slightly, seeming to be a bit stubborn. She said: "I missed the man to death."

   "Haha, she confessed, your majesty, you see she confessed!" Concubine Jing laughed immediately, without the miserable look of her just now.

   "As a concubine but stubbornly kills his life, how can such a vicious person be worthy of staying by your Majesty? Your Majesty, why..."

   The eyes of the soul clone flashed coldly, and said lightly: "Are you teaching me to do things?"

   Jingfei shuddered in her heart suddenly, and she hurriedly kept silent.

   "Do you have something to say?" the soul clone asked. In his opinion, this matter was arranged by the concubine, but if Mo Yile could not tell the reason, he should be punished or punished.

   Mo Yile said: "I think your Majesty knows this matter, I have nothing to say, let your Majesty handle it."

   The soul laughed secretly in the body and mind. This Mo Yile was not scheming or even a little naive, otherwise he would not deliberately target Leng Shiqi at the auction. Such a person would not know how long he could live in the harem without Mo Linhui behind.

  The so-called Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, Zuo Ying said with a sullen expression: "Mo Xiangguo is also here."

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