I Fix The System Law

Chapter 649: Plan

And when Leng Shiqi and the others were about to go to Mulinhan, there were three people sitting in a dim room in Dark Thunder Mansion. They were Li Juecheng, Li Juege, and the fourth uncle, one of the four masters. .

As early as three months ago, when the Leng Seventeen and Seven Masters returned to the imperial capital, they already knew that they had failed the assassination again!

The interception failed, but Li Juoning actually died in the hands of Leng Shiqi!

They still couldn't confirm that Li Juoning was killed by Leng Shiqi, but they absolutely couldn't get rid of him.

Since Leng Shiqi came to the Dark Leiwei headquarters, he has begun to emerge. Li Juecheng has also tried to suppress him, but in the end, he made great achievements in calming the chaos in Shantai County and hit Li Juecheng severely.

Later, Father Gao asked Leng Shiqi to go to Ningyang County in order to counterattack, and he killed Li Changtao and took away the cash cow.

On the way back from Leng Shiqi, Li Juecheng sent someone to assassinate him, but Leng Shiqi returned to the imperial capital without knowing it.

After entering the tomb of the sky, Leng Shiqi killed the two brothers of the Li family's young generation, cut off the backbone of the Li family's next generation, and brought the two sides to an endless situation!

So there was a matter of three Harmony of Heaven and Man jointly besieging Leng Shiqi, but unfortunately it still failed. On the contrary, it compromised a powerful Harmony of Heaven and Man!

After learning about this, Li Juecheng couldn't wait to rush to Xihuang County to kill Leng Shiqi, but he was not crazy, he could not do this, otherwise he would face a huge crisis. In some cases, they lost their positions as the four chief executives. In other cases, even if they left home, they would suffer together.

Because Li Juecheng knew very well that in Dark Thunder Guard, he was hostile to Father Gao, and the relationship between Chief Shentu and Chief Hai and him was not very good.

The most important thing is that Heiyan Tianzun, the commander of the Dark Thunder Guard, has already had the thought of weakening the Li Family. Once these people get the opportunity, they will spare no effort to suppress the Li Family!

In the worst case, the Li family may be destroyed directly!

So Li Juecheng still resisted killing Leng Shiqi, but he couldn't give up just like that. Since Yin didn't work, he would use other methods. At this time, the three of them gathered here to discuss how to use positive means to deal with Leng Shiqi.

Li Juecheng said coldly: "This time your Majesty’s birthday banquet actually has another mystery. Leng Shiqi, a proud disciple of Father Gao, will definitely attend, and then there will be a chance to kill him!"

"What opportunity?" Li Juege and Fourth Uncle asked at the same time.

After successive failures and huge losses for the Li family, even the fourth uncle felt that Leng Shiqi must die.

Li Juecheng hesitated and said, "There are very few people who know about this matter so far. It doesn't matter if I tell you first. In fact, for this birthday banquet, your Majesty intends to establish the crown prince."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Juege and the fourth uncle were shocked!

Today's majesty Lei Chengjun's health is deteriorating, and it is estimated that he can last for two or three years at most, so the struggles of those princes have become more intense recently.

Even the assassination of the Ninth Prince Lei Haoqing happened a few months ago!

That is to say, since that incident, the struggle of the princes has been drawn up. In the past few months, several princes have either been driven to the fief or have taken refuge in a powerful prince.

There are only four people most likely to get the crown.

They are the first prince Lei Haoyan, the fourth prince Lei Haoran, the ninth prince Lei Haoqing and the thirteenth prince Lei Haoyun.

The eldest prince Lei Haoyan has outstanding military merits, and has the support of many generals. He is also a master of the harmony of heaven and man, and he is extremely powerful!

The birth mother of the fourth prince, Lei Haoran, is the current queen, with the highest birth. Although she is not the eldest son, she can still be regarded as justified. Many ministers in the court are of the queen line. There are not only many masters around him, but also a lot of counsellors who specially advise him.

The thirteenth prince Lei Haoyun has nothing else but one thing, that is, he looks so much like Lei Chengjun!

For this alone, he is Lei Chengjun's favorite prince, especially Lei Chengjun now knows that there is not much time, and it is not impossible that he will pass the throne to Lei Haoyun before dying.

As for Lei Haoqing, he was originally inferior among the princes. It is because he has won the support of the Thousand Illusion Sword Sect. Over the years, the Thousand Illusion Sword Sect has successively sent a large number of masters to sit for him.

But having said that, it was he who started this, and recently all the top and top sects have gathered in the imperial capital, that is, other princes have the same thoughts.

They must now vigorously win over all the martial arts, and the forces behind them are skyrocketing!

If you want to say who can go to the end, no one can really say for sure.

Li Juege and his uncle were so shocked when they heard that Lei Chengjun was preparing to establish a reserve at the birthday banquet.

But they are also very puzzled, what does this have to do with their killing Leng Shiqi? Is it because you want Leng Shiqi to offend a certain prince, and then use the prince's power to kill Leng Shiqi?

But Leng Shiqi is not stupid, on the contrary he is extremely shrewd, he will not easily offend the prince, after all, every prince may become the emperor in the future!

Li Juecheng raised his hand to place the next level of enchantment ~ www.ltnovel.com~ He was so cautious in the Dark Thunder Guard headquarters and in the Li family, it is conceivable that what he wants to say next must be very important.

He said, "Your Majesty intends to open Konghentian, so that the princes will use Konghentian as a trial to determine the position of the crown prince."

Upon hearing this, the surprised expression that the other two had just put away appeared again.

That Konghentian was the most valuable of the several secret realms that the Leiyan Dynasty had mastered. It was like the insights of the strong in the tomb of the sky, and the chaotic cave of the small five elements was to temper oneself.

And Konghentian is a real secret realm!

The heaven and the earth are so abundant that it is unimaginable. This is not the most important thing. The important thing is that this secret realm would not normally be opened.

Because the Leiyan Dynasty planted and nurtured countless treasures of heaven and earth!

These treasures are constantly being nourished in the secret realm. It has been a hundred years since the last time the Sky Scar Sky was opened. Then what kind of quality will the treasures inside now be nourished?

Even if you just wander around, you can get rich treasures and materials. It's like picking up money!

Li Juege and the fourth uncle, the two celestial beings in the unity of humanity, were all heartbroken, and they wished to go in and explore.

At the same time, they probably understood Li Juecheng's intention, that is, to kill Leng Shiqi in the Sky Scar Sky!

Li Juecheng said gloomily: "You guessed right. Although the Konghentian can only accommodate spiritual practitioners below the Harmony of Heaven and Man, I have arranged for many spiritual masters. Ants often kill elephants, even if it is cold. No matter how strong the seventeen is, it is impossible to survive the siege of many Linggang realms!

But just in case, I still need you to pay a little price. "


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