I Fix The System Law

Chapter 648: Convergence

The seven missions on their way to the imperial capital have also made arrangements in advance. Every state or county will be escorted by various local guards and dark thunder guards.

After they left Xihuang County, even if Yu Ruifeng's mission was over, Leng Shiqi could only be considered half completed.

Because he was going to follow the mission to the imperial capital all the time, he took several guards under him as the vanguard, and they were all one or two days earlier than the mission to investigate and clear all hidden dangers.

Such things used to be tiring, and maintaining a high degree of concentration for a long time also made the Dark Thunder Guards unable to hold on for long.

But having Leng Shiqi is much simpler, he only needs to wander a few laps with his eyes open.

The only thing Leng Shiqi finds troublesome is that it takes too much time!

It takes nearly three months to reach the imperial capital at this speed. How long is this time for retreat?

Especially Leng Shiqi had recently accidentally used the power of the law of heaven and earth, and originally planned to retreat for a good understanding, but unfortunately he had to continue to **** the mission for his credit.

It is worth mentioning that because he had saved the life of King Gus, the two also experienced life and death, so King Gus was extremely enthusiastic about Leng Shiqi along the way, and he also introduced other important ministers from the six Western Regions. It can be considered a gain.

Of course, the road was not all smooth sailing, and Leng Shiqi really found some unkind people. However, these were all picked up by him in advance, which won praise from many people, including the Six Kingdoms of the Western Regions and even the Prince Yingyuan.

Three months later, the delegation finally arrived at the western gate of the imperial capital, where tens of thousands of imperial capital's guards and hundreds of dark thunder guards lined up to meet each other.

The Leiyan Dynasty also sent several ministers, including Father Gao.

Father Gao saw Leng Shiqi and nodded slightly. Leng Shiqi was able to successfully bring the mission to the emperor without any accident. This was a huge credit.

If this task were replaced by anyone, it would not have been so smooth, that is, Leng Shiqi, who possessed the white eyes and destiny skills, would complete it so easily.

Meeting the mission is a very cumbersome process. These people just greeted each other at the gate of the city for a long time. Leng Shiqi directly picked up the Gaogong bus and prepared to return to Xingzhi Pavilion to rest.

When he brought his guards to the inner city, he found that there were many spiritual practitioners from the sect forces in the inner city.

"My lord, all the first-class forces in the Leiyan Dynasty have a place to come to celebrate their birthday. Although the first-class forces are rare, the dynasty is vast and rich. Now ninety-nine percent of the first-rate forces are gathered in the imperial capital. One person, but it's not bad to bring the disciples to meet the world." He Feichen said excitedly at this time.

Leng Shiqi agrees with him very much. The Leiyan Dynasty has 36 states and counties, and each state and county has more or less first-class forces.

If there are top sects in this state or county, then there may be only two or three first-class powers at most. After all, this top sect alone can almost occupy the various resources of a small state and county, and the rest will not be able to support the rest. Start a few first-class sects.

Such as Donglin County and Muchen County.

If a certain prefecture does not have top sects, there will be more first-class sects. For example, Xihuang County has four first-class sects, and there are even more second-rate sects.

The more people like Leng Shiqi and others walked into the city, the more masters they met. The Linggang realm can be said to be everywhere, and there are also many realms of harmony between man and nature!

Only at the time when the emperor invited the world to have a chance to meet so many masters.

Leng Shiqi returned to Xingzhi Pavilion and disbanded his subordinates. In the past few months, they had tightened their strings and should have taken a good rest long ago, including Leng Shishi.

But not long after he had just rested, Wood Yao came to the door.

Wood Yao walked in and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Brother Xingzhi for your great work again. Brother Yu heard that you are back, so I would like to ask you to pick up the dust. I wonder if Brother Xingzhi would like to show his face?"

Leng Shiqi knew that Wood Yao must have something to do with him, and he also replied with a polite: "Then it is better to be respectful than fate."

"Hehe, but it's not now." Wood Yao suddenly smiled mysteriously: "We have to wait until the evening. I also invited two people to accompany me, and congratulate Xingzhi brothers together."

Leng Shiqi secretly laughed at what Wood Yao was doing. Anyway, he can be free for a few days. It is not impossible to relax a little bit.

It was night, Leng Shiqi finally met two other people, Zhuge Puhe and Zhai Chuan!

The few people are considered to be relatively familiar. After greeted each other, Wood Yao said with eyebrows, "I said, brothers, today is the return of Xingzhi brothers, and it should be a celebration.

And I have to say that the luck of the Xingzhi brothers is really good and surprising. Tonight is the Phoenix Conference that will only be held for one year after the scene. "

What is the curtain?

Phoenix Terrace?

What is this stuff?

Cold Seventeen Mantou Bao~www.ltnovel.com~ never heard of these names.

He turned his head to look, Zhai Chuan also looked suspicious, similar to him, but Zhuge Puhe's expression moved.

Zhai Chuan asked, "Brother Wu, Brother Zhuge, where is Mulinnian?"

Wood Yao Xiexie smiled and said: "Oh, I said that the time for you two to come to the imperial capital is not too short. You don't even know about Mulinnian? That is the place that all men desire most, or the highest standard in the entire Thunder Yan Dynasty! "

Hearing this, Leng Shiqi raised his brow, and he had vaguely guessed what Mulinnian was.

Feeling Wood Yao intends to take them to the kiln? !

If Gu San knew about this, and didn't know how to explain it, Leng Shiqi subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Wood Yao seemed to be calculating his reaction, and he spoke in advance:

"Brother Xingzhi, don't rush to refuse. Mulin gui is not as unbearable as you think. Anyone who can enter Mu lin gui is not a high-ranking official. Where can ordinary women get their eyes?

Therefore, all the girls in Mulinhan are good at singing and dancing, and they appreciate singing and dancing music more than others. Especially tonight is the Phoenix Conference, which attracts a lot of people. Coupled with the recent entry of masters from various places into the imperial capital, this is also a good opportunity to inquire about the news.

As for what Phoenix Station is, let me sell it a little bit, otherwise it will be boring. "

Zhuge Puhe also added: "Mu Lin prevents me from going there too. It is indeed an elegant place. I am also very interested in this Phoenix station. Brother Liu might as well go with us."

Zhai Chuan also nodded slightly excitedly, and the other three were going. Leng Shiqi was not good enough to motivate everyone and had to agree.


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