I Fix The System Law

Chapter 650: Accident again and again

On the other side, Leng Shiqi had already arrived at Mulinnhui with Wood Yao.

This place is huge, and it is very chic and elegant. If it weren't for the beautiful girls coming and going and the ubiquitous sound of bamboo music, I thought it was the residence of some elegant and noble people.

When the four walked into Mulinnham, a woman with heavy makeup in her 30s and 40s came over. Although she was a little older, she must have been a rare beauty when she was young.

Leng Shiqi, Zhai Chuan, and Zhuge Puhe came here wearing their own clothes, but Wood Yao came from the government office wearing an inspector, and the woman immediately greeted him with a smile.

"The four guest officers, please come inside." Her voice was a little hoarse, but it was just like that, but it gave people a kind of faint charm. There was a touch of affection between the eyebrows and the eyes. Just a look made Zhai Chuan's face was slightly red.

Wood Yao immediately said with a careless grin: "Hurry up and arrange an Accord, and call a few more girls, at least at the Dikui level."

The woman's smile froze a little, and the girl in Mulin'an was also divided into several levels, among which Tiankui and Dikui were the most precious.

Tiankui level girls are not accepted by everyone, on the contrary, it is even more difficult to see the last Tiankui. Even for many years, some young masters have been fighting for a certain Tiankui to break their heads. This is a common occurrence of Mu Linh.

As for Dikui, although it is one level lower than Tiankui, it is not something that ordinary people can directly order. It is also a signboard of Mulinhui.

Inspector Wood Yao's status is not low, but if he summoned the four chieftains all at once, it would still be a bit unqualified.

What's more, today's imperial capital is gathering power. Recently, Mulinhan's business has become more popular, and Dikui resources are somewhat in short supply.

Wood Yao caught the woman's expression, his expression sank immediately, and Leng Shiqi directly took out his token when he was about to say something.

The token of the inner monitor!

As soon as the woman covered her red lips, she almost screamed, and then she smiled and said, "It turns out that it's an adult inmate, so the slave family will make arrangements for the adult."

The woman led the four into a beautiful room and then left temporarily.

"Oh, the identity of the Emotional Inspector is not easy to use here." Wood Yao murmured softly. Since he became the Inspector, he can be said to have profited everywhere and made a lot of oil and water. This is still him. Hit a wall for the first time.

Leng Shiqi smiled. Sometimes identity is really important, and it's very convenient to do things. But he didn't say much, because he noticed a very interesting thing, that is, one wall of this room is transparent!

Standing here, he could see the outside scene clearly, and there was a peculiarly shaped high platform not far away from them, it seemed like a phoenix dance for nine days!

Wood Yao explained: "The private rooms of Mulinhan are all special. We can see the outside clearly from the inside, but we can't see the inside."

Cold seventeen is clear, this kind of thing is not a clever thing, there are many similar things in previous lives.

"Hehe, as for the high platform, it is the Phoenix platform. We can be lucky tonight." Wood Yao said with a smile.

When Wood Yao kept talking about the Phoenix Channel, I became curious when I was cold. I wonder what the Phoenix Channel is?

Soon after, four women with outstanding looks, temperament and musical talents came in, and Leng Shiqi and others also rarely relaxed for a while.

It wasn't until more than an hour later that the outside of the room suddenly went dark, but no one panicked. Everyone knew that Phoenix Station was about to start!

Leng Shiqi also looked out intently, and saw a loud phoenix sound suddenly sounded from the Phoenix stage, and then the phoenix and phoenix shadows spread their wings and flew in mid-air staggered, so dazzling.

Immediately, the phoenix and phoenix shadows froze in the sky, and the two figures slowly descended from them.

One of them was a graceful beauty. When everyone saw her, they couldn't help but breathe quickly. Not to mention that this woman's appearance and figure are all stunners, and it is not an exaggeration to call it Allure, just to say that her pair of purple eyes are even more coquettish, even if you just look at it, you will be hooked away!

Even the girls from Mu Linhan looked straight, but there was only one person in the audience who did not react like this, that person was Leng Shiqi!

When he saw the woman, the sip of tea he had just drunk almost spewed out.

That woman is someone else, she is obviously Jiuli who hasn't seen for a long time!

At the beginning, Leng Shiqi came to the imperial capital with Jiuli in an upright manner, but after entering the inner city, Jiuli ran out of sight. But since Leng Shiqi, I haven't been idle, either rushing around or retreating, so I don't know where Jiu left or what he did.

Fortunately, he didn't hear any news of the monster beast, which also meant that Jiu Li had not been discovered, which was enough for Leng Shiqi.

But he never imagined that Jiu Li would actually come to Mulinhan!

However, after Leng Shiqi, this place might be really suitable for Jiuli. According to legend, some fairies deliberately came to the fireworks willow alley in order to absorb Yang Qi~www.ltnovel.com~ Presumably Jiuli is because of this. It will be in the curtain.

And with the appearance of Jiu Li, it can easily attract young and outstanding men, and it can also absorb the energy without knowing it, which is really a good choice.

But this is not long-term, if anyone notices it, there is still a chance to follow the vine to find Jiuli.

Leng Shiqi rubbed his forehead lightly. He couldn't control Jiu Li anyway. As long as Jiu Li could protect himself, he wouldn't bother to take care of it. Quandang didn't see it today.

At this time, Wood Yao and the others looked a little lost, and did not notice the abnormality of Leng Shiqi.

Jiu Li fell on the high platform, not seeing her singing and dancing, only a small smile fascinated all beings.

At the same time, another figure also appeared. From the appearance, this is also a beauty who is not inferior to Jiuli. The difference is that the other beauty is dressed very well, as if she was only wearing a coat, without any jewelry embellishment.

But this kind of so-so beauty is even more precious in places like Mulinnian.

However, Leng Shiqi took a closer look and found that this beauty's chest was actually flat. He raised his brow and looked at the throat, where there was a small bulge!

This is a beautiful man with a peerless appearance!

"Phoenix Station, Phoenix Station, that's how it is." Leng Shiqi suddenly said, "What a Phoenix Station!"

The appearance of the phoenix immediately caused a big swallowing sound. Even if these people are either rich or with extraordinary status, they can't help but encounter such a stunning beauty.

The beautiful man didn't have any extra moves, he just made a gesture that seemed to be polite and stood up.

When Leng Shiqi saw the gesture, he stood up screaming!


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