I Fix The System Law

Chapter 636: Intercept again

Imperial Capital, the headquarters of Dark Thunder Guard.

Li Juecheng stood with his back, and there were three people behind him, and all of these three people's cultivation bases were all in the harmony of nature and man!

They are the most powerful force in the Li family. Two of them are Li Juoning who has intercepted and killed Leng Shiqi and the fourth uncle. As for the other person who looks 70% similar to Li Juecheng, this person is He is the younger brother of Li Juecheng, Li Juege.

These four great masters of the unity of heaven and man gathered here, none of them spoke, but the room was enveloped by an invisible killing intent!

After a while, a small ball in Li Juecheng's hand suddenly glowed, and a line of words emerged. He immediately said sternly: "Leng Shiqi went to the Six Kingdoms of the Western Regions alone. This is an excellent opportunity. This time I don't want to see him come back, do you understand?"

Li Juoning's eyes were so gloomy. Last time he frantically searched for the traces of Leng Shiqi, but Leng Shiqi ran back to the imperial capital without hiding everyone. This made him feel very ashamed, especially in Li's house. Be pointed and pointed secretly.

He clasped his fist and said, "Big brother, don't worry, this Leng Shiqi first took away Ningyang County and killed our two top children. I will tell him to go without return!"

Li Jueyu beside him also nodded silently. As for the fourth uncle, a hesitation flashed in his eyes, and finally said: "To be on the safe side this time, it is best to only go with the three of us, no matter who meets. By Leng Shiqi, he can easily beheaded.

It's just that Leng Shiqi is cunning and full of tricks, and he is also armed with various magical secrets. It is not easy to find him in the six countries of the Western Region. "

"Four uncle, don't worry about this." Li Juecheng chuckled: "You just need to spread out and block the way from Zhulu Country back to the Leiyan Dynasty. You can bring these things."

He said that he gave each of them a storage bag.

Li Juecheng continued: "This is a temporary formation that I have exchanged for a big price. You can sense all the spiritual power in a radius of a hundred miles by laying down this formation. Each of you will have a dozen!

You use this thing to lay a net of heaven and earth in the Zhulu Kingdom and the Leiyan Dynasty. As long as Leng Shiqi dares to show up, he will definitely be discovered, and then it will be his death! "

The fourth uncle was relieved and said: "In this way, there is nothing wrong."

"But you also have to pay attention." Li Juecheng reminded: "You must kill him outside of the Thunder Yan Dynasty! There is the West Army of Leiyan Town on the border of Xihuang County. If there is too much movement, it will inevitably cause them to notice. ."

Li Juoning turned the jade flute in his hand and said, "If I run into him, I can kill with one move, and I will definitely do it without knowing it."

Li Juecheng glared at him abruptly, "Don't underestimate that Leng Shiqi. It is no luck that he could kill Li Changtao. Moreover, he entered the tomb of the sky not long ago, and his cultivation base has soared. No one knows What did he get in the heavenly tomb? No matter who caught him, he must go all out and never take it lightly!"

Li Juoning coughed dryly: "Understand, understand."


Naturally, Leng Shiqi didn't know that Li Juecheng was going to intercept him here, and even directly sent three Heaven and Man in One Realm!

He also honestly took the underworld to consolidate his cultivation, and he also calculated the time, waiting until almost twelve hours passed before stopping.

The outside world is still late at night, and after a whole day, there must not be many people in the tomb.

However, for the sake of safety, Leng Shiqi still summoned the Gu King to cover his breath, and concealed his figure with secret methods.

The tombs in the outside world have basically been repaired after a day of reorganization, but there are still some formation masters who are strengthening the formations of the tombs to prevent anyone from sneaking in in the future.

The place where the coffin of the first king of Tuoba Kingdom was originally placed has been replaced by a spiritual seat. Everyone is focusing on the arrangement of the formation, but at this moment, there is suddenly a beam of red, blue and yellow light!

The bright light instantly attracted some attention, but when they looked over, the light had disappeared again.

One of them rubbed his eyes and said, "Is it because I'm too tired and have hallucinations? A light seems to have appeared just now."

"It's not an illusion, I saw it too!"

"what is the problem?"

"Shhh." The other person suddenly said mysteriously: "Keep your voice down. Have you forgotten what this place is? It's common to be a little bit weird. Don't make a fuss, hurry up and arrange the formation."

"That's right, let's work."

Little did they know that Leng Shiqi had already teleported directly to hundreds of miles away through the "Destiny" skill!

When he was down to earth, the stone hanging in his heart finally let go, after all, there was still a realm of harmony between heaven and man near the king's tomb. Although he was confident that he could reluctantly teleport away in the Harmony of Heaven and Man, but that would make King Tuoba and Ying Yuan suspicious.

Then Leng Shiqi's desired result may not be satisfactory.

And the reason why he only transmitted hundreds of miles is because he still doesn't know what the ending of last night was?

He looked around ~www.ltnovel.com~ His location is near a town, which is where the Yingyuan Mission will reach!

Leng Shiqi was going to explore the news here to see if Ying Yuan and Tuoba Guo really had a fight.

He then entered the town and prepared to wait until the Yingyuan mission arrived. They didn't come here until the next afternoon. The mission was not good at this point and had to maintain the honor guard, so the speed of marching was not fast.

Leng Shiqi used Baiyan and King Gu's ability to quickly get the answer he wanted, and Ying Yuan and King Tuoba turned their faces!

In this case, Leng Shiqi can be considered to have completed the task given to him by the Black Flame Heavenly Venerate, then he will go to perform his own task, which is to investigate all the mission personnel!

Xingyu Dynasty didn't need to check again. Yuan Zhi and other five demons died four, and only Yuan Zhi was left. Except for them, the others in the mission have no problem. Although Yuan Zhi was still alive, Leng Shiqi also found out that he was nowhere to be found. Even if he returned to the mission in the future, Leng Shiqi could recognize him instantly as long as he closed the door.

Therefore, the investigation and hidden dangers of the Starfall Dynasty were also solved by the way.

As for the Tuoba Kingdom, there is no need to continue the investigation. They have offended the Xingyun Dynasty now that the mud bodhisattva crosses the river cannot protect themselves, let alone plot against the Leiyan Dynasty.

So Leng Shiqi planned to go all the way back to investigate the missions of the Jinzhang Country, Dayue Country, Cheshi Country, and Beiliu Country in turn.

With his white-eyed ultra-long-distance reconnaissance ability and Gu King's concealment ability, it is easy to detect these things, which is to run around for a while.


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