I Fix The System Law

Chapter 635: Black mark and dragon pattern

In the Hades, Leng Shiqi's hand was pressed on the shoulder of the corpse. The magic is that the strong corpse Qi and mysterious golden airflow on the corpse were being sucked into the body by Leng Shiqi through this hand!

Leng Shiqi didn't know why, he could only see through his inner vision that the black mark and golden dragon pattern on his spirit crystal were flashing brightly and darkly, as if he was breathing.

Since he entered the half-step Linggang realm after condensing the spirit crystal in the dragon veins, there are three strange things on his spirit crystal.

Those are star marks, black marks and dragon patterns!

Needless to say, the star mark was naturally brought by the blood of the star clan. When he inspired the blood of the star clan, the star also reacted.

As for dragon patterns, most of them are related to the environment of the dragon veins, so what will be the remaining black marks?

Leng Shiqi himself had guessed that it might have something to do with his other bloodline, the bloodline of the Shadow Clan!

But he didn't really inspire the blood of the shadow clan, so the black mark has always been quiet, and I don't know why at this time, he suddenly began to frantically absorb the corpse energy from the corpse!

Not only the corpse qi, but also another mysterious force was also sucked in by Leng Shiqi, and was absorbed by the dragon pattern.

That dragon pattern was condensed in the dragon veins, and the dragon veins were the foundation of the air transport of the Leiyan Dynasty, so Leng Shiqi guessed that the golden energy might be something similar to the power of air transport.

According to King Tuoba, this corpse is the corpse of the first king of Tuoba Kingdom. In Leng Shiqi’s impression, although Tuoba Kingdom is a small country, it has existed for hundreds of years.

For such a long time, the corpses were kept in King Tuoba’s capital, and they have been enshrined by the people of the past generations, and some strange energy was born. If it were a few hundred years later, God knew what this corpse would evolve into, and now it would all fall short, and it would be seventeen cheaper.

It is a pity that Leng Shiqi did not feel any changes after absorbing the golden energy. On the contrary, the absorption of corpse energy and ghost energy made his magic power soar, and even the cultivation base rose with the water!

After a short period of time passed, he had already condensed two Tier 3 stars in the sea of ​​spirit!

Today, as long as he condenses four third-order stars, he can break through to the fifth level of Linggang realm.

However, the accident happened at this time!

The corpse actually opened its eyes!

Those eyes are like a pair of dead fish eyes, they look very oozing, and what is even more terrifying is that these eyes actually reveal a stern cold light!

Leng Shiqi was also shocked. This person has been dead for hundreds of years. Is it possible that there is still a trace of thought left?

The corpse could no longer allow Leng Shiqi to absorb its power, and began to fight fiercely, only to see that its courageous, smelly ghost gas turned into a ferocious evil spirit and opened its mouth to swallow Leng Shiqi!

One hand of Leng Shiqi was fixed on the shoulder of the corpse, so he had to stretch out the other hand and stand in front of him, the sacred light of Buddha suddenly appeared, and the **** Buddhist seals floated out, cold Seventeen bathed in it.

As soon as the evil ghost touched the Buddha's light, it immediately screamed again and again. The ghost image was the ice cube thrown into the boiling water, and most of it evaporated instantly!

Even the corpse was convulsed, and there was a hoarse and harsh hum in his mouth.

Leng Shishi pinched the Buddha Seal with his hands, but he did not directly purify the ghost. He was afraid that he would no longer be able to absorb the devil if he did this. Seeing that his cultivation base was skyrocketing, he didn't want to let this opportunity go!

In this way, he used Buddha's light to suppress the ghost, while still quickly absorbing the two powers on the corpse, and at the same time, there was another third-order star in his spirit star sea.

However, Leng Shiqi also discovered that the corpse seemed to be shriveled from the beginning.

A little bit of time passed, watching the corpse getting shriveled and shriveled, while Leng Shiqi's cultivation base was growing rapidly!

After about an hour, Leng Shiqi's various spirits appeared all over his body, and his breath suddenly jumped to the fifth level of the spirits!

At this time, almost all the power on the corpse had been absorbed, and it could barely retain the body, as if it would be wiped out as soon as a gust of wind blows.

With the breakthrough of Leng Shiqi's cultivation base, he can also withdraw his palm, and he has been thinking about why this happened during this hour?

He felt that the most likely thing was that the black mark on the spirit crystal had the ability to absorb various Yin attribute powers!

The reason why he has this ability only now is because he hasn't fought against demon cultivators since he left the dragon veins, let alone all kinds of demons and ghosts, so he didn't know that he had such ability.

Of course, this is only his own guess, whether it needs further verification. If this is the case, he would have found a shortcut to quickly increase his cultivation!

Leng Shiqi clenched his fist, feeling the power of the fifth layer of the Linggang Realm, and a satisfied smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

He raised his hand, preparing to turn the corpse into ashes, but at this moment he suddenly paused. He had a whim and had another plan.

Leng Shiqi's eyes touched his chin with a thoughtful look, and he whispered: "Li Gui."


A wisp of yin wind blew, Li Gui appeared beside Leng Shiqi.

"Do you have the ability to possess your body?" Leng Shiqi asked.

Li Gui nodded stiffly.

Leng Shiqi commanded: "You are attached to this corpse."

Li Gui immediately lay down and plunged directly into the corpse, and then the faint light flashed in the corpse's eyes, and he stood up straight!

Then something stranger happened.

I saw that the skin of Li Gui's whole body gradually turned into purple-cyan~www.ltnovel.com~ The meridians on the surface of the body were violent, but the muscles on his body were tall and weak. Li Gui didn't seem to be used to the state of having a body, he staggered forward a few steps, and looked a bit like a zombie.

This was not what surprised Leng Shiqi most. What surprised him most was that at this moment, Li Gui exuded a breath that was comparable to a spiritual practitioner in the late Spirit Aperture Realm!

After a ghost slave possesses a physical body, can his strength rise?

Leng Shiqi had some doubts in his heart, but he wanted to come to this Li Gui who was a master-level master in the Unity of Heaven and Man before his death, and the corpse he possessed was also extraordinary, and it was not impossible to combine the two with such strength.

At this time Leng Shiqi thought of something again. He took out a strange weapon from the ring bracelet and threw it to Li Gui. It was the sixth-order spiritual weapon he won in the lottery draw in Ningyang County, the collarbone. hook!

This spiritual weapon was not necessary for Cold Seventeen, it was very suitable for Li Gui, especially when Li Gui held the clavicle hook with his terrifying appearance, it really felt like a **** messenger.

Leng Shiqi believes that Yili Ghost’s special ability and the clavicle hook are already between the Ling Aperture Realm and the Ling Gang Realm. These strengths are nothing to the current Leng Shishi, but there is one in his hand that can be free. The power that can only be mobilized is also very good.

For example, it was Li Gui's credit to lure the five Yuan Zhi into the tomb before!

Thinking of this, Leng Shiqi didn't know how far the outside situation had developed. He estimated that there must have been a rift between Yingyuan and King Tuoba, but he really didn't know how it turned out.

However, he did not dare to go out directly. Counting the time, there should be a lot of guards in the royal tomb at this time. For the sake of safety, he planned to stay for a while, so he sat cross-legged and consolidated his cultivation base. .


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