I Fix The System Law

Chapter 637: luck

More than a month passed quickly, and he traveled back and forth to the six countries of the Western Regions in the cold seventeenth month, inquiring about intelligence in various small countries, but he really found some tricks.

In order to eliminate these hidden dangers, he also experienced a lot of dangers, but fortunately they all survived safely.

Of course, with his own personal ability, it is impossible to check everything clearly, and the rest will be left to the dark thunder guards under his staff.

At this moment, Leng Shiqi was between Zhulu Country and Beiliu Country. He opened the system map to prepare for transmission, and then returned to Xihuang County.

The system map was rolled out, and Leng Shiqi noticed one thing, that is, tens of thousands of people were fighting fiercely in a place hundreds of miles away!

Judging from the clothing of these people, it is the people of Zhulu and Beiliu.

Leng Shiqi was also a little surprised. At this time, the mission of the Beiliu country should have also arrived in Xihuang County, and it could only be done through Daozhu Road Country, which shows that a certain agreement has been reached between the two sides.

But why is this conflict again?

As long as it had nothing to do with the Leiyan Dynasty, Leng Shiqi was too lazy to take charge, but he still teleported to the vicinity of the battle between the two sides and hid it.

Then he saw hundreds of fragments of green faint soul flying in and submerging into his body, nourishing his physical and spiritual power!

At the same time, the underworld also absorbed all these souls. In a blink of an eye, there were more than a thousand more souls in the underworld!

There are three conditions for Hades to be upgraded again. The first is to recruit two Hades members. Leng Shiqi invited Tudeng and Princess Kahlo one after another in Zhulu Country. This condition is considered fulfilled.

The second is to absorb three thousand souls. This condition was the most troublesome thing for him, but coincidentally, he caught up with the conflict between Zhulu country and Beiliu country.

There were tens of thousands of people fighting together on both sides, and more than a thousand people died not long after this, so it is not difficult for him to collect three thousand souls.

He had to sigh secretly that his luck was not bad.

Leng Shiqi was hiding nearby, absorbing the soul, while observing the battlefield, Zhu Luguo's overall strength was slightly weaker. First of all, there is a disadvantage in the number of people. In comparison, it is at least a quarter less than that of the lowly countries.

And there are fifty or sixty spiritual practitioners on the Beiliu country!

Spiritualists have always been valued, especially those who joined the dynasty or a small country were regarded as guests.

This is not to say that spiritual practitioners must be stronger than ordinary spiritual practitioners, but in such a large-scale war, the role of spiritual practitioners is really too great!

For example, the fifty or sixty spiritualists in the underliu country are currently displaying large-scale spiritual skills, and they can kill a group of people in an instant, and some spiritualists are using some restrictive spiritual skills. Provides great convenience for oneself.

Although their numbers are small, their overall effect is no less than thousands of spiritual practitioners of the same level!

Leng Shiqi thought to himself: "It seems that the Biliu Country came prepared, and Zhu Lu Country was caught off guard."

The battle was extremely fierce, and it didn't take long for Zhu Luguo to show his defeat, and the leading generals had already begun to break through.

In the end, the battle ended with a complete victory for the State of Beiliu. Only a few hundred people from the State of Zhulu escaped, but the State of Beiliu also lost many people.

As for the specific number, Leng Shiqi is the most clear, because there are already more than 5,000 more souls in his underworld!

In this way, all the conditions for the upgrade of the Hades have been fulfilled!

Leng Shiqi had moved away from here to upgrade the Hades, but when he saw that it would take 20,000 system coins to upgrade the Hades, he was still a little distressed.

He doesn't have much system currency anymore, so he can only use his various resources to exchange system currency. Fortunately, he is rich and powerful now, even if he exchanges 20,000 system currency, he still has a huge amount of resources.

Leng Shiqi entered the Hades with a move, and he also saw the system prompt:

"The conditions for territorial upgrade are fulfilled. Will it consume 20,000 system coins to upgrade territories?"


Leng Shiqi did not hesitate, but a strong repulsive force immediately squeezed him out of the Hades!

When he was forced to return to the outside world, he realized that another system message appeared: "It takes a natural day to upgrade the territory, and you cannot enter the territory during the upgrade."

Cold Seventeen knows that if the Hades is upgraded again now, it will be Tier 3. It seems to be similar to the system upgrade, and it will take a certain amount of time.

Anyway, as long as one day is needed, Leng Shiqi also felt that it didn't matter, and then he summoned the two pairs of wings that King Gu turned into colorful colored glaze and soared into the sky!

He flew at a height of one hundred meters and flew straight towards Xihuang County. He estimated that as long as he flew thousands of miles and waited for his destiny skills to cool down, he would be able to return to Xihuang County.

A few hours later, Leng Shiqi flew safely, but suddenly, his whole body was stunned, and a strong sense of crisis was in his forehead!

Immediately, a few invisible powers suddenly appeared in the air. The power was invisible and intangible, but the terrifying power made Leng Seventeenth Congress shocked!


Leng Shiqi turned on the blood beast body of the wild evil demon ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then several invisible powers were already present.

It seemed to be something similar to a sword or sword beam. It was extremely sharp. After contacting Leng Seventeen, it easily broke through the blood beast body of the wild demon, and tore several hideous blood holes on his body. The wings behind him were also torn apart!

Leng Shiqi felt a huge shock in his heart, and he knew the strength of his wild evil demon blood beast body, but it was still easily broken like this. He even said that if he hadn't had a granite shield on his body, he might have had his limbs severed!

You don't need to think too much about this powerful attack, only the great master of the unity of heaven and man can do it!

Leng Shiqi fell from a high altitude, and he raised waves of gray dying wind all over him forming a breeze, supporting him to land on the ground.

At this moment, an elegant figure walked out holding a jade flute, and he was surprised: "I'm not dead? Sure enough, I'm still a little capable. I'll kill you myself."

This person made a special trip to intercept Leng Shiqi Li Juening!

It can only be said that Leng Shiqi's luck is not very good to be able to hit Li Juning. If he does not fly back directly, but transmits through the "Destiny" skill, it is impossible to be united by Li Juning. The environment master came across.

He happened to meet the Beiliu Kingdom and Zhulu Kingdom before, so he absorbed tens of thousands of souls and reached the conditions for the upgrade of the Hades. This is considered lucky.

But then again, if it weren't for the upgrade of the Hades, it would take a natural day, and Leng Shiqi could not escape into the Hades, and could only face Li Juening.

Luck is really illusory.

The so-called peck and a drink have a fixed number, perhaps this time is his destined catastrophe.


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