I Fix The System Law

Chapter 626: Shoot

Just when the two heavens and humans gave orders, more than twenty miles away, Leng Shiqi was standing at the tip of a giant tree. He was holding a strange longbow, which was the seventh-order treasure. Maker, Linghu Lianhua Bow!

   The majestic spiritual power in Leng Shiqi's body was injected, and his body suddenly trembled slightly, the purple-pink brilliance flickered, and a ghostly fox shadow was looming.

   Suddenly, I saw two red bows and arrows condensed like iron. With a movement of Leng Shiqi's heart, the red golden earth dragon flame surging out and dyed the bows and arrows with a layer of red gold!

   In the cold seventeen eyes, the blue and white light kept flashing. In his line of sight, a slightly defeated old man was locked in an ancient mansion in the city.

   That person is the current elder of Zhu Lu Country, Dalle!

  Dalle and Keith are both men and women, and they can be said to be Gus's right-hand man. If these two people suddenly die, they will surely plunge Zhu Luguo into turmoil.

   At this moment, Gus is about to enter the territory of the Thunder Yan Dynasty, even if he learns the news, he may not rush back.

   If he really came back, he might be able to quickly stabilize the situation, but that would break his trust and the Thunder Yan Dynasty, which would be a great disadvantage to him.

  If he doesn't come, just relying on the letter to calm the situation will be much less effective, which will buy Princess Kahlo and Quli a certain amount of time.

   So Dale must die!

   Cold Seventeen's mental power surged, and even terrible mental storms were raised in the air, and then two mini dragon-shaped sharp arrows shot out!

   The two dragon-shaped arrows are like twin dragons playing beads, intertwined with each other, piercing the night sky with extreme flames, and shooting straight towards Dal's location.

   Sixth-order spiritual skills, double flying fire!

   As the elder of the country today, there are also two spiritual masters guarding the mansion, and they are always guarding outside the gatehouse of Dalle.

   But at this moment, two dragon-shaped arrows shot directly at an unimaginable speed. The moment before, it seemed that they were still a few miles away, but in the blink of an eye they had already reached the sky above the mansion!

   The two spirit guards had only just reacted at this time, and they had no time to be surprised, and they quickly used the strongest means to stop the Shuanglong Arrow.

   In the next moment, a thick fist strikes the arrow like Mount Tai.

  The other person is a spiritual practitioner. He directly bit the tip of his tongue and spewed a ray of blood, while his whole body was brightly lit with layers of protective shields in front of him.

   However, the Huang Huanglongyan came to the world and immediately extinguished the fist gang. As for the red flames collapsed in front of the Chijin Earth Longyan, the two of them didn't even hold their breath!

   The two were in horror. Faced with the threat of death, they didn't care about protecting any old country anymore. The two of them broke out and flashed to both sides at the fastest speed.

   Fortunately, Shuangfeihuo’s target was not them, and the two escaped.

   It's a pity, they can escape, but Dal can't escape!

Without the protection of masters, Dalle, whose cultivation base is almost negligible, does not have any ability to resist. He only heard a loud bang, a huge cloud of fire exploded in the mansion, and even the entire royal city was affected to a certain extent. !

   Dal was burned into nothingness in an instant, not only that, bursts of dragon flames overflowed everywhere, and everything he went to was burned away!

   After a few breaths, the surrounding area of ​​thousands of meters has become a piece of scorched earth!

   And there are still traces of flames still burning, even though they are just flames, the breath that can be emitted is extremely terrible.

   This process is very long to say, but in fact, from the killing of Keith in Leng Seventeen to the shooting of Dal, there is almost a difference of a few breaths of time.

   On the other side, the two spiritual practitioners of the Harmony of Heaven and Man in the King's City had just arranged their hands to seal off the city gate, and they saw the double dragon arrow passing by like a meteor.

   They also have the heart to pass, but the distance is too far, they can't make it!

   These two people can only watch Dalle's mansion turn into a sea of ​​fire, and watch him be shot! New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "Ah!!!" starting

   "Who the **** is it, dare to fight with integrity!"

Both of them were almost driven crazy. Keith and Dal were assassinated one after another. They had a powerful cultivation base of the unity of nature and man, but they had no way to do it. This huge feeling of sorrow made them all. Get irritable.

   But they can only be incompetent and furious here, because until now they have not even seen the appearance of the assassin!

   The person who assassinated Keith showed up at the very least, but the assassin who shot Dalle may be ten miles away, or even outside the royal city. How can they chase after him?

   "Damn it, it's terrible!" The man with a more violent temper screamed immediately, "Don't let me catch you, otherwise you must know what it means to survive, not to die!"

   The other person was much calmer, he said solemnly: "It seems that this assassination was premeditated, and the enemy only waited for King Gus to leave.

   And they must be very familiar with the royal city. The cultivation base of each assassin is obviously in the Linggang realm, but the strength of the shot is very close to the unity of heaven and man.

People like    are rare, so the people who do it have a strong background! "

   "Are you from the Great Moon Kingdom?"

The Great Moon Kingdom has always been hostile to the Zhulu country, and it is much stronger than the Zhulu country. If the two countries were not separated by a low-level country, the Zhulu country might have been annihilated at any time~www.ltnovel.com~ It is very promising, but this Things are beyond your control and I must inform King Gus immediately! "

  "Not only that, the Assassin was able to mix into the royal city so easily, and he was also familiar with the location of Keith and Dale, indicating that there is a possibility that there will be internal responses in the royal city.

   These hidden nails must also be pulled out. "

   "You and I act separately, now the most important thing is to stabilize the king's city."

   "Oh, troublesome autumn,"

   Leng Shiqi, who was dozens of miles away, confirmed that Dalle was dead with a roll of eyes, and then left unhurriedly. This trip to Zhulu Country not only gained a lot of Buddhism and spiritual skills, but also laid a lot of backhands. Only when he is stronger, he can plot the entire Zhulu Country!

   Then, Leng Shiqi turned on the system map. The map showed the locations of the other five small countries. He was looking thoughtful, and he was still thinking about which small country he would go to first to investigate the news.

   Zhu Lu and Beiliu both wanted to hug the thighs of the Leiyan Dynasty. In fact, there is no need for a deep investigation. Just let his dark Leiwei come and check.

   His gaze turned to the Golden Horde and Tuoba Kingdom, who had taken refuge in the Xingyun Dynasty, and he murmured: "The Xingyun Dynasty is the farthest away, and their mission should have also set off.

   They will pass through the six countries of the Western Regions and come to the Thunder Yan Dynasty, so the first stop must be to Tuoba Kingdom! "

   At the same time, Leng Shiqi also remembered the task that Heiyan Tianzun gave him, so he decided to leave for Tuoba country immediately!

  :. : M.x

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