I Fix The System Law

Chapter 627: Marriage

The area of ​​Tuoba Nation is not big or small, which is equivalent to the size of two Zhulu Nation. It is not very strong among the six countries in the Western Regions, but it is at the point where there is more than enough.

Tuoba Kingdom and the Xingyu Dynasty have become close, almost to the point of becoming a vassal, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as servile.

In recent days, Tuoba King City has been extremely lively, and it is full of festive atmosphere everywhere, because the mission of the Starfall Dynasty to the Leiyan Dynasty to celebrate its birthday has arrived here.

Not only that, this time the division of the Starfall Dynasty was not only to congratulate Lei Chengjun, but also sent a prince to make peace with Tuoba Kingdom!

The prince is still the prince!

The current emperor of the Xingyu Dynasty is in his prime, and the throne is firmly established. The princes under his knees are relatively harmonious, at least on the surface.

The crown prince was named Ying Yuan, the eldest son of the Royal Family of Xingyu Dynasty, and he entered the Eastern Palace as an adult. It's a pity that Ying Yuan's natural personality is a bit impulsive. The city mansion is not deep enough. Although he has some talents, for the Lord of the East Palace, or the future emperor, his ability is still far from enough.

So there are not a few people who secretly covet his position in the Eastern Palace!

Ying Yuan also knew his shortcomings, but his personality was still dictated by his nature. He also wanted to change, but it was even more difficult. However, he is indeed working hard to change, and this time he took over the mission of the Leiyan Dynasty.

Xingyu Dynasty is the strongest dynasty in the world. He used the prince's honor to celebrate Lei Chengjun's birthday. The weight is definitely enough. Moreover, this line can also demonstrate the powerful strength of the Xingyu Dynasty, which is a good opportunity to harvest a wave of fame.

Everything should have gone well, but some people secretly stumbled him, that is, let him marry the princess of Tuoba country at the same time!

The princess and the prince sounded like a righteous person. In the final analysis, Tuoba Country is also a small country, and the identity of this princess is not as good as some of the ladies of the Xingyun Dynasty.

Especially for Yingyuan, the princess is also a very important way for him to grow his power. If he really makes the princess of Tuoba country become the princess, then he will lose a lot!

On the other hand, it was a great happy event for Tuoba Country. This time, he was completely embracing the thighs of the Xingyu Dynasty. Now the whole country is celebrating, so there is a festive atmosphere everywhere.

Leng Shiqi was now disguised as a person from the Six Kingdoms of the Western Regions, and was inquiring about all kinds of news on the street. He moved in his heart when he learned of this. This might be a good breakthrough!

In the middle of the night, in the Tuoba King's Palace, the missions of the Xingyu Dynasty and the high-level officials of the Tuoba Kingdom gathered.

Tuoba Chi, the king of Tuoba Kingdom, said enthusiastically to the jade-faced youth next to him: "His Royal Highness, you and I will be a family in the future. This time I will stay in Tuoba Kingdom for a while. This king will be better. If you entertain your Royal Highness, it's better to have more contact with the little girl."

The young man was the crown prince of the Starfall Dynasty. He smiled stiffly and said: "The King Tuoba said it is very true, and this palace also has this intention. It is a pity that this palace has to go to the Leiyan Dynasty to calculate the distance. , There is not enough time."

"Hahaha, too, too." Tuoba Chi drank a glass of wine and smiled: "Then please talk about it when the prince returns. At that time, this mission will become a welcoming mission, haha."

Ying Yuan seemed a little uncomfortable with Tuobachi's enthusiasm, he could only perfuse with a smile, until late at night he finally got out and returned to the post.

But what he didn't know was that an inconspicuous little bug flew in quietly at the banquet in the palace!

There are countless masters in the entire palace. For example, King Tuoba and Prince Yingyuan are guarded by masters of the Unity of Heaven and Man, but no one has discovered the bug!

And this little bug is Gu King!

After the advancement, the Gu King possessed a strong concealment ability. Under normal circumstances, even the great masters of the Unity of Heaven and Man would not be able to find its trace.

After the banquet was over, King Gu flew back to Leng Shiqi's side and told him what he had heard.

In fact, there was not much valuable information at the banquet. As for Ying Yuan's dissatisfaction with the marriage, it was expected, so Leng Shiqi continued to order King Gu to follow Ying Yuan.

After leaving the palace, Ying Yuan returned to the post with a bored and gloomy look. When he returned to the room, he broke out and shouted: "What is it! Princess Tuoba is not rare in this palace. I don't know who it is. The bad idea given to the emperor father, if I let this palace find out, I must make him look good!"

A little **** beside him said immediately: "His Royal Highness speaks carefully, be careful that the wall has ears."

But Yingyuan became even more impatient, "Be careful of this and that, I don't dare to breathe, now I can't even speak?

Humph! "

Even though he said so, he knew in his heart that he had indeed made some mistakes just now. Whether those words were passed to Tuobachi or his father's ears, they were extremely detrimental to him, so he shut his mouth obediently.

After a short while, he seemed to calm down and said, "Xiaoyanzi, do you think there is a chance for a comeback in this palace?"

The little **** ~www.ltnovel.com~ is also a little Yanzi said: "This, the slave can't tell, after all, your majesty has already made an order, and no one dares to resist the order. Even if your Highness accepts Princess Tuoba As a side concubine, I am afraid that people will be caught and bitten."

Ying Yuan suddenly waved his hand impatiently, "No matter what, you go and call those people to this palace."

Xiao Yanzi's expression stagnated, and then he hesitated again, "His Royal Highness, the identities of those people are too sensitive. If they are known by others, they will become the spearhead of the attack on His Highness.

His Royal Highness listened to the minions' persuasion, and it was better to separate them from them. "

"Oh." Ying Yuan sighed, "I don't know what you are talking about? But the power that can be used under the hands of this palace is too small, and they can only use them to enter the Thunder Yan Dynasty, even if they have their own goals, The palace has no other choice.

Go. "

"Yes." Xiao Yanzi also sighed slightly, and backed out.

Soon, five people came in one after another. All five people were dressed in black with expressionless faces. They looked a bit like dead people at first glance at night!

"Huh, weird."

Leng Shiqi at the post house unexpectedly saw these five people with blank eyes and suddenly felt puzzled, because he actually felt a faint, lifeless spirit in these people!

To be more precise, it should be the kind of lifelessness that radiates from corpses.

Since Leng Shiqi had mastered the Hades and was extremely sensitive to this aspect of the breath, even if those people used special secret methods to cover up their breath, they were still noticed by Leng Shiqi.

Moreover, this breath also made him feel a little familiar. Leng Shiqi frowned and thought for a while, suddenly turned over his mustard bracelet, and finally took out a thick, dark, zombie arm from it!


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