I Fix The System Law

Chapter 625: Physical power

  Zhu Road King City, Leng Shiqi came here again after two years.

   Two years ago, he followed Yu Ruifeng for accountability. At that time, he was just a small and insignificant person, and he thought it was just a cutscene. And now he did come with a bold idea, and that was to assassinate the important ministers of Zhu Lu Kingdom, Keith and Dal.

   Keith is a close relative of King Gus, in charge of the guards in the king's city, just like when Gus was the prince. As for Dalla, he is the elder of the country and has jurisdiction over many civil servants.

   These two people were promoted after Gus ascended to the throne. It can be said that Gus trusts the closest person the most!

   At this time, Gus had already set off for the Leiyan Dynasty with his division. Although there was still nearly half a year before the birthday banquet, the earlier they got it, the more sincere they were.

   But Gus didn't know. As soon as he walked on his front foot, Leng Shiqi touched his back foot into the city.

   He stood in an ordinary inn in the city, his eyes opened, and he almost monitored the entire city! New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   It's a pity that after Gus became king, a powerful formation was arranged in the palace, and even Leng Shiqi's eyes couldn't see through.

  He monitored here for two full days before confirming the location and life patterns of Keith and Dalle.

   Late this night, Keith dragged his exhausted body out of the palace. Gus took the mission and left. Although he now holds great power, the ministers in the court simply ignored him.

   He had only been in power for two or three days before he was faced with countless troubles, which made him, a master of the spiritual realm, feel very tired.

   "Well, this is more tiring than letting me go to a war. The king is really not so good." Keith muttered as he walked.

   But the next moment, he suddenly raised his head, only to see a colorful streamer flashing across the night sky, and he could feel terrifying spiritual power fluctuations and heaven-shattering spiritual power before he got close!

   "Who!?" He shouted loudly, and at the same time, his whole body exploded, and a long crescent knife was cut out, and the 20-foot-long knife swept out, as if to tear the night.

   The guards around him were either in the Spirit Aperture Realm or the Spirit Meridian Realm, and they immediately blasted toward the sky with all their energy.

   Just when everyone's attention was on the sky, a figure suddenly appeared behind Keith!

This person is wearing a multicolored battle armor, but in the light of those colorful glazes, a dazzling golden light bursts out. After this person appeared, the palm of his hand was turned, and the golden light was released in an instant, like a big day, lighting up the night like day!

   Keith immediately noticed the strangeness behind him, he turned around abruptly, but all he saw was the endless light of Buddha.

   The extreme darkness and extreme light can make people blind, and Keith, as a master of the Linggang realm, has already cleared his eyes and will almost never encounter blindness.

   But at this moment, he actually got out of Jinmang, and he couldn't see anything!

   Tathagata palm first style, buddha light appears!

   Although Keith can't see it anymore, he can still perceive the fluctuations of the outside world. He thought that he would be able to repel the enemy, but immediately afterwards, he heard a clank, as if standing on an extremely hard rock.

   Suddenly, he felt a huge force coming, as if he had a hand on his body, bursts of violent force broke into his body, wantonly destroying his meridians!


   Keith spit out a big mouthful of blood, but the power did not disappear, instead he pressed him to the ground fiercely!

   "Boom boom boom!"

   just heard a series of loud noises, centering on the place where they were fighting, the ground with a radius of one hundred feet collapsed several feet deep in an instant!

Keith was almost about to be crushed to death by this force, but he was also a master of the Linggang realm anyway, his face was ruthless, the long knife instantly shattered and stained with his blood, and immediately, a blood river of sword light Rewinding is about to swallow Leng Shiqi.

   But Leng Shiqi did not evade, and under the linkage of the ten fingers, ten starlight fingers penetrated into Keith's body.

   At the same time, Keith's blade light was completely cut on Leng Shichi's body!

   To his horror, with a loud noise, the colorful armor on Leng Shiqi's body was smashed, but that was all it was difficult to get in. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

"What a strong body!" Keith was shocked. Many spiritual practitioners in Zhulu Kingdom are practicing Gu, so they rarely encounter body-refining spiritual practitioners. Keith has experienced many battles, but has never met. An enemy with such a powerful body!

   This was also the last thought of Keith in this life. At this moment, the power contained in the blood-thunder broken star fingers burst out, directly exploding Keith into countless fragments!

   Leng Shiqi was close to the power of the physical body, and within a few strokes, he killed the master of the Linggang realm, even he himself did not expect it.

  He couldn't help but secretly startled: "King Kong is not bad magical power with the palm of the Tathagata, there is such a terrifying power!"

   For a long time, Leng Shiqi’s fighting style has always used a variety of powerful spiritual powers to attack wildly and suppress others with power. He has also cultivated a powerful body training method, his own body strength far exceeds that of ordinary spiritual practitioners.

   It can even be said that ordinary physical training does not have the strength of his physical body.

   However, Leng Shiqi always uses physical strength as an auxiliary or defensive role, and rarely uses physical strength to fight directly.

   And this time, in order to hide his identity, he performed the magical power of King Kong's indestructibility, crushing Keith with a perverted amount of violence~www.ltnovel.com~ and let him re-recognize the power of the physical body.

   More importantly, he actually felt that it was so cool!

   This kind of punch to the flesh, really fascinated him!

   "Who dares to commit murder in the royal city!"

   Just after Leng Shiqi killed Keith, two huge spiritual power auras quickly approached.

   Leng Shiqi frowned, and the two of them turned out to be great masters in the harmony of nature and man!

   When did Gus draw the two together again?

   But now is not the time for him to think about it. With a thought, his body flashes with red, blue and yellow light, and then his figure disappears when the two great masters arrive!

   One of them, seeing Keith’s tragic situation, immediately shouted at the guards: "Trash, all rubbish! Even Mr. Keith can't protect it. Why do you want you?!"

   King Gus hadn't left, but Keith, who was temporarily in power, was assassinated in the royal city. The two of them couldn't escape the guilt, so this person sent fire to the guards.

   The guards suddenly bowed their heads with bitter faces, and they were afraid to speak.

"Well, what's the use of getting angry with them?" Another said: "You have seen the strength of the assassin, even you and I feel a little threat. Keith was beheaded in a few breaths, these guards I can't get in at all.

   The top priority now is to quickly blockade the royal city and capture the assassin, and don’t let him escape! "

   "Are they all deaf, don't you hurry up!!"

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