I Fix The System Law

Chapter 618: Wicked name

   Xibaran County is not peaceful these days.

  The cause is that the second-rate sect wind thunder fault was destroyed by a group of mysterious masters with a thunderous force!

   Feng Lei Que received a lot of attention in the Xihuang County due to the Last Demon Conference. Although it is more about jokes, it is undeniable that Feng Lei Que is also a powerful second-rate sect.

   But such a sect was slaughtered in half a day!

Anyone who learned of this information was amazed. You must know that there are no top sects in Xihuang County, and there are only a few first-class powers, but these first-class powers have not taken action. Who has the ability to do so easily? Just wiped out the wind and thunder fault?

   After all the people inquired about it, they realized that it turned out that the person who had killed Thunder Que was from the Dark Thunder Guard headquarters!

   And Leng Shiqi's killing of Ji Dong at the gate of Dark Thunder Mansion was not kept secret, and it was soon spread out. Combining these two things together, everyone finally understood what was going on.

   Many people think that Feng Lei Que is seeking his own death, and even the Dark Thunder Guards dare to offend, while more people are shocked by Leng Shiqi's identity and strength!

   In their impression, Leng Shiqi, the Great Supervisor of the North County, seems to be the cultivation base of the mid-lingual aperture realm. When did it suddenly become the spiritual gang realm?

   and can kill Ji Dong by turning his hands!

   Even in the late Linggang stage, it may not be able to kill so casually, right?

   In addition, some people have judged Leng Shiqi's identity from his clothes, the headquarters of Dark Thunder Guard, the internal supervisor!

Although the major sects of Xihuang County are far away from the imperial capital, and will never go to the imperial capital for a lifetime, but I have seen pigs run without having eaten pork, the inner supervisor is half a level higher than that of the inspector Big shot!

  Leng Shiqi came to Xihuang County in such an identity, it can be said that he is the king of the night in Xihuang County!

   But, when did he become an internal supervisor?

  The people with heart began to inquire about Leng Shiqi's intelligence in many ways. If you don't inquire, they don't know. After this inquiries, they are shocked to realize that Leng Shiqi has such a wave of experience during this period and has such a terrible record!

   Now, Leng Shiqi has returned to Xihuang County with many Dark Thunder Guard masters, what does he want to do?

   For a while, some people in various sect forces panicked.

  Only the four first-rate sects of Xihuang County have guessed the purpose of Leng Shiqi, and that is the person who checked the birthday of your majesty!

   These four sects have also received invitations, but they can only send two people at most to celebrate the birthday, and immediately recall all the disciples after they know that Leng Shiqi is here. One by one will either close the mountain or retreat, for fear of accidentally causing trouble, not only to lose the opportunity to face saint, but also to find endless trouble.

   Seeing the first-class sects are like this, the other forces are even more turbulent, and they are more cautious, and the entire Xihuang County has fallen into an extremely rare peace!

   And these are naturally what Leng Shiqi wants to see.

   A few days later, Hanzhou City in Xihuang County became the most noticeable place in Xihuang County, because all the Dark Thunder Guards and families of large and small in the North County were gathered.

   The dark thunder guards learned that their faces had finally come back with a backbone, and they were naturally very happy.

   But those families are a little trembling.

  Although they have a cooperative relationship with Leng Shiqi, everyone has made a fortune together, and they have also made a lot of money over the years. They should have been happy.

   But who made Leng Seventeen really bad in North County before, and he was so fierce, especially easy to kill Jidong and kill the wind and thunder, so that Leng Seventeen’s reputation reached an unprecedented height!

   At the beginning, he got rid of families by hosting a banquet in Lanqi City. Now he is hosting a banquet again, and all the families think it is a grand feast!

   But they had to come again, no one had the guts to refuse.

On this day, the family heads walked into the most luxurious Jinhua restaurant in Hanzhou City. These people, large and small, are considered personal objects, but they don’t even dare to breathe in the atmosphere. They sit in a daze. .

From    to noon, Leng Shiqi came in surrounded by five spiritual masters including Huang Lao and Gao Ting.

   None of the six of them released any spiritual power fluctuations, but the aura of the Linggang realm alone made everyone feel hard to breathe, as if even the air had frozen.

   Leng Shiqi looked at it, and there are 70 or 80 Patriarchs here. It seems that the business in North County is getting bigger and bigger, which also means that his family is getting richer and richer.

   "You guys can come to the banquet, I am very happy." Leng Shiqi said with a smile: "I think back then, the ambassador also hosted a banquet and invited some families, but unfortunately, some people are no longer there."

   Speaking of this, the hearts of many Patriarchs are cast over a shadow.

   Leng Shiqi looked at everyone honestly one by one, and continued: "In fact, this time the envoy asked everyone to come over to discuss something."

   At this point, he clapped his hands, when even hundreds of Dark Thunder Guards came in and stood behind each Patriarch!

   Everyone felt cold behind their backs, and even two tremors were almost unsteady.

   It's been a battle, why should I discuss something? Do whatever you say.

   "You guys don't have to worry about it. The ambassador knows that you often go to the six countries of the Western Regions for business, and you will inevitably encounter some dangers on the road. For your safety, the ambassador decided to equip each family with several dark thunder guards to escort.

   In this way, the business route is smooth, and we will naturally make more. What do you think? "

   All the patriarchs were agitated when they heard this. They thought that this was nothing more than Leng Shiqi wanted to supervise each of their families!

   If this is the case, they will be under the surveillance of the Dark Thunder Guard all the time, completely losing all their freedom.

   But no one in the field dared to refuse!

Zhong Cheng, the Patriarch of the Zhong Family in Lan Qicheng, was the first to stand up and say: "Master Liu said it is absolutely true! The adults are so considerate for me, the villain is really moved and weeping, the villain once again thanks Master! "

   Someone has taken the lead, and others can only follow the trend, saying in unison: "It's all up to Master Liu."

   Leng Shiqi nodded in satisfaction. In fact, he didn't want to monitor these families at all, because they were already under the surveillance of the Dark Thunder Guard. In fact, he wanted to use this method to hide the Dark Thunder Guards in the caravan and mix into the Six Kingdoms of the Western Regions, so as to get more information.

   This thing went well, so he turned around and left. All those patrons were relieved~www.ltnovel.com~ Unknowingly, they had already developed a cold sweat.

   At the same time, several people gathered in Yu Ruifeng's study in the Dark Thunder Mansion in Xihuang County.

   Now Yu Ruifeng is already in the late stage of the Unity of Heaven and Man, and his whole person does not look as sharp as before, and he feels much calmer.

   Next to him are the other three great supervisors and his right-hand man Li Hong.

They also knew all the actions of Leng Shiqi after arriving in Xihuang County. Some people envied Leng Shiqi. At the beginning, they watched him enter the Dark Thunder Guard through the back door with the cultivation base of the Spirit Vein Realm. Whether the strength or identity of the cultivation base is already the existence they need to look up to!

   Some people are envious, and of course there are also people who feel uncomfortable. That person is Duan Chun!

   He used to be Leng Shiqi’s boss, and the two had conflicts. Now that Leng Shiqi is flying yellow, will he come to revenge him? He was a little fidgety sitting in the chair, and he was still hesitant to talk.

   "My lord, I really don't vomit when you have a word in the humble position!" Duan Chun held back for a long time and still spoke.

   Yu Ruifeng said lightly: "Let's talk about it."

Duan Chun stood up and said: "Master Yu, we have worked together for many years. You know me, and I have always been blunt. Then even if Liu Xingzhi is an internal supervisor, even if he is trusted by a senior executive, you are an adult. The inspector of Xihuang County!

   Besides, the innocence of the identity of all the birthday celebrations is also based on us, but when he came to Xihuang County, Liu Xingzhi did not come to see the adults first, but first went to Hanzhou City to make a fortune.

   Now his prestige is big, all the sects of Xihuang County are afraid of him, I am afraid that others only know him Liu Xingzhi, but don't know Master Yu you! "

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