I Fix The System Law

Chapter 617: I'm afraid I will see blood again

The entire Dark Thunder Mansion's gate instantly knelt down, and only four people remained standing.

Ji Dong stared at this scene in a daze, and the person standing in front of him was not Liu Xingzhi, who he had to meet last time?

Feelings, he is really not in the house!

"Liu Xingzhi, you..." Ji Dong just said, several Linggang Realm inspectors shot at the same time, and the various Linggangs burst out and pressed towards Ji Dong!

Ji Dong was horrified, and quickly resisted, but he was a spiritual practitioner, and if he was prepared for him, he would have infinite combat power. But in the face of a sudden attack by five masters of the Linggang Realm, how could he resist it?

Even if he was injured by several people, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

One of the inspectors shouted: "How dare to call the adult's name, so bold!"

"Don't be so irritable, I and Elder Ji are old acquaintances." Leng Shiqi waved his hand, very peacefully: "Elder Ji, you have to see me, what's the matter?"

Ji Dong forcefully suppressed the spiritual power that was going to run away in his body. He saw that Leng Shiqi's attitude seemed to be easy to talk, and he said, "Master Liu, the old man just said straight, my most precious Feng Lei Shen Yun Stone was stolen, this You should also know about it."

Leng Shiqi nodded without denying, but in his heart he had already guessed Ji Dong's intention.

"If that's the case, it's easy to say, the old man perceives through the formation that the wind and thunder **** luck stone finally disappeared in the dark thunder palace, and I also ask Master Liu to tell the old man the truth.

Is Feng Lei Shen Yunshi in your hands? "

After he finished speaking, his eyes looked straight at Leng Shiqi, as if he wanted to see something from Leng Shiqi's expression.

However, what he never expected was that Leng Shiqi made a sudden move!

Suddenly, a weird surviving wind burst out, and a terrifying storm suddenly formed, sending out waves visible to the naked eye, and even the spiritual power of heaven and earth was disturbed!

Remnant clouds!

How could Ji Dong expect Leng Shiqi to take action suddenly, and what made him horrified was that the power of Leng Shiqi's shot was even stronger than the digital Linggang realm master just now!

However, he also felt a trace of the wind and thunder god's luck from Leng Shiqi's dying remnant wind gang.

Feng Lei Shen Yun Shi was indeed obtained by him!

Ji Dong was too late to make the seal, but he clicked on his eyebrows, and only heard a sound of "buzz", a gust of wind blew up, and a gang wind spirit array appeared out of thin air, protecting him tightly.

However, the power of nirvana in the remnant wind of nirvana is constantly eroding the power of the formation. At the same time, Leng Shiqi raised his hand, but he heard the dark clouds in the sky and the thunder.

I saw a huge thunder giant hand shaken down, and that power seems to be directly killing Ji Dong!

Purple Lightning Hand!

Ji Dong's eyes widened. Now that he can block the Silent Remnant Wind Gang in front of him is the limit, how can he block the thunder hand?

In a hurry, he had to take out a flying shuttle, but unfortunately he had not had time to use it. Leng Seventeen pointed out, and the stars flashed, and the blood thunder star finger directly smashed the flying shuttle!

Ji Dong suddenly felt desperate.


With a loud noise, the giant thunder hand smashed Ji Dong's formation and turned him into a pool of flesh!

Ji Dong, who has cultivated the power of wind and thunder for decades, will eventually die in the hands of wind and thunder. It must be said that it is also a kind of irony.

As for the two Spirit Aperture Realm disciples he brought, they were killed by several inspectors.

Guan Feihong and several people have always been in a state of being trapped. Because they have a lot of resources to enjoy these years, they have made rapid progress in cultivation.

Guan Feihong and Qiu Chengdu are in the Ling Aperture Realm, and Qiao Qian is also in the Late Ling Vein Realm.

But Ji Dong, a master of Linggang Realm, still exists that they must look up to!

Even Qin Jianchen, who is powerful in combat, must not be close to Ji Dong, which shows that Ji Dong is indeed not weak. But a master of this level, in Leng Shiqi's hands, he couldn't even make three moves and was killed!

So, how strong is Leng Seventeen?

Not seen for more than a year, Leng Shiqi's strength has completely exceeded their imagination!

At this time, a person next to Leng Shiqi suddenly asked for orders: "Feng Lei Que dared to offend adults. It's really bold. The 32nd Guards inspector asked Gao Ting to ask him to kill Feng Lei Que!"

He Feichen was secretly annoyed. He actually thought that this was a good opportunity for performance, but his mouth was a bit slow.

Leng Shiqi did not speak, but just waved his hand gently, as if he had driven away a fly around him.

Then Gao Ting was overjoyed, and the man leading the thirty-two guards hurriedly left.

Leng Shiqi looked at Guan Feihong and the others, who were still dumbfounded, and couldn't help but smile. He didn't have the arrogance and domineering of turning over and killing the masters of the Linggang realm just now.

Guan Feihong woke up in shock, and quickly led Leng Shiqi and everyone in.

"Long time no see, your lord, you are finally back."

"I also have an important task when I come back this time. The Dark Thunder Guards in North County will also be called. You will rush all the Dark Thunder Guards to gather in Hanzhou City later." Leng Shiqi said while walking.

"Humble duty."

"What happened to the Dark Thunder Palace during this period of time?"

The reason why Leng Shiqi did not go directly to Xihuangcheng, but first came to Hanzhou City to see if everything is as usual here. After all, half of the people here are killers of the **** clothes pavilion. After such a long time, he was afraid that someone might reveal some flaws.

Guan Feihong thought for a while and said: "My lord, although you haven't shown up for a long time, North County has been calm recently and there has been no trouble. The only thing that is a bit tricky is that the North County Dark Thunder Guard does not have a Linggang realm master to sit here~www.ltnovel.com~ Some things still cannot go smoothly."

Hearing this, Leng Shiqi knew that there was no accident, and made him feel a little more at ease. He said, "Don't worry, I will pay attention to this matter."

While they were talking, everyone walked into the discussion hall, Leng Shiqi placed on the jade chair, and several Linggang realm masters lined up on both sides.

However, Feng Shamo and Suluan were not here. After they entered the territory of Xihuang County, they went to the branch pavilion of Xihuang County. Leng Shiqi's mission this time relied heavily on intelligence, so it had to rely on the information network of Xueyi Pavilion.

Gao Yi and Lian Ye were not his subordinates, but went directly to the West Desert City.

He actually had a second purpose when he came to Hanzhou City. It was also about the task given to him by Gao Gong Bus. He asked Xiang Guan Feihong, "How are the families in those cities doing business recently?"

The business he said was of course smuggling. With his acquiescence, as many as dozens of families, large and small, were secretly transporting prohibited goods from the six countries of the Western Regions into the Leiyan Dynasty.

Guan Feihong knew it well, and he smiled knowingly: "Don't worry, adults, business is going smoothly. Now we have accumulated a lot of resources in the Dark Thunder Palace. The humble post originally thought about sending it to the adults in these two days."

Leng Shiqi squinted his eyes and thought, tapping his fingers gently on the jade chair, during which no one dared to disturb him.

After a short while, he said: "Very well, you can send the letter again, so that all the families involved in this matter in North County come to Seoul, saying that I want to entertain everyone."

However, when Qiu Cheng, Qiao Qian and the others heard the word "banquet", they couldn't help but shudder. They still remember clearly that when Leng Shiqi was in the past, every time he banqueted others, he wanted to see blood!

Although they can't guess exactly what Leng Shiqi is going to do this time, they know that they are going to die again!

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