I Fix The System Law

Chapter 619: Start layout

   Duan Chun said a lot of things, but after speaking, there was silence in the study, no one spoke again, Duan Chun felt a little embarrassed.

   He looked at Yu Ruifeng, and found that Yu Ruifeng half-closed his eyes and seemed to be about to fall asleep!

   Duan Chun did not understand. He felt that what he said was true. Why did Yu Ruifeng react like this? This is not the same as the Yu Ruifeng he knew before.

   Yu Ruifeng raised his eyelids, "Done?"

   Duan Chun subconsciously said: "Say, I'm finished."

   "Let's leave after finishing talking. I have been very busy recently." Yu Ruifeng issued an order to evict the guests, and the three people in the room saluted and left.

   Coming to the courtyard, Duan Chun stopped Li Hong and said, "Master Li, what I said just now is true, why didn't Master Yu react at all?"

Li Hong sneered, "Master Duan, you and I can see how long Liu Xingzhi has been since joining Dark Leiwei, especially since he was once your subordinate. Now he has soared into the sky. I can understand if you are not used to it, but you have forgotten one thing."

"whats the matter?"

   Li Hong leaned closer and said: "Liu Xingzhi came with an extremely important task, and it was Master Yu who took the initiative to apply to the headquarters for transfer to help us, and even the power was given to Liu Xingzhi!

what does this mean?

   Then Liu Xingzhi can take your head with just one sentence, but you still dare to slander him. I really don’t know if you are brave or too straightforward. "

   Duan Chun also suddenly felt like falling into the ice pit. He would say those words only when he saw that his subordinates jumped to become the immediate boss at the beginning were really upset.

   It seems that he is indeed a little ill-considered.

  As they were walking outside, a dark Leiwei ran to Yu Ruifeng's study and shouted: "Master Yu, there are two people outside the house called Gao Yi and Lian Ye asking to see you."

   "Huh?!" Yu Ruifeng's eyes suddenly opened, and he waved open the door of the room and said, "Who did you think is here?"

   The man repeated: "It's Gao Yi and Lian Ye."

   Hearing these two names, Duan Chun and Li Hong were puzzled, because they had never heard of these two, but looking at Yu Ruifeng's expression, it was obvious that the identities of the two were not simple.

   It’s no wonder they didn’t know that Gao Yi, as Gao Gong’s son, can also be said to be the best son. However, there are many righteous sons of Gao Gonggong, and Gao Yi spends most of his time in the deep palace. Only those ministers who often go to the palace will recognize him. Duan Chun and the border supervisors cannot I know, I haven't even heard of it.

   As for Lian Ye, the people who know her identity are basically the people in the Dark Thunder Guard headquarters and the inner city of the imperial capital, and they are even less likely to know.

   Yu Ruifeng briefly explained the identities of these two people, and Duan Chun and the others were shocked immediately!

   The righteous son of Gao Gonggong, the righteous daughter of Heiyan Tianzun! What a noble status they are all, an existence they can't afford for a lifetime!

   Yu Ruifeng hurriedly led a few people out to greet them. When they walked to the gate of the Dark Thunder Mansion, Lian Ye was looking around, while Gao Yi smiled and said: "Master Yu, long up for a long time."

   "High kilometers, please." Yu Ruifeng also laughed.

   Gao Yi shook his head and said, "You don't dare to use the three characters Gao Gonggong. Master Yu can just call us Gao Yi directly."

Yu Ruifeng thought that it made sense, lest he rushed to the senior manager’s name, he welcomed Gao Yi and Lian Ye into the discussion hall, and asked: "Gao Yi and Lian Ye went all the way to Xihuang County. I don’t know what happened. What are you doing?"

   Gao Yi glanced at Lian Ye and found that she didn't seem to want to speak anymore, Gao Yi said: "We are actually here to assist Master Liu Xingzhi."

   When these words came out, everything in the hall was taken aback!

  As these two people in front of you, are they just Liu Xingzhi’s assistants? That Liu Xingzhi already has such a high status? !

   The others were just shocked, but Duan Chun still had a trace of fear in his heart after being shocked. He was now thankful that Yu Ruifeng ignored his words.

Gao Yi smiled secretly at the expressions of the people, but he did not say anything, but changed the subject: "Master Liu has arrived in the city of Hanzhou, I must have known everyone. He said that he will be coming soon, with you The adults discuss together how to arrange the supervision of various missions."

Yu Ruifeng said: "We have already started to do this. The list of missions from various countries has been obtained, and we are preparing to investigate one by one. It's just that my Dark Thunder Guard also has to supervise Xihuang County, so we have some manpower. I am stretched, I don't know when Master Liu will come?"

   Suddenly, there was a voice outside, "I have arrived."

   Everyone looked at it at the same time, it turned out that at some point, a figure had already stood outside the door of the discussion hall, it was Leng Shiqi!

   Everyone looked at Leng Shiqi in amazement. He was still in Hanzhou City yesterday, so why did he come to Xihuang City at this moment?

   Is it possible that he can fly with his wings!

In fact, Leng Shiqi really came here~www.ltnovel.com~The distance between Hanzhou City and Xihuang City is less than a thousand miles, he teleported through the destiny skills, and followed Lianye and the others. Arrived in the West Desert City.

   When the seventeenth came cold, Yu Ruifeng suddenly smiled, "Liu Master, you are finally here."

   "Master Yu, this is a younger generation of Zhesha, and I dare not be the word adult." Leng Shiqi quickly humbled.

   "You are now an internal supervisor, absolutely worth it, let's not talk about this, come in and sit." Yu Ruifeng was very enthusiastic, after all, Leng Shiqi had saved his life.

   Leng Seventeen reached Yu Ruifeng's side, and said: "Master Yu, just heard that you have already got the list of various countries' missions?"

   "Yes, right here, you can take a look." Yu Ruifeng took out a book of intelligence.

   Leng Shiqi opened it, he first looked at Zhu Lu country, and then he was surprised, because the King Gus of Zhu Lu country actually wanted to congratulate Lei Chengjun himself!

But think about it, it was not long before King Gus ascended to the throne, and there was a little conflict with the Leiyan Dynasty. Leng Shiqi guessed that King Gus wanted to hug the thigh of the Leiyan Dynasty through this birthday celebration. Let him sit firmly on the throne.

   Leng Shiqi secretly said: "Gus personally came to the Leiyan Dynasty, so there is no leader in the Zhulu country, it may be an opportunity for me!"

   When he was in Zhulu Country, Leng Shiqi also left a few back players, just to prepare for the future. The current Leng Seventeenth is not what it used to be, whether it is strength or power, that matter can also begin to be laid out!

   He immediately said: "Although the six countries of the Western Regions are small countries, we can't take it lightly. I have used some family channels to arrange manpower to sneak into various countries, but even so, I still feel a little worried.

   So I decided to take a trip myself! "

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