I Fix The System Law

Chapter 458: Repair loss

   "That's what I said." Gu San nodded slightly.

Leng Shiqi disarmed the Warcraft Armor, and looked around. When he came to this area, he soon noticed that the spiritual power in the body was constantly overflowing. This should be the limit of the wood area to them. Up.

   But compared with the perverted gravity in the soil area, this place is really much better. After all, who can enter the second round without a lot of medicine?

   As long as the pill is not exhausted, the limitation of losing spiritual power is still within the acceptable range.

But Leng Shiqi changed his mind and thought, if only this restriction, the difference with the soil area is too great, so he asked Xianggu San: "Apart from this green-robed man, do you have any other danger?"

   Gu San shook his head and said, "No, I ran into him shortly after I arrived, and I fought without saying anything, and then you suddenly appeared."

The way that Leng Shiqi appeared was also bizarre, but Gu San didn’t ask much, because she knew that Leng Shiqi was carrying too many secrets and was full of all kinds of inconceivables, so no matter what amazing actions she did Will feel normal.

  "The reason why this place is called the Little Five Elements Chaos Cave Sky is that it is divided into five different areas according to the five elements, and there is a very mysterious place between them, let’s call it the Chaos Area.

   When I entered the cave sky here, I appeared in the area of ​​earth. That place was full of terrifying gravity. Even if I tried my best, I could barely move, which was extremely dangerous.

   And this place does not seem to be too dangerous, but rather unreasonable. "Leng Shiqi explained everything he knew, what he had experienced and guessed about.

   Gu San was lost in thought after hearing this. According to Leng Shiqi's words, it was indeed a bit too peaceful here.

   "Don't think about this for now, Bu Yangqiu is also in the wood area. Let's find him first. When there are more people, it will be easier to deal with danger."

   Before preparing to teleport, Leng Seventeen also noted down the area and approximate location of everyone. There were only five or six people in each area, and they all encountered various threats.

   For example, the temperature in the area of ​​fire is extremely high, and there are monsters like flame elves inside; the area of ​​water is a land of ice and snow, and giants of ice and snow are chasing down the spiritual practitioners. And the air in the golden area was filled with needle-like invisible light, and groups of golden armored guards lined up.

   As for the chaotic area, even if there is a systematic map, it is impossible to see the slightest.

   While swallowing the pill, the two cautiously rushed towards Bu Yangqiu. The road was still very peaceful, without encountering any monsters.

   But when they arrived, they didn't see Bu Yangqiu, and there was no one in the field of vision!

   Leng Shiqi was not too surprised, after all, not a short time has passed since he used his destiny skills at this time, and Bu Yangqiu is likely to move to other places.

   "Huh!" Just then, Gu San let out a soft cry.

   "What's the matter?" Leng Shiqi turned his head to look at Gu San, and found that her face was strange.

   Gu San closed her eyes first, seeming to be sensing something, after a few breaths, she suddenly opened her eyes, and the pair of bright eyes were filled with surprise!

   She said anxiously: "Something is wrong with my spiritual power! Please check your spiritual power!"

   Leng Shiqi saw the appearance of Gu San, knowing that she must have discovered something important, he quickly looked inside, and soon discovered the problem.

   That is, his spiritual power has decreased!

   This is not the decrease after he uses the spiritual skills, but the permanent decrease!

   It is reasonable to say that the spiritual power in the body will definitely be consumed after the spiritual skills are used. But as long as it takes some time, these spiritual powers can naturally be made up.

   But now, Leng Shiqi realized that his upper limit of spiritual power has decreased, in other words, his cultivation is regressing!

   "I understand!" Leng Shiqi said in a deep voice: "Our spiritual power is not slowly losing, but disappearing, disappearing forever!"

   At first, Leng Shiqi did not care too much about the spiritual power in his body. Although he was also a little surprised that the speed of recovering spiritual power was slower than before, he didn't think much.

   It seems that although there is no great danger in the wood area, the hidden crisis is more terrible than the soil area!

   Spiritual power is the foundation of spiritual practitioners. As the saying goes, spiritual practice is like traveling against the current and then retreating. Fortunately now, the spiritual power cultivation bases of Leng Shiqi and Gu San are gradually decreasing, which is a bit unacceptable for the two who are striving for strength.

   So they thought at the same time that they must leave this area first!

   Leng Shishi immediately opened the system map, and compared the distance he had traveled. This wood area should be about a hundred miles in radius. There are two areas closest to them, one is the golden area, and the other is the mysterious chaos area.

   Soon, Leng Shiqi made a decision to go to the Chaos Area!

   This small five-element chaotic cave sky is obviously centered on the chaotic area, and perhaps their ultimate test is in the chaotic area.

   Of course, there may also be greater danger there, but Leng Seventeen really can't bear the feeling of losing spiritual power.

   He chose the direction and took Gu San straight to the chaos area. At their speed, he could reach the chaos area in a short half day.

   In this dense forest, two extremely flexible figures kept passing by ~www.ltnovel.com~ but suddenly the body of the cold seventeen was stopped.

   Bone stopped abruptly, and turned his head suspiciously.

   Leng Shiqi had a gloomy face, even with a few weirdness on it!

   Gu San rarely saw Leng Shiqi's expression like this, she subconsciously asked, "What did you notice?"

   "Hey." Leng Shiqi sighed deeply, "This wood area is far more complicated than we thought."

   The reason why he sighed is because he just opened the map and wanted to see how far away he was, only to realize that they had gone wrong!

   They should have almost reached the junction of the two areas at this time, but now they are back to the wood area near the center!

   Leng Shiqi told the matter, and Gu San was also shocked.

   This kind of similar thing happened when they were on Blood Mist Island, but at that time they were just entering the Spirit Realm, and they were confused by the fog.

   Both of the two of them are the cultivation bases of the Spirit Aperture Realm. Leng Seventeen is even more spiritually powerful, with a perception ability far exceeding that of the spiritual practitioners of the same level, and even has white eyes and a system map in hand.

   was able to deviate unknowingly?

How is this possible!


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