I Fix The System Law

Chapter 459: Weird

   Leng Shiqi quickly calmed himself down, he thought about it carefully, it was not that there was no way to deal with this predicament. As long as he keeps his eyes open and the system map all the time, he can still leave here after finding the direction.

   At this time, he finally understood that the danger in the wood area is not the monster, but to trap you here and slowly drain your spiritual power!

   If you stay here for too long and have not gone out, I am afraid that your cultivation level will fall again and again. Even if you leave by chance, you will not have enough strength to face other dangers.

   It can be said that the Kino area is a soft knife!

   It seems that when they went to find Bu Yangqiu, it was not that the other party had gone far, but that they had already deviated from the original direction.

   "Then what should I do now?" Gu San asked.

   Leng Shishili calmly said: "Don't worry, I have a way. Before, I was a little bit big."

   After saying this, Leng Shiqi directly opened his eyes, with a radius of more than a dozen miles within his field of vision. At the same time, he had been opening the system map to correct his direction.


   The two walked quickly again, and this time their walking route seemed very strange to others. They have to change their direction every time they walk, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, and sometimes even back!

   But in fact, they are slowly approaching the chaotic area!

   Leng Shiqi looked at the marks on the system map, and his heart was completely settled.

   At first, after he knew that the system map could be used as soon as he entered the Little Five Elements Chaos Cave, he was actually a little bit happy.

   This one is equivalent to opening the whole picture, and it makes him feel like he has everything under control, but it is this mentality that caused him a little bitterness.

   If he was more cautious and attentive, he should have reached the Chaos Zone at this moment. Now that it has been so long, the loss of a part of the spiritual power is the price he paid!

   During the cold seventeen running, I couldn't help but glanced at Gu San. Gu San's repairing base was only on the first level of Spirit Aperture Realm. If I stayed here for too long, I might fall into it.

   If Gu San fell to the realm because of his carelessness, he didn't know how to face Gu San.

   However, Gu San did not notice Leng Shiqi's gaze, because in their field of vision, layers of gray mist could already be seen.

   There is the Chaos Area!

   Immediately after the two approached, they felt an indescribable breath from the gray mist, which actually gave people an ominous feeling.

   Leng Shiqi and Gu San looked at each other, their eyes were filled with determination.

"This area is the center of this small cave sky. There must be no small danger in it. You must be more careful." Leng Shiqi put on the blood-marked armor of the demon, and he also held the Mo Yujian in his hand. Ready to fight at any time!

   Gu San also took a deep breath, and her black hair instantly turned grayish white, and her whole body gave a sense of danger.

   Soon, the two walked into the grey mist together!

   The surrounding scene suddenly changed, but the scene in front of him made Leng Shiqi a bit unexpected. He thought that the gray mist was so unclear that there must be some monsters and monsters in it.

  Who would think, at this time, what was presented before him was a green valley, in which flowers of various colors were in full bloom, and the breeze still carried the fragrance of flowers, like a paradise!

  Only the gray mist floating in the sky is a bit depressing.

   What is even more amazing is that the heaven and earth aura here is unusually rich, and it is not a normal heaven and earth aura. It does not seem to contain any alien attributes, but the purest aura that is close to the source.

   No matter what kind of attribute you are practicing, you can practice freely here!

   Leng Shiqi couldn't help blinking, for fear that he might have seen it wrong, this place looked like a blessed place.

   He muttered, "This is how it looks in the Chaos Area? What do you think of Gu San?"

   However, there was no Gu San's voice in his ears, Leng Shiqi's thoughts moved, he suddenly turned around, and there was no one beside him!

   Leng Shiqi held the Mo Yujian tightly, his eyes and perception opened up, but what surprised him was that his eyes could only detect the situation within one mile!

   As for his own perception, he can hardly leave the body.

   "The chaotic area can significantly suppress the means of perception and detection!" Leng Shiqi was shocked in his heart, "But even so, Gu San can't leave one mile away in an instant. The gray fog is strange!"

   Leng Shiqi could not help frowning. He had just found Gu San, and it didn't take long before he dispersed again. Gu San still has injuries on his body and his cultivation level is not high, so he is still somewhat worried.

   I can think about it again, Gu San can come out of the Blood Mist Island and the Blood Prison, which proves her strength and ability. Besides, Bone Three is a disciple of the Bone Demon, and there must be some hole cards in his hand, and there should be no life-threatening in a short time.

   Leng Shiqi looked around, found a trail and walked along, he was always vigilant, about half an hour later he actually saw a small village from a distance!

   The village is not very big, but it is also the traffic on the rice paddies, the smoke is curling up, and from time to time, a few children’s clamour can be heard.

   There is a village in this place? There are still people living in this place?

   Cold Seventeen subconsciously felt that it was very abnormal ~www.ltnovel.com~ With extreme caution in my heart, he approached the village.

   As soon as he walked to the head of the village, he heard waves of beatings coming from inside, and then a team of funerals came out.

   At the front, there is a pale middle-aged man wearing Ma Daixiao holding a white banner, his face expressionless, and two people behind him are walking and throwing paper money.

   Then there were four people carrying a heavy coffin, followed by dozens of people, each crying in mourning. It's just that there are also a few colorful children who are laughing and laughing behind the team, looking a bit out of place.

   Leng Shiqi's blue and white eyes kept shining brightly. This funeral team seemed to have no problems. Everyone here is also full of flesh and blood.

   In other words, these people are real people!

   Leng Shiqi watched the team pass by him coldly, an old man who never wanted to walk at the end noticed him.

   The old man walked over and said with a kind smile to Leng Shiqi: "Guests should come from afar. It's better to come to the village to rest for a while."

   Leng Shiqi felt it again, and the old man in front of him did not have any abnormalities, he was a very ordinary person.

   He also showed a harmless smile on his face, and said: "The juniors have traveled so long, and they just happen to be tired, so I'll bother the old man."


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