I Fix The System Law

Chapter 457: Sun Moon Tonghui

   Leng Shiqi took out the Mo Lin Sword, but the arm he was holding the handle of the sword suddenly fell down!

   He frowned and put the Demon's War Knife away again. He was already very reluctant to be able to move, and the use of spirit weapons here became a burden.

   Then the seventeen index fingers were cold, and a **** thunder pierced the air.

   This thundering blood day finger should have been as fast as thunder, but now it is affected by gravity and its speed has also been slowed a lot. Fortunately, those stone monsters didn't seem to have much intelligence, and this thunder-thundering blood finger still shot a monster.

   Scarlet Thunder immediately poke a big hole in the stone monster's body, but the stone monster didn't realize it, and continued to post it as if there was nothing wrong with it!

   Cold seventeen and pointed into a sword, his arm flicked, and dozens of three absolute sword auras swayed out in an instant, covering all the surrounding stone monsters.

   I only heard the sound of "ding dong", the stone monsters were beaten up by Sanjue Jianqi, but most of them stood up tremblingly!

   Leng Shiqi's complexion became more dignified, these monsters have almost no intelligence and defense power is not very strong, but it is difficult to kill!

  If he hadn't specially practiced the physical exercises, sooner or later he would be crushed to death by these monsters!

   "You can't fight with them here, and the bloodweave armor of the beast can't last too long. Let's leave here first."

   Leng Shiqi changed his plan in his heart. He raised his hand, and several nail-sized black spars flew from the fragments of the monsters he had killed. This was the soul stone in Lei Muyan's mouth.

   Then I saw a large amount of cold air rising from his feet, which spread out like ocean waves and ice-covered all nearby stone monsters.

   Taking this opportunity, he quickly activated the'Destiny' skill, and the system map immediately appeared on its own and began to enlarge. Leng Shiqi stared at the map, and a dozen figures appeared on it. After two breaths, he found the location of Bone Three.

   But his pupils did shrink suddenly, and then he disappeared in the red, blue and yellow aura.

   At this time, in the wood area, this place is completely a deep forest. The difference is that this is a dry forest!

   Although there are countless trees and all kinds of plants that have not been seen here, they are all wilted, and they look dying.

   And at this time, two people are fighting!

   One of them was a man in a green robe with his face covered. He only showed a pair of eyes full of cold killing intent. He possesses the seventh-level cultivation base of the Linggang Realm, and between waving his hands, all the nearby plants are driven at will like his arms, and he seems to be a wood-type spiritual practitioner.

   And the other person is Gu San!

   At this time, Gu San was already completely at a disadvantage, and the green-robed man's cultivation base was far surpassing her. In this unique environment, Gu San was already stretched.

The green-robed man had a cold face, and said, "You can also enter here in the early stage of the Ling Aperture Realm, but I happened to meet me, so I picked up a token for nothing. Girl, hand over the token, this place is all the time. All are absorbing our spiritual power, and you will lose sooner or later.

   Give me the token now, maybe I can save my life. "

   Gu San did not answer, because she had already seen the killing intent in the eyes of the green-robed man, so even if she handed over the token, the green-robed man would still not let her go.

   Gu San immediately forced a dozen drops of blood from her fingers, her face instantly turned pale, the blood condensed into three crystal clear blood lines, and then attached to her long sword like autumn water.

   That spirit sword turned into a blood sword in a blink of an eye!

   Gu San is about to start desperately!

   But Gu San's expression remained as usual, she had tried her best too many times, whether in Blood Mist Island or in Blood Prison.

   The green-robed man saw this, the smile on his face was also reduced a little, he actually noticed a sense of danger from Gu San's body!

   A person who had just entered the Spirit Aperture Realm actually threatened him, a spiritual practitioner of the seventh level of the Spirit Aperture Realm!

   The green-robed man flew up and down in his hands, and the two towering giant trees beside him rose directly from the ground, turning into two giant beasts flanking from side to side.

   The three-blood sword of the bone flicked, and another layer of ghost fire ignited on it, and immediately, the blood-colored sword light was cut out one after another like a horse. The sword light slashed on the giant tree, and suddenly tore one horrible wound after another, but the giant tree didn't feel any at all!

   Every branch on the giant tree turned into a spear and a long sword at this moment, stabs Bone III fiercely, completely placing her in a hideous cage!

   At this moment, the green-robed man has forced Gu Sanji into a desperate situation. She also has some means of eruption and escape, but once she uses it, her true identity may be exposed.

   But if she didn't use it, she might really die here!

When    was preparing to use his trump card, a beam of red, blue and yellow light suddenly appeared, and a figure wearing a demon armor came out of the light.

   Gu Sanhe Lupao Ren's gaze immediately turned to him, and those who can appear in this way must be masters! It's just that the people in the green robes didn't know whether the people who came to participate in the elite meeting or the monsters that existed in this world.

   But the next moment, that person staggered a few steps forward and almost fell to the ground!

   The face of the man in the green robe immediately showed a stunned expression. What is the situation?

   And Gu San also recognized at this time, this person is Leng Shiqi!

   She had seen him wear this demon armor when she fought against a disciple from Liuhe Spirit Realm in Leng Seventeen.

   Cold Seventeen, of course, was directly transmitted through the'Destiny' skill, but when he suddenly reached the normal space from the gravity space of the soil area, his body became uncomfortable, so he almost fell.

   After he stood firm, a pair of bluish-white eyes looked at the green-robed man, his eyes exuding murderous intent without concealment.

   The man in the green robe was a bit uncomprehending for Leng Shiqi. When he was about to test a few words, Leng Shiqi moved first!

   I saw Leng Shiqi's hands supporting the sky~www.ltnovel.com~ bursts of dazzling light appeared, and in an instant a round of burning green flames condensed.

   The face of the man in the green robe suddenly changed, and his hand print changed suddenly, intending to order the two giant trees to attack Leng Shiqi. Unfortunately, at this moment, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. He only saw five tall giants like gods appearing in front of him, making him want to kneel under their feet.

   Even he has completely forgotten what he was doing.

   At the same time, as soon as the Three Bone Swords Art came out, a **** crescent moon rose behind him.

  The poisonous sun shines in the world, the blood moon is dense, and the sun and the moon smash the two giant tree monsters one after another under the same glory, and then deprive the green-robed man of life for a moment of loss!

   The green-robed man who had just been invincible was actually killed by the two of them in an instant!

   When the man in the green robe died, Gu San finally breathed a sigh of relief. She nodded to Leng Shiqi and swallowed a pill to restore spiritual power. But her face was still extremely pale, and the pill could help her quickly regain her spiritual power, but the essence and blood she lost could only be slowly brought back.

   Leng Shiqi was very skillfully wiping up the mustard bag of the green-robed man, and secretly absorbed his remnant soul.

   At this time, Gu San panted and walked over, lifted the green-robed man's hood with the tip of his sword, and said in doubt. "Who is this person? It seems to be Zhuge Pu and that team."

   Leng Shiqi shrugged his shoulders, "Don't care about the name of a dead person."

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