I Fix The System Law

Chapter 456: Small 5 lines chaotic cave sky

Lei Muyan narrowed her smile. She stretched out a jade arm, and bracelets flew out of them. The bracelets suddenly separated into five apertures of different colors. She made her debut in succession, and the five bracelets suddenly gleamed. The blooms gradually overlapped again, forming a gray gate of light.

   "This is the Little Five Elements Chaos Cave Sky. There is a small space in it. Your test is in it, and your mission is to live out of the Five Elements Cave Sky!"

   As soon as she said this, everyone's expressions were condensed.

   Come out alive even if it completes the task? That means there must be a danger that can threaten their lives!

   Of course, none of these people had a wave of thoughts, and no one was willing to quit.

  Because they know that if they really pass the test, they will surely fly into the sky! Not only can you enter the dragon vein training, but the road to promotion in the future is even more straightforward!

   Under this kind of pressure, everyone is getting more and more vigorous!

   Lei Muyan flicked his finger, and suddenly a dozen streams of light hit everyone. Leng Shiqi looked down, and there was an extra small blue token in his palm.

"Being alive is only the most basic requirement. Each of these tokens is one, and they can compete with each other without any restrictions. In addition, there are also some strange creatures in the cave. Kill them to get soul stones, a pound of soul stones. Can be used for a token.

   After you come out, the five people with the most tokens have passed the test. "

   The people present all looked around each other, their eyes were full of hostility. In the end, only five of the 18 of them could pass the test!

   And the tokens on each body can also be snatched from each other, this is to let them kill each other!

  At this moment, everyone standing here is an enemy!

  Perhaps in this small five-element chaotic cave, the most dangerous are not strange creatures, but these people.

   "Well, the Little Five Elements Chaos Cave Sky can only last for seven days at most. You can go in quickly. As for how to get out, you can find a way."

   At this point, Lei Muyan waved his hand, and everyone walked through the gray light door one by one.

   As soon as he walked into the light gate, he felt that the world around him turned upside down, and he was still very calm. He had experienced this situation a lot, and he had begun to get used to it.

   When he can see with his eyes, there is a thick yellow sandy soil in front of him, and when he looks at it, it seems to be a desert.

   And there is no one around him!

   Leng Shiqiu said to himself: "It seems that everyone is also scattered."

   He looked around and found that the surrounding environment was almost exactly the same, with no reference at all. In this case, even if he walked in a certain direction, he would unknowingly deviate from the direction.

   Besides, he didn't know where to go.

   After seventeen cold thoughts, there was a flash of light in his mind, and he immediately opened the system map.

   He used to spend a whole 10,000 system currency to make a map fully open, but he didn't know if the system map was useful in this small five-element chaotic cave.

   When he clicked on the system map, he saw that six areas of different colors were immediately displayed on the map.

   The system map actually works!

   Leng Shiqi was overjoyed. He remembered that when he was on Gu Shenfeng, he was pulled into that small space by Tudeng, and the system map had no effect at all.

   He couldn't help but sigh, the true value of the ten thousand system currency!

   He immediately began to study the map of the cave sky carefully. First, there were five areas of different colors distributed in a pentagonal pattern. He is now in the yellow area, in the lower right corner, not far from the red area.

   "These five areas should represent the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and I am in the area of ​​earth. Unfortunately, this map can't show the location of other people..." Thinking of this, Leng Shiqi was taken aback.

   Since the system map can be used, then the ‘destiny’ skill should also be able to be used!

   As long as he activates his ‘Destiny’ skill, he can quickly find other people!

   Just when Leng Shiqi was about to activate his skills, the yellow sand ground under his feet suddenly shone with a strange rhythm.

   Immediately, Leng Shiqi knelt down suddenly!

   He actually felt as if he was suddenly pressed onto a hill, making him unable to get up at all, his complexion was red, and layers of sweat ooze out of his face instantly!

   Even the blood in his body began to fall, and the meridians and bones made the sound of rubbing.

   Leng Shiqi exclaimed: "This is... the gravity has increased!"

   What surprised him the most was that his physical strength was not weak. He hadn't forgotten to temper his body for a long time, and now he can be compared to a spiritual practitioner in the early and mid-phase of the spiritual pulse realm by his physical strength alone.

   But even so, he was still almost unable to breathe under the weight of that invisible gravity!

   One can imagine how strong this gravity is!

   Leng Shiqi's heart moved, and the black and red devilish energy surged and the demon blood pattern armor attached to his body, making him a lot less pressure, and he was finally able to stand up.

   But his heart is still worried. He has a high-strength body and a bloodline armor of Warcraft, so he can only stand hard. What about the others?

   Then you must not be directly pressed on the ground, unable to move!

   What worries him is, under this situation, if the strange creature Lei Muyan's mouth appears, what should he do? Even if you can't move it, doesn't it mean to die?

   "Sha Sha Sha..."

   Suddenly ~www.ltnovel.com~ there were rustling noises around, and then small soil packs emerged from the yellow sand on the ground, it seemed that something was about to come out!

   Leng Shiqi's mouth twitched, he didn't expect that he still had the potential of a crow's mouth.

   He quickly raised his foot, but found that even a little bit is very difficult!

   Soon he overflowed with demonic energy all over his body, and all gathered in his feet, and the ghostly steps of the ghost spring came out, and the ghostly ghost steps that could have been as fast as a ghost can only allow him to run at a normal speed at this moment.

   But in a blink of an eye, the surrounding small soil packs finally broke out of the ground, and when I fixed my eyes, it was a monster that seemed to be made up of small stones. These monsters are not big, they are only one person tall, but they are floating in mid-air without feet, they can float as much as ten feet away by moving at will!

   Seeing this scene, Leng Shiqi felt miserable in his heart.

   He remembered that Father Gao had asked him how he could escape and save his life that night. He was still a little confident at the time. But now it seems that he still overestimates himself a bit!

   Because even if he showed the fastest speed, he was far behind these stone monsters!

   Leng Shiqi took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with murderous intent, since he can't escape, kill them all!


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