I Fix The System Law

Chapter 408: Nether Temple

   "Sad Heart Tribulation" is a means that can penetrate the evil spirit into the enemy's body, and destroy the enemy's consciousness with the evil spirit like eroding the enemy's body!

   can be said to be a very vicious spiritual skill!

   Cold Seventeen directly used infinite skill points to raise these two spiritual skills to the realm of Dzogchen, and "Blood Fiend Spirit Armor" became more solid and heavy.

   It's a pity that he couldn't try the power of Sha Xin Jie.

  After cultivating these two spiritual skills, Leng Shiqi picked up another piece of jade slip. Among them was Wuxiang’s fifth-order spiritual skill "Blood Killing Qi Jue Sword"!

   This set of swordsmanship is in the same vein as the "Blood Killing Seven Evil Jue", and the two complement each other, but they are not recorded in the practice.

   This is because Xueyi Pavilion has never restricted the cultivation direction of the disciples under the sect, and the blood and Yu Sha tactics attached to the Blood Killing Qi Sha tactics are all auxiliary spiritual skills.

   In this way, the blood-clothed killers can choose the most suitable way based on their talents and preferences.

   If you use a sword, you can also exchange blood for the Qijue Sword with blood drops.

   Leng Shiqi picked up the jade slip, penetrated into the jade slip, and saw the training formula of the Blood Killing Qijue Sword, and the system also sent a reminder.

   Without saying a word, he cultivated to Dzogchen in one step.

   There are seven types of sword moves in the Blood Killing Qijue Sword. One move is more powerful than the other. When you reach Dzogchen, you can combine the seven moves into one move!

   A sword comes out, it seems that there is only one move, but in fact there are seven sword moves hidden!

   is not only very explosive, but also hard to guard against!

   For Leng Shiqi, based on his current cultivation level, the previous "Songshan Speed ​​and Slow Seventeen Road Sword Technique" is already a little unavailable, so this **** killing Qijue sword can be regarded as strengthening him.

   This time there is no phase, to give spiritual skills to the exercises, and let Leng Shiqi's strength one more point.

   When Leng Shiqi finished studying the techniques and spiritual skills, the sky was already bright.

   He pondered for a moment, and sent someone to call Qiu Cheng over.

   Qiu Cheng learned that Leng Shiqi was looking for him early in the morning, and he knew something was urgent in his heart. He hurried to Leng Shiqi’s room and bowed, "See your lord!"

   After Leng Shiqi transferred Qiu Cheng to Hanzhou City, although he is still a dark thunder envoy, he has far more power in his hands than before. He also knew that all of this was given to him by Leng Shiqi, so he became more respectful of Leng Shiqi.

   "Qiu Cheng, I'll ask you." Leng Shiqi asked straightforwardly: "In North County, are there any better alchemists? At least one that can refine Tier 6 pills."

   The reason why Leng Shiqi asked about this is that he has no shortage of spiritual skills, and the fusion of spiritual skills is almost the same.

   So he began to shift his focus to improving his cultivation.

   But for spiritual practitioners in the Spirit Aperture Realm, it has become more and more difficult to improve their cultivation. If you just rely on penance, you don't know when you can cultivate to the ninth level of the spiritual aperture.

Although Leng Shiqi has a two-level spirit gathering formation, this formation consumes too many spirit stones. During the three months of his retreat, all the spirit stones he obtained from the Gu God Sect have been consumed. 70% to 80%!

   Even if his family is very strong, he can't support his unlimited use of the Two-Year Gathering Array.

   So, Leng Shiqi remembered the most suitable medicine for spiritual practitioners, Kaiqiao Pill!

   Kaiqiao Pill can not only help spiritual practitioners to open the spiritual orifice, but also can greatly increase the cultivation level. And Leng Shiqi himself has one very precious thing, that is the prescription of Kaiqiao Pill!

   This pill formula was obtained in the phantom realm. It has never been used. Now it is time for it to work.

   Kaiqiao Pill belongs to the sixth-order pill, and if the prescription of Kaiqiao Pill is calculated according to its rank, it is enough to rank as a eighth-order treasure!

   The value of Kaiqiao Pill and Pill is like the value of eggs and hens.

   One is a one-time consumable, and the other is something that can continuously produce pill. The value is completely incomparable.

   However, Leng Shiqi did not know how to refine alchemy, so he could only recruit an alchemist who could refine the enlightening pill.

   As for the materials, he has almost prepared them. First of all, he took a lot of materials for refining the resuscitation pill when he was in the Gu God Sect, plus the inventory in each Dark Thunder Mansion, so there is no need to worry about the materials in a short time.

   Now it can be said that everything is ready, only one alchemist is owed!

   Therefore, he called Qiu Cheng to ask.

   Qiu Cheng's eyes twitched and he was carefully searching his memory.

   Anyone who can refine Tier 6 pill is enough to be called a master alchemist. Such a person is very rare. After thinking for a while, he finally remembered one person!

"My lord, there is indeed an alchemy master named Wen Ren Ge in North County." Qiu Cheng replied, "But this person is not a member of the spiritual cultivation sect. He has been wandering around for many years, so he doesn't know that he is now where.

   It’s not even if he is in North County. "

   "As long as there are people." Leng Shiqi ordered: "Spread all the intelligence networks to find Wenren Ge, and invite me immediately after finding it."

   "Yes!" Qiu Cheng turned around and went to work without hesitation.

   After Qiu Cheng left, Leng Shiqi sent someone to call Guan Feihong.

   After Guan Feihong walked in, he arched his hands and took out a piece of paper, and then stood with his hands together.

   Leng Shiqi frowned immediately. During this period of time, he asked Guan Feihong to search for information about the "You Ying Clan", but the result was a note?

  Want to know that Guan Feihong is an intelligence network that can mobilize both the Xueyi Pavilion and the Dark Thunder Guard at the same time~www.ltnovel.com~ actually only inquired about this little information?

   However, Leng Shiqi did not mean to blame, he believed that Guan Feihong would not neglect his duty.

   Since he was upgraded in the system, he knew that he was carrying a bloodline called the Shadow Clan, but he was extremely unfamiliar with this name, so he asked Guan Feihong to look for information related to it.

   When Leng Shiqi picked up the note, there was only one line on it: "You Ying Clan seems to be related to the Nether Temple."

   "Nether Temple..." Leng Shiqi murmured these words.

   At this time, Guan Feihong took out another piece of information, which contained information about the Nether Temple.

  Similarly, this information is only a few words: "Nether Temple is an extraordinary force that surpasses the three dynasties!

   is one of the two halls of Yin and Yang! "

   Guan Feihong explained in a timely manner: "The Nether Temple is extremely secretive, so far no one knows where their sect is located. According to information for thousands of years, the Nether Temple has not appeared on the mainland several times.

   But every time it appears, it will reveal its shocking strength. The last time they appeared was more than ten years ago, when a first-class force was single-handedly slaughtered by a man in the Nether Temple! "

   Hearing this, Leng Shiqi's brow furrowed into the word "Chuan".


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