I Fix The System Law

Chapter 409: Deepavali

   Leng Shiqi just wanted to inquire about his bloodline, but he did not expect to involve a Nether Temple!

  According to Guan Feihong, the person who can destroy the first-class forces with one person is bound to be the strong in the Tianyuan realm!

   And this Nether Temple can actually surpass the three dynasties, one can imagine how terrifying this force will be!

   The system's information did show that Leng Shiqi had a bloodline, but he didn't feel it at all.

   He also remembers that before the Gu Shenfeng broke through the Spirit Aperture Realm, a mysterious black mark appeared on his forehead, which helped him absorb a lot of power.

   But since then, Leng Shiqi has explored his body countless times, and found no traces.

   Now he knows that the Shadow Clan is actually inextricably linked with the Nether Temple, and he will have nothing to do for a while.

   It is true that the real awakening of the bloodline will definitely increase his strength, but Leng Shiqi did not want to provoke a behemoth like the Nether Temple for no reason!

   So he had to put it aside for the time being.

   "Well, thank you very much." Leng Shiqi said to Guan Feihong.

   "All subordinates should do it." Guan Feihong said, "By the way, my lord, I just got the news this morning that the second-rate force Feng Lei Que invited adults to participate in their Monster Demon Conference."

  Wind thunder fault? Slaughterhouse?

He has heard of the name Fenglei Que, and it is one of the few second-rate forces in North County, and is well-known for its power of imperial wind and thunder.

   But this Feng Lei Que will actually hold a Slaughter Fair?

   This is Xihuang County. You can't even see a monster beast on weekdays. Where can the monster be slaughtered?

   Leng Shiqi was even more concerned about the fact that when he heard the word "monster", he immediately thought of Jiuli!

   It has been a little half a year since he separated from Jiuli last time. He has never received any information from Jiuli during this period, and he does not know where she has gone.

   But Leng Shiqi knew that Jiu Li would definitely not be at peace.

   The last time he was in Donglin County, Jiu Li sneaked into the Extreme Volcano Village and swallowed most of his resources. Later, he was chased and killed by two disciples led by Linggang Realm. That was a miserable one.

   This time, won't you get caught up in the wind and thunder again?

   This is not that Leng Shiqi is thinking about it, but to say that if you can find a better monster in Xihuang County, there will only be Jiuli!

   Of course, Leng Shiqi also hoped that he was thinking.

   Guan Feihong saw that Leng Shiqi hadn't made a sound, so he asked: "My lord, my subordinates refused to go here."

   "No!" Leng Shiqi said: "You can tell me what is going on first."

   "This is what happened." Guan Feihong replied: "Some time ago, Feng Lei Que caught a monster. It is said that this beast had committed heinous crimes in East County and was hunted down to North County and finally fell into the hands of Feng Lei Que.

   Feng Lei Que wanted to hold a slaughterhouse meeting to slay this evil beast in public to prove Tianwei! "

   Leng Shiqi sneered. What proves that Tianwei is acting for the sky is nothing more than taking this opportunity to gain reputation. These spiritual cultivation sects care about these things most.

   But after listening to Guan Feihong's words, Leng Shiqi felt even more that the monster beast was more likely to be Jiuli.

   He must go take a look!

  He said, "Prepare some gifts and let me go to Fengleique."


   Fengleique Zongmen is located in the east of North County, and it is also very close to East County.

   On this day, Leng Shiqi brought Guan Feihong to Fengleique's sect.

   Both were dressed in Dark Thunder Guard's clothes, and they were quickly recognized by the doorman at the door.

   Guan Feihong handed over the famous post, the doorman immediately stared, looked up at Leng Shiqi and then shouted: "Dark Thunder Weibei County Supervisor, Master Liu is here!"

   Soon, a Huafa old man wearing a purple cloak greeted him with a gentle smile.

   This person is Feng Leique's head, Hong Guangji!

   The cultivation realm of the late Linggang realm!

   Even so, Hong Guangji had to be polite when he saw Leng Seventeen, a person in the middle of the Spirit Aperture Realm.

   That's because of Leng Shichi's identity!

  Although it is said that the person who specializes in shocking the spiritual cultivation sect is Zhenfusi, Zhenfusi is equivalent to a tiger blocking the road, and you can go around if you can't beat it.

   And the Dark Thunder Guard is equivalent to a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, staring at you all the time, once you reveal the slightest flaw, you will die without a place to be buried!

   So for these spiritual cultivation sects, sometimes Dark Thunder Guard is more threatening than Zhen Fusi!

   "It turns out that Mrs. Liu has arrived. It is a great honor and a great honor." Hong Guangji laughed.

   As the saying goes, you don’t hit the smiling people with your hands. Leng Shiqi also smiled and said: "Hong Zhangmen, long admiration."

   "Hahaha, please come from Mrs. Liu."


   Hong Guangji led Leng Shiqi and Guan Feihong into the wind and thunder.

   The buildings in this wind and thunderstorm are all dominated by small pavilions, each of which is very unique. At this time, many people in the pavilions were chatting with each other, and these were all people who came to participate in the Fairy Tale.

   When they saw Leng Shiqi's arrival, they all set their sights on him.

   The topics of these people's conversations also naturally transferred to Leng Shiqi, the new North County Supervisor.

   Of course, everyone's reviews are good and bad. Some envy him for being in a high position at a young age, and some are not optimistic that he can do well in this position.

   Leng Shiqi turned a deaf ear to the talk of those people. What he cares most about is who the so-called Slaughterhouse is?

   He lowered his voice and asked, "Head Hong, it is true that I have been very curious about what this monster beast really looks like on the way.

   You also know ~www.ltnovel.com~ Many people in our West Wilderness County have never seen a monster in their lives. I wonder if I can see it first? "

   "This..." Hong Guangjin showed hesitation on his face.

   It is reasonable to say that he naturally hopes to wait until everyone is here to show his true demon capacity, but Leng Shiqi's status is not low, if he does not even agree to this small request, it will be a bit of a shame.

   "Of course there is no problem, I will take Master Liu to take a look."

   A few people were just about to leave, but the doorman's shout came over again, "Beijun Town Fusi Da Tisi, Lord Wang is here!"

  "The people from Zhenfusi are here too?" Hearing this, Leng Shiqi was a little puzzled.

   The relationship between the Zhen Fushi and the spiritual sect has never been very good. Even in the hearts of the spiritual practitioners, the Zhen Fusi is the eagle-dog running dog of the dynasty and is not to be seen.

   Besides, Zhenfusi had to keep a certain distance from the spiritual cultivation sect. It would be bad for both parties if it got closer.

   is not only Leng Shiqi's doubts, even Hong Guangji is also puzzled, but also reveals an unexpected look.

   Because he didn't invite Zhen Fusi at all!

   Now the people of the town fusi come uninvited, this is the big tisi personally coming, it is the same level as the dark thunder guard superintendent!

   Hong Guangji couldn't help beating a drum in his heart.


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