I Fix The System Law

Chapter 407: Blood hell

   As for Gu San, Leng Shiqi really wanted to know her whereabouts.

   Now that the blood seed plan of the **** clothes pavilion has been activated, then the three bones must be arranged into a certain big power.

   He is both caring and curious.

   It's just nothing but silence.

   Leng Shiqi's heart suddenly tightened, could it be that Gu San had some accident?

   "Master, what's wrong with Gu San?" He asked anxiously.

   "She, went to the blood prison!" Wuxiang's voice was a little low.

   Blood Prison?

   Leng Shiqi has never heard of this place, but just hearing the name knows that it is not a good place.

Wuxiang explained: "There are two kinds of people in the blood prison. One is the abandoned disciples of the blood-clothed pavilion. These people have basically violated the rules of the sect and were thrown into the blood prison. Trapped in it.

   Another kind, it has something to do with you and Gu San. "

   Leng Shiqi can't help but feel a little surprised.

"Before the opening of Bloodmist Island, the biggest difficulty encountered by the sect was the lack of a large number of talents! As you know, the blood-clothed pavilion is a killer force. Both the system for cultivating killers and the strength of the killers are the best in the world. .

   However, there are almost no people in the Bloody Clothes Pavilion who study formations, alchemy, or refining.

   To open up the Blood Mist Island, a large number of formation masters, beast masters, puppet masters, etc. are needed. There is not one of these people's blood cloak pavilions.

   So the sect decided to use the golden cicada to escape the shell, secretly save those who need to be killed in the mission and send them to the blood mist island to maintain the normal operation of the blood mist island.

   After you came out of Bloodmist Island, these people were meant to be dealt with, but they did have their own abilities. Zongmen felt it was a pity to kill them directly, so they were all imprisoned in the blood prison. "

  The more I listened, Leng Shiqi's brows became tighter. Hearing nothing to say, the people in this blood prison can be said to be all vicious desperadoes!

Why did    Gu San go to the blood prison? Did she commit some serious mistake?

   At this time, Wuxiang said, "Gusan, she took the initiative to go in!"

   "What?!" Leng Shiqi suddenly became suspicious, and his heart turned sharply, but for a moment he couldn't imagine why Gu San would take the initiative to enter the blood prison.

Wuxiang glanced at Leng Shiqi for a few times, and said with a weird look in his eyes: "Speaking of which, it still has something to do with you. Because Gu San feels that he is far inferior to you, and wants to catch up with you or even surpass you. Will choose to enter the blood prison.

   I don't hide from you as a teacher, the living environment in the blood prison is so harsh, far beyond your imagination. Compared with the Blood Prison, the Blood Mist Island you are on is simply a fairy palace!

   But you don't have to worry, the sect will not really let the bones go wrong, someone in the blood prison is secretly protecting her.

   And as far as I know, Gu San seems to have already broken through the Spirit Aperture Realm. It seems that she is the right choice to go to the Blood Prison to practice. "

   Hearing that Gu San had also breached the Spirit Aperture Realm, Leng Shiqi was also secretly surprised.

   He remembers that it has only been less than a year since Bone Three broke through the Spirit Vessel Realm, and it has directly crossed an entire realm!

   Bone III's own talent for cultivation is terrifying, she is also deeply acquainted with the true biography of the strong bone demon of the Tianyuan realm, and she has experienced in the blood prison, and she should be able to have such a cultivation level.

   Seeing that Leng Shiqi seemed to understand, Wuxiang then changed the subject and said, "You have been promoted very quickly in the Dark Thunder Guard of Xihuang County, but then you should not be greedy for meritorious advances, and you must know how to constrain.

  Xihuang County is under the jurisdiction of Yu Ruifeng, but there are other people staring at you. If you are promoted too fast and high-profile, it will inevitably attract the attention of interested people.

   Your identity is perfect, but there is still a loophole in your identity as a teacher. If someone finds out some clues, we will lose everything. "

   Leng Shiqi nodded. He had intended to stabilize for a period of time. Then there was nothing to explain and he left quietly.

   And Leng Shiqi began to study the complete "Blood Killing Seven Evil Jue" and the new Tier 5 spiritual skill, "Blood Killing Seven Swords"!

   First of all, he used the system to learn the Blood Killing Qi Sha tactic. The biggest feature of this Blood Killing Qi Sha tactic is the ability to mobilize his own blood and evil energy.

   Bleeding blood is a spiritual skill that uses blood qi, and now it is the cultivation base of the Spirit Aperture Realm, and it is possible to cultivate a deeper level of evil qi.

  The spiritual skill that controls evil spirits is called "Yu Shajue". There is no specific rank for this skill, because the power of the evil spirits is directly related to the intensity of the user's own evil spirits!

   After Leng Shiqi finished practicing Yu Sha Jue, his hands were sealed, and he was going to arouse the invisible evil spirit in his body, first to see how high his own evil spirit was!

   Cold Seventeen Jie Yin did not move, and a trace of blood evil gas emerged from his body.

   Immediately afterwards, his body seemed to have opened a floodgate, and a wave of evil spirits appeared crazy!

   After a short while, the whole room was filled with a strong evil spirit, and even a faint voice of ghost wailing could be heard in it!

   Even Leng Shiqi's own eyes are faintly red, and all the tyrannical emotions are rising!

   At this moment, Leng Shiqi's spiritual illusion swayed slightly, and waves full of strange rhythms agitated, suppressing the emotion. He looked around, and was a little surprised at how strong his evil spirit was!

   generally, people who can possess such evil spirits might have become lunatics who only know how to kill. The reason why Leng Shiqi had no abnormalities was firstly because his will was very firm and his mentality was also very good.

   Perhaps it was a habit that he had cultivated from Bloodmist Island~www.ltnovel.com~ The people he killed were all people who should be killed, so he didn't have any knots in his heart.

  Furthermore, his mental power is so powerful that it can suppress these evil spirits.

   Then Leng Shiqi followed the method in Yu Sha Jue to tame these evil spirits first, and completely used the evil spirits for his own use!

   In this way, it can not only avoid being affected by the evil spirit, but also use it to defend against the enemy. It really kills two birds with one stone.

  Leng Shiqi's hand changed, and those strong evil spirits quickly gathered and slowly circulated around him.

   With the passage of time, these evil spirits condensed into a dark red light film attached to Leng Shiqi's body. Gradually, the shape of this layer of light film began to change slowly, and it turned into a thin pair of light armor after an hour!

   This is a method of using evil spirits in the Yu Sha Jue, "Blood Shaman Spirit Armor"!

   Spiritualists in the Aura realm can mobilize their spiritual power to condense into the body armor. The body armor is far stronger than the body armor, and it is difficult to break the body armor with the attack of the general spirit.

   And the defensive power of this blood evil spirit armor is far superior to the body armor, and the evil spirit released by the blood evil spirit armor can also affect the opponent's mind!

   This is a high-level spiritual skill that combines defense and disturbance.

   In addition, there is also an offensive spiritual skill in the Yu Sha tactic, called "Sha Xin Jie"!


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