I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 667 Love, hate, and hatred?

Harvey, who was far away in the villa on the top of the Void Island on the Xandar star, saw this scene and felt a sense of astonishment in his heart.

It's night time now on Xandar, so Sonia has already finished her day's work.

"Sonia, I will take you to see a good place tomorrow night."

Harvey said while looking at this visual feast.

"It's okay if it's at night."

"But where is Mr. Cassadine going to take me?"

Sonia looked a little surprised when she saw Mr. Kassadin suddenly say this, but she immediately agreed when she heard it was at night.

"Take you to see the stunning natural scenery that is no less beautiful than the universe and has been formed over time."

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

Many cultures cannot be appreciated until they are understood.

However, there are also many cultures that do not need to be understood in order to appreciate their beauty.

The ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas advocates biotechnology and is also extremely advanced.

Logically speaking, civilizations of this level rarely retain relatively complete and original natural features.

However, the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas still retains the stunning natural scenery like a picture scroll.

It makes Harvey seem to have seen scenes in his past and present lives that can only be seen in games and various CGs.

So Harvey planned to go there in person after Kyle and the others left.

People's yearning for beautiful things will always exist.

And Harvey remembered that Sonia preferred a life integrated with nature to various high-tech scenes that were completely modern.


When Sonia heard these words, she agreed directly without hesitation.

She knew that Mr. Cassadine was observing the situation on Lacey's side, and he probably saw some particularly beautiful scenery on Lacey's side.

Sonia has seen a lot, but she has basically read thousands of books and has not yet traveled thousands of miles.

I had thought about finding time to visit various civilizations.

But this time, Mr. Cassadine invited her to go for a walk, so of course she would go.

Harvey saw Sonia agree and continued to watch.


And in the golden maple mountain pavilion of Shengni ancient civilization.

"Lord Kyle..."

Madam Butterfly trembled in her heart when she saw Lord Kyle walking ten meters away from her, but she still summoned up the courage to shout.

It was just that the voice was very soft, and if Kyle hadn't heard well enough, it might have been obscured by the wind.

"What happened a few years ago is behind us."

"You are Lacey's subordinate now. I have no reason to attack you again."

"So you can be as bold as possible."

"I know that many people are afraid of me and Lacey, as well as Renault and the Predictor, and call us the Gods of Death."

"But we are not that bloodthirsty, nor are we that stingy."

"Of course it doesn't mean that we are good people, but you have to know."

"We will not take action over trivial matters unless necessary."

When Kyle heard Madam Butterfly's subtle voice, he rubbed the back of his head and felt a headache. After thinking for a while, he decided to get straight to the point.

It is true that desire is the eternal trial of the Void God Religion.

As their strength becomes stronger and stronger, the four of them now gradually take action less often, and more often, they cultivate their character in the Void Island.

Unless there are opponents of the same level who can make the four of them a little more serious, no matter how many enemies there are in front of them, they will be useless.

All four of them have felt this consciousness one after another.

Therefore, they need to try their best to control their consciousness and not cause unnecessary disputes.

Kyle was thankful more than once that Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, was watching from above.

Let them always keep in mind that there is a god above their heads.

Let them understand that they can do something but not do whatever they want, otherwise they will be sent to the judgment hall of the Void Cult.

And Kyle himself is not bloodthirsty. Basically, the ones he kills are either on missions or on enemies.

As for those who are on a bounty, they belong to some groups who are fighting openly and secretly. They are just thugs who get paid to do things.

Not to mention the enemy, who cuts the weeds without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze will bring new growth.

Kindness to your enemies is cruelty to yourself and those around you.

Except for the above situations, Kyle will take action without hesitation.

Most of them had nothing to do with him, and Kyle wouldn't even bother with them, let alone kill them for fun.

A truly homicidal person kills without any reason, and even takes pleasure in killing and torturing people.

"I know Lord Kyle that you no longer have any ill intentions towards me and Nikrov."

"Nikrov has also fully adapted to it."

"I'm the only one who hasn't been able to adapt. Even though you have no ill intentions toward me, you still show fear every time I see you."

"So I always feel quite embarrassed towards you."

When Madam Butterfly heard Lord Kyle's words, she put her hands on the railings of the corridor and said softly.

When Kyle, Lacey, Rennoli, and the Predictor arrived in the Land of Nothingness.

It already made her feel scared, and she was directly caught and threatened.

It was the first time in her life that she felt so close to death.

Even though she was facing a desperate situation, she decisively made the choice to kill herself in order not to be abused.

The moment she felt An An could die, a nightmare occurred that she still dares not forget, and she was easily revived.

From peace of mind to fear and despair, the impact of the ups and downs turned into a shadow in her heart.

Now let’s look at the Void Cult as the agent of the Land of Void.

What did Nikrov think? Because Nikrov hid a lot of things, Madame Butterfly did not dare to say that she understood.

However, Madame Butterfly herself felt that she had come into contact with a higher world that she had not been able to come into contact with before.

And she also saw the true side of Niklov.

In the past, because she had no one to protect her, she could only use her charm ability secretly.

Under Nikrov's protection, she could act more boldly.

And she also witnessed the manifestation of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, which was a miracle that she could never forget in her life.

She has mastered countless information, but most of it is only transmitted through words and projections.

The moment when he truly sees those cosmic-level powerhouses active in intelligence confronting or appearing in front of him.

Madame Butterfly knows what it means to be powerful.

After hearing what Star-Lord said, she said that there was little hope, so it would all depend on fate.

But in fact, Lady Butterfly is very capable of receiving the blessing of the void.

Because she has longed for it since she was a child, to be able to truly walk in front of countless people without having to hide.

The convenience brought to her by the charming superpower also brought her countless sufferings and worries that she could not tell others.

Madam Butterfly knew clearly the moment when her mood really started to improve.

It was precisely because she was forced to join that she became the agent of the Void Land under the name of the Void God Cult.

Because Nikrov has been protecting her, allowing her to express her true nature more freely.

And when necessary, it's not just Nikrov, but also Lady Lacey. This is what she has always dreamed of.

"Don't feel embarrassed about it."

"It's understandable that you're afraid of me."

"It's just that the opportunities for us to meet in the future will definitely gradually increase and not decrease."

"So I just hope you can face me calmly, just like Nikrov."

"Don't be afraid that I will suddenly take action against you, even though you are not a compatriot of the Void God Religion."

"But you are Lacey's subordinate, and you will be protected by Lacey."

"And being protected by Lacey is almost equivalent to being protected by me...the Void Divine Cult."

When Kyle heard Madam Butterfly's words, he originally wanted to say that he was under his protection, but in the end he changed his mind temporarily.

Compared to being indirectly protected by him, being protected by the Void Divine Cult should bring more peace of mind to Madam Butterfly.

Kyle didn't dare to bear the embarrassment Mrs. Butterfly said with peace of mind.

After all, he was the one who threatened Madam Butterfly first, and this fact will not change no matter what.

He is not a psychopath who scared others into committing suicide and asked others to thank him.

Therefore, Kyle's resistance and fear towards Madam Butterfly's subsequent revelations have always been understandable.

"Being protected by the Void God Religion sounds really reliable."

Madam Butterfly was a little surprised when she noticed Kyle's change of words, and a smile appeared on her face under the veil.

When the nightmare that brings a fatal crisis to oneself, one day becomes the person who protects oneself.

Although it is weird, the sense of reliability it brings is unparalleled.

"Of course, the glory of the great Void Cult will surely be remembered by the universe."

Kyle saw the smile under Madam Butterfly's veil, and knew that she had barely opened some gaps in Madam Butterfly's heart.

As long as they have more contact with him in the future, Madam Butterfly will probably not be so afraid of him.

Madame Butterfly showed fear towards him in this place, but Kyle actually felt nothing wrong with it. At most, he just felt embarrassed.

But if this problem is not solved, if one day Miss Sonia, Miss Sarah and Miss La Latina see Madame Butterfly, and they show fear in their eyes as soon as they notice his appearance, then there will be big trouble.

This is not a question of admiration or not, but simply because I don’t want to affect Miss Sonia and the others’ good impression of me.

Hei Luosan looked at the Queen and Kyle who were talking ten meters apart outside the corridor.

"Mr. Nikrov, what exactly did Mr. Kyle do to the Queen?"

"The incident he mentioned has passed. Could it be a love-hate relationship such as abandoning the family or domestic violence?"

Hei Luosan could not help but be curious.

"Don't make blind guesses, it's not the case at all."

"And you call her Queen. Do you think she can impress men so easily?"

Nikrov was originally happy to see that Madam Butterfly's heart had finally opened up a little, but when he heard Hei Luosan's question, his mind was filled with dark thoughts.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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