I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 668: As a human being, you cannot avoid vulgarity

"Being able to easily control men is indeed not easy to impress."

"But it looks like that."

Hei Luo San heard what Mr. Niklov said and spoke.

He will only look for happiness himself, and as for who his wife is, he doesn't need to care at all.

He only needs to improve himself and keep moving forward. The moment he becomes the most outstanding son of the Hei family, his wife will be in place.

It is precisely because he knows that even if he falls in love with a woman, he will not be able to stay with her for the rest of his life.

So when he was young, except when he had to satisfy his desires and occasionally look for some pleasure, he didn't have to think about picking up girls at all.

Unless he gives up his dream of being the twenty-eighth generation head of the family, then he has the power to choose.

However, Hei Luo San is very clear about the importance between women, career and merit.

His wife must be the most outstanding contemporary woman in the Hei family.

As for a woman who doesn't belong to the right family, she gives up all her efforts in the first half of her life and chooses to elope with her.

Unless he was mentally retarded, he would never be able to do that.

As a man born in the five major veins, he should climb up the ladder and make achievements, leaving his name in history and being praised by countless people.

Rather than giving up all past efforts for a woman.

The only people worthy of outstanding people like them who have worked hard to climb up since birth are women who can assist their careers and build great achievements with them through thick and thin.

This kind of women are the straight women who are competing for each other in the contemporary era. They will also have extremely good combat effectiveness, rich knowledge, and general knowledge and propriety.

When they compete to determine who is the head of the family of this generation, they will get married.

And those vases that are useless except for their appearance are everywhere on the street.

"Don't think blindly, it's not the case anyway."

"I have to question whether Lady Butterfly has had a male partner."

"Let alone getting married and raising a bloodline."

Nikrov said speechlessly when he saw Hei Luo San looking like this.

It is actually not difficult for Madam Butterfly to climb up, with her stunning appearance and super powers that can come in handy in certain things.

You can easily find a strong male to protect you.

After all, Madame Butterfly is not a vase girl, a woman who only has appearance but no substance.

But before Madam Butterfly was forced to be the agent of the Land of Nothingness and cooperate with him to manage the Land of Nothingness.

The actual situation is similar to him, one is a black marketeer and the other is the owner of a beauty shop.

In the land of nothingness, he became famous, achieved financial freedom and gained some fame, but that was all.

To put it bluntly, he hid a lot of things, and so did Madame Butterfly.

Based on the methods he saw for detecting intelligence, Madam Butterfly could become the strongest intelligence agent at any time.

Because a lot of information is known only to men but not to women.

Lady Butterfly can charm men and make them reveal the information hidden deep in their hearts.

It's no wonder that after the prophet found out the information, he was appointed to be with Madam Butterfly instead of alone.

I'm afraid it was because of Madam Butterfly's outstanding intelligence gathering ability that Madam Butterfly was taken along with her.

"No need to ask questions, I can tell you clearly that she has not had a partner yet."

Renoli heard this and spoke.

"Why are you so sure?"

Niklov was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

“Because our eyes can see the source of human life.”

"The more well-preserved it is, the more pure it is. The more turbid and incomplete it is, the more chaotic the private life is."

Renault pointed to his eyes and said.

"Does the Void God Religion still have this ability?"

Hei Luosan's eyes widened when he heard this ability.

Direct women of all major lineages need to have a well-preserved body.

Therefore, he himself has never worried about whether his future wife is pure.

But it is undeniable that with the advancement of technology, it has become increasingly difficult to determine whether a woman is pure.

"The Void God Religion has many special abilities, these are just the most basic ones."

Renault said calmly after hearing this.

"What an amazing ability."

"If you have this kind of ability, even if you don't rely on fighting to make money, if you become an introducer, your business will definitely be booming."

Hei Luosan said in amazement when he heard this.

Many rich people have many partners, but they only have a few real wives, and their requirements are very high.

But there is still no guarantee that you will be able to find a pure woman.

After all, technology is getting higher and higher, and concepts are increasingly advocating freedom. It is too difficult to ensure a pure body.

Unless there are strict family training and a thorough understanding of the roots, this can be guaranteed.

Although not having a pure body has become the norm in all civilizations, it is precisely because of this that the more successful men are, the more they will pursue pure women.

After all, as partners who devote themselves to each other for a lifetime, no one wants their wife to be second-hand goods, or even how many second-hand goods they have.

Laura didn't feel anything when she heard it, because she knew that since she chose this way of living, she could get away with it in many cases, but it didn't mean that she could get away with it in all situations.

Among them, the marriage market is the most difficult to deal with. She never thought that if she chose this way of life, she would be able to find an honest man to marry in the future. Anyway, she could feed and drink enough for the whole family.

Lacey herself has no special feeling, because she has this ability herself, and of course she also knows that others can see the root of her life source.

At this time, Jin Luosha also asked someone to deliver a lot of food later, and he had already returned from outside.

"Is the introducer sure to be prosperous?"

"What are you talking about?"

But he had just entered the pavilion and walked up, and heard these words.

"The abilities of the great figures of the Void God Religion are much more powerful than I imagined."

Hei Luo San said after hearing this.

"That's for sure. Isn't it common sense that the Void Divine Religion has all kinds of magical abilities?"

“But let’s talk to me about it at some time.”

"Come on now, the food will be here in twenty minutes."

"I'll take you to see the Golden Tree first, and then you can start eating when you come back."

Jin Rakshasa praised Hei Luosan without hesitation when he heard what he said, and then prepared to take them to visit the Jin family's treasure, the Golden Tree.

Although several big shots present were stronger than him, Jin Luosha was still not worried that the other party would steal him.

The Void God Cult has a good reputation and a bad reputation, but it depends on which aspect you look at it.

From the perspective of Golden Rakshasa, the Void Divine Sect is still a relatively principled force.

So he and Hei Luo San quickly accepted Nikrov and Madame Butterfly's statement.

It is foreseeable that the Void God Religion will expand its territory in the future, but taking into account the situation in the Land of Void.

If the Void Cult wants to take over the Saint Nicholas Civilization by then, then they should still have autonomy.

The Land of Nothingness only got two agents because the Collector died.

"Come here."

Golden Rakshasa also came to the corridor between the pavilions.

The Jin family had already carried out biological modification of raptors many years ago, but that was only possible after the body had gradually grown larger.

And sometimes when entertaining guests, not all guests can fly.

Therefore, Jinfeng Mountain here used to be the base camp of the Jin family, and the various parts of the pavilion were naturally connected by suspended walkways.

"Are you ready to see the Golden Tree?"

Madam Butterfly and Kyle followed after hearing this.

"Where is the golden tree planted?"

Bai Linglong was also extremely happy at this time.

"The golden tree is planted in the golden pavilion, located in the center of Jinfeng Mountain,"

"There are mechanisms installed, so it cannot be seen directly from high altitude."

"You can only see it by going to a specific location and turning on the switch."

After hearing this, Jin Luosha opened his mouth and introduced.

"The tree is more than 20,000 years old. Isn't it so big that it can fit under the pavilion?"

Lacey also asked at this time.

"The Golden Tree has grown five meters in a thousand years, and is currently only around 115 meters long."

"So it won't be very high."

Golden Rakshasa heard this and spoke.

A tree that is more than a hundred meters high is very tall for ordinary people, but that is only for ordinary people.

For a moderately strong person, a tree over a hundred meters high can easily be climbed or even knocked down.

"It takes a thousand years to grow five meters?"

"This thing really needs to be guarded."

Lacey was also a little amazed when she heard about this growth cycle.

A group of people followed the Black Rakshasa walking on the spacious and artistic hanging corridor connecting the pavilions.

"Are these made of golden maple?"

Lacey saw the beautiful textures lining the hanging corridors between the buildings.

"Well, as long as the golden maple tree is properly maintained regularly and does not suffer any natural or man-made disasters, it is said that it can last forever."

Bai Linglong introduced with a smile upon hearing this.

"It's just a rumor that it will never fail."

"According to the conditions in the place of origin, if it is not affected by natural disasters or man-made disasters, it will last for ten thousand years at most."

"It will slowly decay and collapse over ten thousand years."

After hearing Bai Linglong's words, Jin Luosha rigorously corrected his statement.

"It's already awesome enough to survive for ten thousand years."

"I don't know how many generations have been sent away."

"This creation is almost like once and for all."

Kyle heard that it could survive for ten thousand years and knew that this thing must be brought back to Void Island.

“Once and for all, just because it’s a possibility doesn’t mean it can definitely be done.”

"Golden maple can withstand the long years, but it cannot withstand changes in people's hearts."

“With the advancement of science and technology and cultural changes, aesthetics and life requirements will increase step by step and will not stop forever.”

"As human beings, we are not exempt from vulgarity, even our Jin family is the same."

"In addition to the so-called man-made disasters that may cause violent fires and destruction, the most important thing is the independent overhaul that occurs every few years."

"Except for the Golden Township, the place of origin, the Jin family's well-preserved place is the only place where the golden maple wood buildings are still well-preserved."

"In fact, in the new place where we moved, we only retained some pavilions made of golden maple wood as our daily residence."

"Where it is used for other purposes, other materials are used to build a mixed type, which is not so pure."

When Jin Rakshasa heard that others were willing to praise the golden maple wood that was abundant in the Jin family, he was certainly proud in his heart, but he also understood the actual situation.

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