I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 666 The golden land of the scorching sun

"It will be found."

Hei Luo San is also very eager to advance to the cosmic level, not just the planet level, but technology can only be studied slowly.

"Perhaps you can start by improving genes."

After hearing this, Lacey thought for a moment and made a suggestion.

"The improved genes brought about by our biological modification are already very mature."

Hei Luo San said after hearing this.

"It's not the biomodification stage, but the genetic improvement before the biomodification stage."

"We are currently integrating the genes of other powerful races and then considering further biological modification."

Lacey corrected Hei Luosan's statement.

"Although it may be a bit too arrogant to say this, the genetically modified people of various civilizations are not higher than our Saint Nicholas civilization, but are actually weaker."

Hei Luosan paused and said.

As soon as this sentence came out, Jin Luosha, Bai Linglong, and Laura all felt the same.

When it comes to research on genetic modification, looking at the universe, their Saint Nicholas civilization is definitely at the forefront of biotechnology.

"That's not necessarily true. As far as I know, Mowgli's physical body is also extremely powerful."

"They belong to the physical body brought about by the natural evolution of the environment."

"Now that you have tried various biological subjects and reached the peak."

"It's okay to do some research and give it a try."

It was precisely because Lacey thought of Alex's race that she asked Heiluo San to look in another direction.

The genetic modification technology of the Mowgli people is actually not high at all. It basically only extends the life span, and actually does not enhance the genes much.

After years of natural evolution, a civilization of all warriors on Mowgli was created.

Of course, the Saint Nicholas civilization is a highly developed technological civilization and is heading towards the most advanced civilization in the universe.

In terms of technological level and advanced civilization, Mowgli is far inferior to the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas.

But it never means that a backward civilization has no merit.

"Lacie, you won't let him deal with Alex."

"Lix probably won't pay attention to him."

"If you ask him to go to Mowgli to find Alex, you might as well ask him to find Banner. According to Tony, Banner's transformation is also a genetic mutation caused by genetic modification."

Rennoli, Predictor, and Kyle were also shocked when they heard Lacey mention Mowgli.

"Although Banner is very likely to agree to study and discuss it together."

"But Banner's type of mutation is a sudden mutation, and it may occur only in countless cases. It is not a normal genetic improvement."

"No matter how much you want to study genes, you can't find Banner."

"And Alex doesn't mind some cooperation that can make civilization progress."

When Lacey heard what the three said, she rolled her eyes angrily.

"Is it the preliminary stage of biological modification...Thank you Miss Lacey for your suggestion."

"When this matter is settled, I will go back and investigate thoroughly."

Heiluo San didn't have much impression of Mowgli. After all, they were all concerned with civilizations of the same level or higher.

But of course Hei Luo San has heard of Yan Molix's name.

The battle against Enmolix in the Land of Nothingness was brilliant.

Miss Lacey, the true administrator of the Void Land, mentioned Mowgli.

Perhaps Mowgli Star does have its own unique features that can allow them to further extend their genetic modification.

The Saint Nicholas civilization has only one fundamental reason for disaster fusion. It is not strong enough and cannot withstand the surge in power brought about by the fusion disaster.

People who have undergone biological modification are prone to rejection and suppression reactions if they undergo disaster fusion.

As a result, all reason and emotion are suppressed and become an uncontrollable neurosis.

Ordinary psychopaths are not dangerous, but a psychopath with disaster-level power is not a psychopath, but a monster that destroys everywhere.

"You're welcome. I'd also like to see how powerful a rational disaster-level incarnation is."

"You can even consider looking at where to get some genes from the Celestial Clan and study them. It's also possible."

"It's available in the Land of Nothingness. Just give the money to Nikrov and he will deliver it to you in a few days. The price is negotiable."

Hearing this, Lacey shook her head slightly to say you're welcome, and then got down to business.

There is a body of a dead ancient god in the void.

If you want to obtain the genes of the Celestial Clan, it's easy, just buy them directly from the Void God Sect.

These are businesses. As long as the Saint Nicholas Civilization decides to buy it, it will be a large order of at least tens of billions of cosmic coins.

Anyway, those gadgets of the Celestial God Clan are of no use to the Void God Cult.

They believe in Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and believe that the Void will eventually surpass all others and become the strongest race in the universe.

"We can't even fuse disaster-level genes now, let alone those from the Celestial Clan."

"But you can really buy some and keep them for yourself."

When Hei Luosan heard that he could find Mr. Nikrov to buy genes from the Celestial Clan, he understood and immediately said that he could consider buying some.

The Golden Rakshasa is the military branch of the Saint Nicholas Civilization, and the Black Luosan is the branch that holds great power and has various authorities.

Besides, his own net worth is more than tens of billions of universe coins.

He could spend one or two billion to buy some of the Celestial Clan's gene collection without having to discuss it with others. He could make the decision himself.

Maybe it will be put to practical use one day in the future, opening up the ultimate path of biological evolution.

Before the Void Cult appeared in the universe, the Celestials were known as the noblest and strongest race in the universe.

After all, the Celestial Clan had the top strength in the universe when they were young, and as they gradually grew up, they had the strength at the top of the universe.

This is undoubtedly the power that Saint Nicholas civilization has been pursuing.

A group of people walked along the steps step by step while talking, and soon walked through the two hundred steps to the end.

When Golden Rakshasa pushed open the door.

There was a fragrance of ancient wood in the pavilion.

There are unique wooden carvings everywhere in the pavilion, which looks very distinctive.

“What a beautiful place.”

Lacey couldn't help but praise the style decoration inside the pavilion.

According to Bai Linglong, the five major branches of the imperial capital have a long history of more than 20,000 years from ancient times to the present.

You must know that many forces and civilizations in the universe have not experienced the changes of 20,000 years.

It is precisely because of the long history that we have a keener foresight.

Selecting suitable biological species as the main body of research, they have accumulated a lot of experience and gradually established themselves as one of the five major branches of the imperial capital as biotechnology matures.

The strength of the other major veins that have been modified by advanced organisms is not weak, but they cannot compare with the advantages of the five major veins in the imperial capital that each perform their own duties.

Although the Hei family seems to be a lineage that sits in the rear and commands, it sounds like they are not good at fighting.

But in fact, the main lineage that was first known as the land space fighter was the Hei family lineage, also known as the king of land.

"I read in the book that the Jin family should still own three golden trees that are over 20,000 years old."

"It is rumored that one should be planted here."

"Did they also move away with the migration more than 4,000 years ago?"

Bai Linglong looked around and asked curiously.

"What is the golden tree?"

When Lacey heard Bai Linglong's words, she also became interested.

“The land where the Jin family originated is filled with gold.”

"So the place where the Jin family originated is also known as the [Golden Land of the Burning Sun]. It is a treasure land containing endless wealth."

"In that era tens of thousands of years ago, the golden tree symbolized endless and endless wealth."

"The main line of the Jin family has multiplied and grown because of this, and it has become one of the main lines of Saint Nicholas with a long history."

"It's just that the number of golden trees has been greatly reduced due to the wars in the past years. There are only three golden trees that are more than 20,000 years old in the world."

"The golden maple tree is the branches and leaves scattered from the golden tree, and derivatives are grown."

“It can produce delicious specialties like golden maple fruits.”

"It can also breed golden maple, a wood that is beautiful, fragrant, fire-resistant, non-corrosive, strong and highly valuable."

"It is suitable for building houses, recording wooden books, and even various furniture and accessories, and even clothes."

"It's just that in this era, the Jin family no longer needs to rely on selling golden maple wood to make a living."

"So it is extremely difficult to buy golden maple that is hundreds of years old on the market, let alone golden maple that is thousands, thousands or even ten thousand years old."

When Bai Linglong talked about this, her cat eyes shone with excitement.

The origin history of each major line is a legend, and it is also the starting point that countless people yearn for.

"So the golden maple tree is not just for looking at?"

Kyle's eyes widened when he heard this.

"It's not wrong to say it's for viewing, because the patches of golden maple trees will look very beautiful."

"But the actual commercial value is also very high."

"And because it is a unique product, others cannot copy it."

"So it can become the foundation for the rapid development of a power and quickly complete the most primitive accumulation of wealth."

"Has the golden tree here been moved?"

After hearing this, Bai Linglong explained to Mr. Kyle, and finally looked at Jin Luosha with eyes full of expectation.

She had only read about the Golden Tree in books, but had never seen it with her own eyes.

Because there are only a few golden trees left, each one is well protected by the Jin family.

"No, still here."

"I'll have someone bring you some food first, and I'll take you to visit later."

Jin Rakshasa said with a smile when he saw Bai Linglong cherishing the history of their lineage like a treasure and looking forward to it.

"Be more prepared, our appetite is not that small."

Kyle was not polite at all and gave Jin Luosha instructions.

"Understood, it is no secret in the universe that members of the Void Cult have a huge appetite."

Jin Rakshasa nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then left first.

After Jin Luosha left.

"Golden maple trees can only be planted with branches and leaves of golden trees?"

Rennolly whispered.

"It's not just the golden tree that can be planted, the seeds of the golden maple tree can also be planted."

"It's just that the pure color is not as good as the golden branches and leaves."

Bai Linglong shook her head slightly when she heard the words and opened her mouth to introduce.

"That's troublesome. Is there any precedent for selling the Jin family's golden tree?"

Kyle frowned when he heard that the purest golden maple trees were planted by the Golden Tree.

"Ahem! Dear guests, Jin Rakshasa has left temporarily, but I haven't left yet."

"The Jin family has no precedent of selling golden trees. In the past, the only way to get golden trees was by robbing them, so there are only three left."

“I’ve never sold it before, and I don’t even think about it now.”

“But if you just want to plant golden maple trees, others won’t be able to buy them.”

"But as important figures of the Void Cult, you are here to help our Saint Nicholas civilization eradicate some evils."

"You can buy some and take them back."

At this time, Hei Luosan deliberately coughed twice to remind them of their plot.

Bai Linglong was very familiar with the history of each major lineage, let alone Hei Luosan.

Not to mention history, he knew everything about the private lives of some people from various major circles, as well as the things that had evidence.

"We will report on the purchase of seeds when we get back."

Lacey understood that they could buy it.

Madam Butterfly tried to push open the window of the pavilion. With a squeak, the window opened easily.

Standing in the high pavilion, you can feel the comfortable breeze coming from the distance, and at a glance, you can see a dreamy and gorgeous golden ocean.

Madam Butterfly saw a corridor outside and walked out.

Under the scorching sun, Madame Butterfly saw the golden waterfalls and golden rivers hidden in the golden ocean. They were shining like a beautiful scene formed by nature.

There are also natural sounds of different birds jumping and singing around.

It makes people feel like they have escaped from the world and come to a golden land far away from the hustle and bustle.

If it were at night, standing high and looking into the distance, I wonder what kind of scenery it would be like.

This feeling brought to the five senses is indeed beautiful and comfortable.

Hei Luosan did not say what the baptism was specifically, but Madam Butterfly could roughly guess it.

It should take a very strong willpower to survive the baptism, because a life that is too comfortable will consume people's fighting spirit.

It is impossible to survive baptism without a strong enough will.

"Even if Miss Sonia doesn't agree, I will buy some and plant one back."

"This place looks really cozy."

Kyle also came to the corridor outside the building at this time. Looking at the feeling in the distance, he folded his arms and said with a smile.

For a strong man like him whose five senses have been greatly enhanced.

In fact, if you are running around in a bustling city, the experience will not be very good.

Because too noisy sounds will pour into your ears continuously.

But here, Kyle felt a long-lost peace.

Some people have trypophobia, but coming to this golden ocean-like scene is guaranteed to cure their trypophobia.

In fact, to put it bluntly, people do not have trypophobia, but they are afraid of various visually disgusting things.

If money is everywhere, everyone's trypophobia will have to be cured for you.

Ten thousand a day, the first update of 4,000 words will be sent

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