I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 665 Biotechnology has reached its peak

"This pavilion looks quaint and grand."

"Lord Kassadin should like it."

"It's hard to say, Lord Kassadin likes the classical style."

"But I heard from Miss Sarah that it is actually classical on the outside, but also requires high technology on the inside."

Lacey, Renolly, and the Predicter looked at the golden-red pavilion made of patterned white stones and built of golden-red logs, and said one after another.

Lord Kassadin has a manor with several different villas on Void Island.

As members of the Void Cult, they had only seen it from the outside.

The only one who actually lived in it for some time was Miss Sarah.

According to Miss Sarah, it is very luxurious and equipped with various high technologies.

It doesn’t mean that I like classical music, but I really live the boring life of classical life.

This is also common sense, because people who have experienced the convenience of life brought by the high-tech planet.

What if you suddenly go to a planet that has nothing to do with shit, has no connection to the universe, and doesn't have any high technology?

It would be fine if you get used to it after a while, but if you don't get used to it, then you just want to run away as soon as possible.

Moreover, connecting the cosmic communicator to the cosmic network is only the simplest requirement, and various daily facilities must also be convenient and high-tech.

To put it bluntly, convenient high technology has greatly improved the efficiency of handling various things in life.

As far as the simplest bathing and cooking are concerned, for a truly primitive life, you have to go to the well to draw water and then boil the water.

When it comes to cooking, in primitive times there were not such good equipment and seasonings to make more delicious food.

I usually have to work a lot of time just to take a bath and cook, so how can I have so much energy to do other things.

Various ingredients and fruits are also difficult to preserve and transport.

For highly developed civilizations, these are simply not a problem.

"We'll know after taking a photo and sending it back."

Lacey thought Lord Kassadin might like this, so she decided to take a photo of it.

If Lord Kassadin likes it, it is not difficult to build a building.

"You are all guests. Let me lead the way for you this time."

Jin Luosha also finished explaining to Kyle and took the initiative to lead the way for several people.

As Jin Rakshasa stretched out his hand and touched the golden-red door, a protective shield stretching to the sky appeared in front of him.

The protective cover has a spectacular view of thousands of birds soaring in the sky.

"Identification in progress...identification successful...Jin Rakshasa, son of the twenty-seventh generation of Jin Jia Lou, a direct bloodline of the Jin family...You have the highest level of authority...allowed to enter."

A beautiful female voice sounded.

"Open the door."

Although Jin Rakshasa rarely comes here, his mother brought him here when he was a child, so he also remembers some procedures.

Following an order, the eight-meter-high door slowly opened with a rumble.

"It looks ancient and primitive but is actually high-tech."

Kyle was a little surprised when he saw the appearance of this high protective shield and the automatic opening of the door.

"Although our Saint Nicholas civilization is not as advanced as the Xandar Empire, it is not so far behind that we have to do everything manually."

Jin Luosha said as he walked in.

Madam Butterfly, Lacey and others also followed in.

Among them, Laura and Bai Linglong looked extremely excited and kept looking around.

It is precisely because of this protective shield that no one without identity can enter.

And once no one is brought in and triggers the protective shield, it will be reported to the Jin family as soon as possible, and then they will let you see what sanctions are.

So over the years, countless people have wanted to come in and take a look but just can't.

The building looks very gorgeous from the outside. After entering the door, the floor shows a gorgeous and beautiful texture like bird feathers.

There are domineering bird statues on both sides of the road, and the bird eyes are as if they are lifelike. There are twenty-seven of them in total.

Each one has a different breed and hair, but the sharp wings are the same.

"The strong men of the Jin family are also known as the [Arrow Feather Comet], which can fly directly between the universe and directly compete with space fighters in the universe."

"When they are dispatched together, they are like arrows piercing the sky. When they attack in groups, even space battleships can be sunk."

"How handsome!"

Bai Linglong looked at the statue that represented generations of heads of the Jin family, stretched out her hand to touch the cold touch, and sighed.

The current Jin Luosha is the proud son of the Jin family, but she remembers it well.

Jin Rakshasa is several dozen years younger than her and has not yet reached his peak.

When he was a hundred years old, he had gone through countless trials.

You will have a powerful physical body, be as agile as a god, fly freely in the universe, and be able to control countless weapons at the same time to be called the pinnacle.

Therefore, the Jin family went upstream five thousand years ago, overpowering several major branches in the imperial capital and becoming the main force in charge of the war. In terms of force, the Jin family is undoubtedly the representative of the Saint Nicholas civilization, and the representative of the Saint Nicholas civilization in the past five thousand years. The guardian of civilization.

"You also said that we need to attack in groups to destroy the space battleship."

"It has no effect against space planet battleships."

"So we have to continue to study."

When Golden Rakshasa saw this beautiful catwoman mentioning this, she felt proud but also knew that this was not the limit where they could stop.

The battleship technology of the Saint Nicholas Civilization is not very high, and it only reaches the level of large space battleships.

Moreover, the core production technology was not the most advanced in the universe, so the top leaders of the Saint Nicholas civilization made a historic decision 20,000 years ago.

Decided to take the path of biological evolution and overtake in a roundabout way to reach the level of a space battleship in the physical body.

There are many powerful people in the universe who can directly compete with top technology, and there are even top experts who are superior to technology.

Their goal is not that far-off, they just hope to first reach the point where they can directly compete with top technology physically.

The initial progress of biological transformation is very gratifying. In just ten thousand years, many have reached the strength of land and space fighter aircraft.

During this period, it can be said that all major chakras flowed into the imperial capital.

The Jin family was also frequently squeezed out because they did not break through to a level comparable to that of the Space Fighter.

There is actually not much difference between land and air. Instead, because of the characteristics of each different major veins, the Jin family is overpowered, making it impossible for them to stay in the imperial capital for a long time.

However, after 15,000 years of precipitation, the technology of each major lineage has reached a bottleneck.

Their Jin family's technology gradually matured and approached perfection.

The Jin family swept through all the major lineages. Through decisive battles between the major lines, they completely defeated all the major lines. The Jin family has existed in the imperial capital forever.

Although the Saint Nicholas civilization has gradually stabilized its status as the five major branches, the order of the civilization has also become more stable.

But there is no doubt that the biological modification of the Jin family's raptors has also encountered an insurmountable bottleneck.

No matter how they fuse their genes, they can't directly defeat the disaster.

This bottleneck has troubled the major veins for five thousand years.

The genes of disaster-level monsters are too overbearing and powerful.

All the gene fusions studied by the Saint Nicholas Civilization in the past could not forcibly neutralize the powerful genes of disaster monsters.

This results in the creation of irrational disasters, rather than allowing everyone to control the power of disasters.

Mass-produced irrational disasters can be turned into weapons to conquer other civilizations, but this is not what the Saint Nicholas civilization pursues.

"What is the maximum speed of your lineage?"

Renault was also interested when he heard that it could rival the space fighter.

"The successive heads of the Jin family, when they reached their peak, could reach six times the speed of sound with their physical bodies, and twelve times the speed of sound wearing special armor."

"This is a speed that can be used in combat. In the universe, it can control up to twenty times the speed of sound for combat."

"No matter how high it is, it's useless. After all, the space fighter on the way has the ability to jump through wormholes. Our lineage does not have that power."

Golden Rakshasa heard this and spoke.

He knew that Renault's reputation was that he was famous in the universe for his speed and extremely terrifying strength.

Of course, we also understand that simply pursuing speed is useless. Only the speed that can truly be applied to combat is the highest speed.

"At twelve times the speed of sound, we can be satisfied with single combat on the planet."

"But it lacks the most important advancement."

Renault said thoughtfully after hearing this.

Most of the speeds exploding in the universe are useless. Being able to control twenty times the speed of sound already sounds very fast.

But in fact, the real battle in space war is between space battleships and space fighter planes.

Powerful people like them who have been blessed by the void are alien and do not apply to the normal range.

Therefore, what Golden Rakshasa and the others can really use is their speed within the planet.

In fact, twelve times the speed of sound, even if there are only a few of them, is enough for the Jin family to completely secure its position in the Saint Nicholas civilization.

However, a civilization that is in line with the universe does not value a single strength, whether it can gain a firm foothold and secure its position.

Instead, we have to use other civilizations as a comparison to see whether our overall strength can cope with it.

Therefore, as long as the Saint Nicholas Civilization and its main lines cannot advance to the cosmic level, it will still not be enough.

After all, when you are forced to participate in an interstellar war, some terrifying technological weapons will not tell you whether the strength of an individual soldier is high or low.

Instead, it is directly separated by an ultra-long distance, 100,000 kilometers or even hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, and emits a large number of light beams, directly giving your civilization an equal cleansing of all living beings.

There is no doubt that Nikrov's strength is extremely powerful, but he also failed on this issue.

Judging from the biological modification technology of the Saint Nicholas civilization, it has actually reached the critical point of the peak of biological integration.

Therefore, if you want to break through this boundary, you can only study the genes of disaster monsters.

If the genes of disaster monsters cannot be integrated and perfectly controlled, then the Saint Nicholas civilization will not be able to truly embark on the path of its own civilization.

This also means that the Saint Nicholas civilization will be unable to possess the authoritative power to defend itself in the face of attacks from some terrifying foreign enemies.

In the universe, being weak is the original sin, and there may be no problem in the short term.

But there is no guarantee that war will suddenly come at some point in the future.

Whether you will participate in the war or not does not mean you will not fight if you want to, so you must always take precautions before they happen.

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