I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 587 The war is coming

Soon Star-Lord and others also stayed temporarily in the island villa manor.

They all knew this was pre-war fun time.

So Gamora just went swimming.

This aroused Nebula's fighting spirit, and she jumped directly into the water, intending to compare with Gamora.

Rocket was carefully wiping his homemade weapon.

He is not only a weapons master, but also a master who is good at making firearms.

Thanos, the opponent in this war, has always been the opponent that Rockets hopes to solve.

Although Tony Stark may not expect them to perform, he also said that he is very good at saving lives.

But he said that verbally, but Rocket is a guy with a strong self-esteem.

Because his body has transformed into a raccoon, he doesn't want to be looked down upon even more.

Drax kept eating different foods.

His great revenge has been avenged and he has nowhere to go, so now he just wants to hang out with these companions and live happily.

Groot went directly to the forest on the island to build trees.

Star-Lord and Pietro exchanged some of their experiences.

Star-Lord's speed was able to break the speed of sound only after receiving the blessing of the void for only a few days, so he was not yet in control of his speed.

If you have supersonic speed but cannot control it well, big problems can easily occur.

It's okay to run in a sparsely populated place like this, but to run in a place with a lot of people.

If you don't control your speed, you can kill hundreds of people every minute.

Therefore, Star-Lord was very humble to ask Pietro, a person with supersonic power, for advice.

Pietro found out that he could actually teach Star-Lord, and he was also happy.

His speed limit can currently reach four times the speed of sound. With this speed burst and weapons, his strength is actually very powerful.

But the problem is that the people around him are all fierce people from the Void God Cult.

Especially after being beaten by Mr. Rennoli, Pietro once wondered if he was too good.

But now Pietro discovered that he might not be very strong, but he couldn't be called a dish either.


Time passed day by day, and eight days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, a large space battleship descended from the sky and arrived at the private island.

Rocket, Gamora and others knew who was coming when they saw the void mark on the space battleship.

As the hatch opened, five figures walked out one after another.

"It's really coming."

Rocket's eyes widened when he saw the extremely handsome man in white robe and silver hair walking out.

"We are not enemies with them, so don't panic!"

After Nebula discovered Renault and the others, her heart was trembling a little, and she said in a trembling voice.

"You say it, but can your hands stop shaking?"

Gamora said somewhat speechlessly when she saw Nebula's hands shaking as she said not to panic.

"I'm not afraid. Mr. Kyle is as much my benefactor as Mr. Banner."

Drax said loudly upon hearing this.

"I'm Groot? (That big guy won't hit us, right?)"

Groot also spoke.

In the two years since Star-Lord sought blessings on Void Island, they have been active in various rescue and bounty circles.

Therefore, the names and deeds of Lacey, Kyle, Predictor, and Rennoli are as thunderous to them as they are all killing gods.

However, the information only spread in the bounty world and did not spread to larger places. It seemed to have been specially covered up. This was obviously Lacey's method.

As for what the purpose is, they don't know.

"Mr. Rennolly."

Pietro discovered that Mr. Rennoli had really arrived after two months, and he waved happily.

"Why did you arrive so early?"

"Is the enemy coming?"

Tony said with a smile when he saw a few people arriving.

"The enemy will arrive three days later at 3:27 p.m."

"Miss Sarah wants to visit Blue Star, so this time is just right."

The prophet landed directly on the ground and spoke.

"Where is the location?"

Tony heard that the precog still made a prediction, so he simply asked directly.

"I can only tell you the specific time. As for the location, you have to ask Stephen."

"His scruples still need to be resolved."

The Predicter didn't answer Tony's question.

"All right."

"Let me inform Thor and Loki that you are here."

Tony saw that the Predictor wanted to make Stephen slowly let go of his scruples, and he understood it very well.

But Tony had just finished speaking.

The originally clear sky suddenly turned into clouds, and a storm suddenly broke out in the sky.

Rocket was also a little shocked when this vision appeared.

A gorgeous rainbow bridge falls directly from the sky.

"No need to inform, we are already here."

Thor and Loki walked directly out of the Rainbow Bridge.

"Is the Rainbow Bridge so handsome?"

When Sarah saw the way Thor and Loki appeared, a smile appeared on her face and she directly praised them.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Facing Sarah's extremely direct compliment, Loki spoke with rare humility.

In front of other people, Loki would have to put on a show of humility, but when it came to Sarah and Lacey, Loki still thought it was better for a gentleman to keep a low profile.

"Mr. Loki, will there be a Void Cult after the Rainbow Bridge?"

Seeing Loki's humble appearance, Sarah quickly fell from the air and came to Loki.

"My father said that the technology of the Rainbow Bridge has been handed over, but it seems that it is not yet time to build it."

"When Miss Sonia plans to build it, we Asgard will definitely bring the space gems to help."

Loki nodded upon hearing this.

"Has Senior Sonia obtained the technology?"

"Then I'll go back and ask about it later."

Sarah also became interested after hearing this.

She knew that the distance between Asgard and Blue Star was still not close, but the teleportation was realized directly through the Rainbow Bridge.

This is also a special method of space transmission, if the Void God Religion has it.

By then, even if she doesn't have the magic to create a clone, she can still run around in her free time.

"Your boy has finally joined the Void Cult."

Thor came directly in front of Star-Lord, reached out and hammered Star-Lord on the chest, and said with a laugh.

Star-Lord is a fierce man and one of the bosses of the Nine Realms faction in the future.

As the Lord of the Nine Realms, Thor is not happy even if Star-Lord can join.

"Live up to expectations."

Star-Lord felt Thor's enthusiasm, and a smile appeared on his face.

Thor has always been warm to his demigod after he learned about him.

"After the war is over, how about you go sit in Asgard?"

Saul extended the invitation directly.

"We'll see what happens next. I'm not alone now."

Although Star-Lord also wanted to agree, he still had to ask his companions about their wishes.

His strength is now the strongest among the Guardians of the Galaxy, but this does not mean that Star-Lord intends to change the team to Yiyantang.

The fundamental reason for participating in the war this time is that Thanos is not only the enemy of Blue Star, but also the common enemy of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

So after just exchanging opinions, you can go directly to support us.

"Okay, you can ask them then. Even if they can't come in the short term, there is still a long time to come."

Sol didn't mind after hearing this.

On the other side, Pietro went straight to Rennoli.

"Mr. Rennolly, thanks to you, I can now run on the sea."

Pietro was extremely happy and proud.

Because of Mr. Rennoli's guidance, it can be said that it opened the door to a new world for him.

In the past, Pietro only dared to run on land.

Nowadays, mountains, rivers and even high-rise buildings, wherever there is a foothold, he can run, which adds a lot to his offensive route.

Having a really good teacher, the results are truly extraordinary.

"These are the basics you should have learned."

"It's just that your common sense and knowledge constrain you."

"Don't talk about running on the sea, can you run as much as you want within a hundred meters?"

Rennoli asked calmly when he saw Pietro coming to him looking like he was begging for praise, but did not praise Pietro.

"...Not yet."

Pietro was also a little frustrated when he saw that he was asked about his progress in other aspects instead of asking for praise.

He had previously boasted about how big Haikou was, but now it hurts to be slapped in the face.

The difficulty of running at full speed within a hundred meters without being able to run out of bounds is not that high.

When he was sparring with Mr. Steve, he was beaten many times.

"Then keep practicing."

"When will you be able to fight with all your strength within a hundred meters, let's talk about your success."

"Otherwise, don't tell others that I taught you. I can't afford to lose face."

Renoli heard this and spoke.


Although Pietro was heartless when he heard this, it also meant that as long as he succeeded, he would be able to say that Mr. Rennoli had taught him in the future.

Recently, after Pietro inquired with Star-Lord and his group, he realized just how awesome Mr. Rennolly is.

It should be said that Lacey, Kyle, Predictor, and Rennoli are all famous figures in the universe. As long as they raise their names, they can directly suppress many people.

The Void Divine Cult to which the four belong is even more outrageous.

Rocket, Gamora and others consider it to be the only super power in the universe at present, and in the future the entire universe will belong to the Void God Cult.

After all, even the most powerful person in the universe, such as God King Odin, has belonged to the Void Cult.

It proves that the growth of Void God Religion is a trend that no one can stop.

Therefore, each of them was more happy than the other when Star-Lord successfully joined the Void Cult.

Although he is not sure whether he can join the Void God Religion and receive blessings, at least his backing is guaranteed.

In the future, with the blessing of Star-Lord, they will not be afraid of being suddenly targeted by some big bosses in the universe, and then there will be no room for resistance.

The situation in the universe is also much more complicated than that of Blue Star. Each planet has its own situation, and the bosses in the galaxy are also very particular about their territory.

However, with his strength, if he goes to the universe, he will be able to make a name for himself. If he chooses a place where he can thrive, he will be able to live a prosperous life.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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