At this time, a golden halo also appeared in front of everyone.

A handsome-looking man with black hair and a mage's attire walked out of it.

"Little Blue Star is so terrifying, with so many strong men!"

Rocket saw this teleportation array and knew that this person was the new Supreme Mage Stephen Strange.

It's not good for Thanos to have anyone's ideas, but he has Blue Star's ideas.

But there is no way to think about it. Four of the Infinity Stones Thanos wants are on Blue Star.

The Power Stone is in the hands of Kassadin, the God of the Void, and it cannot be moved. Only the legendary Soul Stone is missing.

Compared to snatching the Power Stone from the hands of the God of the Void, Kassadin, it is more practical to snatch the Infinity Stones from Blue Star.

Of course, if Rockets were to choose, he would definitely give up on grabbing the infinite stones.

Because Blue Star has long been the territory of the Void God Cult, no matter who Thanos wants to snatch from, he will actually still face off against the Void God Cult.

Currently, the only one left alive against the Void Cult is the Kree Empire outside the Fairy Galaxy.

Even the Kree Empire, which has always been domineering and domineering, did not dare to directly declare war on the Void Cult after a huge fleet was destroyed, and said arrogant words such as revenge must be avenged.

"It's really lively."

Stephen saw that in addition to Renoli and the others, there were also some new faces and said with a smile.

Originally, as the Supreme Mage, Stephen had to take care of aliens when they entered Blue Star.

But he also knew that Rocket, Gamora and others were all Star-Lord's people, so he didn't care.

"It would be great if I could learn your teleportation array without having to abide by the rules of your magic world."

Thor also expressed his envy when he saw Stephen's teleportation array.

"If you give up, you will gain something."

Stephen saw Sol's envious look and replied with a smile.

"I came here because I heard there was a big banquet."

"When will we start eating?"

Then, Stephen looked at Tony and said.

"Jarvis had people prepare it. You really arrived as soon as you heard there was something to eat."

Tony also smiled when he saw Stephen hurriedly hoping to eat the feast quickly.

"No way, you don't know that I always have to eat secretly alone outside."

"Fortunately, I know some illusion magic, otherwise the king and others would find out that I have joined the Void God Cult.\

,""It will definitely cause some trouble."

Stephen also had a look of helplessness on his face when he heard this, as if there was nothing I could do.

It was only after experiencing the freedom of Void Island that I realized how unfree it was to live on Blue Star without concealing it.

"Although I don't know who the king you are talking about is."

"But since your life is so troublesome, it would be best if you let him know."

"If you have any trouble, just solve it. If you confess that you joined the Void Cult, it won't embarrass you."

Kyle heard this and said.

Although Kyle is not as paranoid as Alex, their sense of belonging to the Void Cult is still very strong.

I never think it is shameful to say that I believe in Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, but I am very proud of it.

Because this is the life choice they made.

"Mr. Stephen, let me remind you."

"In the future, it's best not to say such words in front of Sir Alex."

"Otherwise, he will definitely teach you a lesson if he knows that you dare not say that you are from the Void Cult."

Sarah heard this and gave a kind reminder.

While Sarah thinks Mr. Alex is a good person, she is also well aware of Mr. Alex's stubbornness.

"What Sarah said is true. You'd better think about it."

When Thor heard this, he felt the same way and spoke.

Even though he was scolded by Alex, he still felt dissatisfied.

Because Alex's ideas are very pure.

To sum up, there are three points. Do your best within your capabilities to protect the compatriots of the Void God Religion, defend the prestige of the Void God Religion, and spread the will of the Void God Religion.

Let’s not talk about the will to spread the Void God Cult. The first two points of guarding and defending are things that all compatriots of the Void God Cult should do.

"I understand, isn't Alex here?"

Stephen nodded when he heard this, saying that he understood very well.

In the eyes of Alex, all forces are not as great as the Void God Cult, and all powerful people are not as great as the Void God, Kassadin.

They value the honor of the Void God Religion more than anyone else.

"There's no way you can hide it. Find an opportunity to have a showdown with Kama Taj's mage."

"Mr. God King Odin wants to conceal his existence, so let's forget that he lured the snake out of his cave for a reason."

"In fact, your words can be used as a showdown. After the showdown, your life will not be so unfree."

"As long as they understand that the Void Cult is different from dark magic, they are not lifelong enemies of the magic world."

Lacey also gave advice.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

"I'll find an opportunity to tell them later."

Stephen also wanted to live freely, so he thought about Lacey's suggestion and suddenly realized it.

Although they both gain power by believing in a super strong man who is equivalent to the Dimension Demon God, the difference between Void Blessing and Dark Magic is still very big.

Dark magic has many evil spells, and it can corrode people's souls and make people fall step by step.

However, the Void God Religion will not corrode people's souls, and it strictly prohibits violating the precepts. As long as you abide by the precepts and grow slowly, your mind will not become inhumane.

"After this big banquet is finished, I will have a showdown with the king when I get back."

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense, and Stephen made a decision immediately.

In the past few months, he had to hide in the villa he bought to eat, for fear of being discovered by others, and his life was miserable.

Just explain it clearly to Wang then, and let Wang Luoli be embarrassed.

As long as he fulfills his duty to protect the Blue Star Magical World, there is no way he will relinquish his position as Supreme Mage.

Even if the position of Supreme Mage is removed, it won't matter. As an ordinary mage, he can do his best to protect Blue Star, as long as he matches the teachings and inheritance of Ancient One.

In fact, Stephen really wants to use his identity as the Sorcerer Supreme to improve his relationship with Wanda, and it would be best to change some rules in the magic world.

But since Wanda learned about the situation of witches in the universe, as well as the magical world's attitude towards witches.

He has always maintained a distant attitude towards him, which makes Stephen unable to start.

"As long as you have this awareness."

The prophet saw Stephen make this decision and knew that Stephen had taken the first step.

The rules of the magic world were actually set by powerful mages in the past, and they are not completely unchangeable.

As a member of the Void Cult, except for abiding by the commandments set by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, all other rules must be given way.

"Mr. Tony, after the banquet, can you take me to Blue Star's city?"

"I haven't visited Blue Star's city yet."

Sarah saw that Mr. Stephen had made a decision, and she also said what she wanted to do most when she came to Blue Star this time.

"Of course. After eating later, I will ask Jarvis to take you out to play."

"By the way, let Jarvis be your guide, and all the money spent will be credited to my account.

Tony immediately agreed upon hearing this.

Sarah definitely doesn't have any money from Blue Star. As Blue Star's host, the reception must be arranged.

"Thank you, Mr. Tony."

Sarah smiled when she heard Jarvis being her guide.

Then Sarah walked directly into the villa to find Paige.

Since she had just been here last time, Sarah didn’t need anyone to guide her.

After Sarah entered the villa.

"My movement in Blue Star is inconvenient."

"The security on Blue Star is not as good as on Xandar Star."

"It's easy for women to run into trouble when they go out. Please keep an eye on me when the time comes."

Tony came to Kyle and Rennoli and whispered.

There are countries where Blue Star women can go out freely at night without too much danger, but this is not the United States.

In the United States at night, let alone women going out, even if men go out, they may get into trouble at any time and lose their lives.

New York is already very chaotic during the day, but at night it is called the real city of sin.


Of course, Rennoli also knew that the security situation in Blue Star was not that good.

No matter when women go out on Xandar, there will generally be no security problems.

With Miss Sarah's current strength, she doesn't actually have to worry about being in danger in Blue Star, but she may run into trouble.

"Whoever dares to cause trouble for Miss Sarah, I will let him know what trouble is."

After hearing this, Kyle agreed directly.

"When I was shopping in Blue Star last time, why didn't you tell me to protect me?"

When Lacey saw them plotting to follow Sarah, her mind was filled with dark clues.

As soon as this sentence came out, almost everyone cast a surprised look.

Even Star-Lord, Rocket, and Drax are like this.

The managers of the land that cannot bring nothingness need protection. I don’t say this to make people laugh to death.

"Doesn't my appearance need protection?"

Although Lacey could understand Kyle and the others' desire to protect Sarah, feeling these looks made her truly feel what differential treatment was.

As soon as this sentence came out, Kyle, Rennoli, Predictor, Tony, Banner, Steve, and Thor didn't dare to say anything at all, because this was a proposition.

"Let me explain in advance that this is based on rational analysis."

"In terms of appearance, Lacey, you are someone who needs protection, but in terms of strength and means, I don't think you need protection at all."

However, Loki still spoke and analyzed it very rationally.

It was only after he finished speaking that Loki realized something was wrong, because others did not agree with him.

"According to you, we are both beautiful women. Sarah is too gentle, but I am too cruel?"

When Lacey heard Loki's words, a smile appeared on her face.

"I've never said that. Don't make up your own mind about things that others haven't said."

"Brother, save me!"

When Loki saw Lacey approaching slowly, he realized what the problem was and hid directly behind Thor.

"Lacie, calm down."

"My brother is also eager for rational analysis."

Thor saw that Loki's stupid brother was causing trouble for him, looked at Lacey who was slowly approaching, and said quickly.

"Forget it, I can understand it too."

Lacey saw that no one said anything nice to her, said she was gentle or needed protection, and she recognized the reality.

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