I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 586 Assigning tasks

The average strength of Asgardian soldiers is mostly the level of Steve who has not been blessed by the void.

It might be slightly stronger because of the weapons, but not too much.

Only a smaller number of Asgardian soldiers are stronger than the original Steve.

This level does not prevent participation in war, but the effect is limited.

If there is really no way to go to a large-scale war, just involve all the soldiers of Asgard.

However, Tony knew that in the upcoming war, they would have an absolute advantage.

Tony himself, Banner and Thor, the three top powerhouses of the Void Cult are here.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the three of them are given some time, they can directly kill the two hundred thousand troops.

This is not pride, but Tony has such confidence.

Plus Loki, Steve, Peggy, who are now very powerful, Stephen and Star-Lord, who have just joined the Void Cult.

Just the compatriots of the Nine Realms Factions of the Void God Religion have already reached their full combat power and can basically participate in any war.

In addition to the members of the Void Cult, there are also two powerful helpers, Pietro and Wanda.

Rocket, Groot the Treant, Drax the Destroyer, Nebula, and Gamora are not without their strength.

These five people have completed many tasks in the universe in the past two years and saved many people.

However, for some disaster-type missions, these five people must work together to fight against the enemy.

The level of these five people can only be said to be a regular team with strength above ordinary people in the universe. For a war, being able to kill some enemies and ensure that oneself does not die is considered good.

Tony was not worried that his side could not win the battle.

What he was worried about was just letting some of the remaining soldiers run away and dragging the war into densely populated cities.

However, there are four skimming formations of Rennoli, Kyle, Lacey, and Predictor.

Among them, Rennoli, in particular, can completely prevent the enemy from escaping with just one move.

"Steve, you participated in the Battle of New York and the Battle of the Void twice."

"Both times, I failed to grow because of my strength, and I didn't make much achievements."

"I can understand the desire to perform well."

"But don't forget that the essence of war is death."

Banner also looked at Steve and said slowly.

Steve is no longer weak now, and has strong self-confidence to face dangerous wars.

So I hope that the Nine Realms can completely dominate the direction of the war without bothering Lacey and the others.

"Well, I got through it. It's better to lose some face than to add unnecessary deaths."

After hearing what Tony and Banner said, Steve also realized that his thoughts were a little too proud.

"You said you wanted to find Renault, so why don't we just watch the show for this battle?"

Rocket heard the conversation between the three, his eyes widened and he said.

Renoli, Kyle, Predictor, and Lacey are the real war harvesters. They can directly end a war in just a few minutes.

This is not an exaggeration, but something that these four third-level bounty hunters have done together in the bounty world.

There were rumors in the past that Kassadin, the God of the Void, could sit back and relax after accepting the mission.

Although the current rumors about these four people in the bounty world are not as exaggerated as Kassadin.

However, there are also rumors that as long as you can afford the money, these four people will take over the task, and they can handle it for you no matter what the task is.

Now these four people have stopped taking action, it seems because they are not short of money at all.

Tony also knows that the participation of Rennoli, Lacey, Kyle, and the Predictor in the war can basically directly reverse the situation of most wars that dominate the universe.

The combat and war experience of these four people is beyond their comparison.

The advance intelligence is maxed out, the battlefield command is maxed out, the power breakthrough is maxed out, and the speed breakthrough is maxed out.

The four of them are a terrifying and terrifying team.

Only those who are truly the top experts in the universe may be able to overwhelm them.

But the root of this war is still the war between Blue Star and Thanos.

If it is not necessary, it is certainly impossible for Rennoli and the others to directly participate in the war.

"They are just here to raid the formation, not to join the battle."

"What abilities you are good at, I will listen and see what I will send you to do when I get there."

So Tony spoke.

"I'm good at using all kinds of firearms, traps, and technological weapons. As for physical skills, you don't have to count on it."

"Just think of me as a long-range sniper."

When Rocket heard that Rennoli and the others were coming to raid the formation, he knew that Thanos was really in trouble. However, when Tony Stark asked himself, Rocket also answered honestly.

"My fighting skills are not bad, and I can use some conventional weapons in the universe, but my fighting skills are of little use in a war."

"So just think of me as a long-range soldier."

Upon hearing this, Gamora also explained her abilities.

What she is good at is assassination, infiltration and single combat. As for the battlefield of war, which is a human meat grinder.

Without a body that is not afraid of firearms or super speed, one dares to rush to the front of the war.

That's not rushing to kill but losing your life. It's better to just use a gun and shoot from behind. It can save your life and be more efficient at the same time.

She has some nicknames in the universe, but they are only useful to ordinary people.

"My strength is slightly worse than that of my sister, but everything else is basically the same."

"Also, my fate is harder than that of my sister, so I won't die so easily."

When Xingyun heard this, he patted his body and made a metallic knocking sound.

"She is your sister?"

"The appearance and skin color of the two of you are too different."

"Is the universe so magical?"

When Pietro heard Nebula's words, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"We are both adopted daughters of Thanos, we do not have the same bloodline."

Nebula is also used to the fact that every time she mentions this matter, some people find it strange.

After all, without knowing that they are all Thanos' adopted daughters, anyone who hears this will find it strange.

"I'm Groot."

Groot said as his hands turned into sharp wooden thorns.

"I know this guy's ability. He can directly release sharp flying wooden thorns to penetrate the human body. He can even pierce some metal."

"Also, the body is quite strong. It is estimated that it can release something similar to a wooden shield to protect people."

Banner and Kyle had fought against several of Star-Lord's companions before, and among them, Groot had obviously resisted.

Although it was useless in front of him and Kyle.

"Then you can be your companion's bodyguards."

Tony heard what Banner said and looked at Groot and said.

"I'm Groot."

Groot nodded upon hearing this.

Tony then looked at Drax.

It's not that Tony wanted to ask specifically, but because the Guardians of the Galaxy save people everywhere in the universe.

However, there were no reports about their abilities, so Tony could only ask.

Drax heard this and pulled out the two daggers from his waist. He wanted to say that he used the two daggers well, but considering that the battlefield of the war was too big and there were too many enemies.

There are so many enemies, not to mention that he is good at using two swords, even if he is good at using large weapons, it is useless.

"I have great strength and can use large technological weapons."

So after careful consideration, Drax finally gave an answer.

"It's very strong. How big is it?"

Tony also asked after hearing the answer given by this stupid guy after thinking about it.


Drax didn't expect to be asked a question in return. He was a little anxious and wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain. He was so anxious that some sweat dripped from his forehead.

"I've seen his strength before, it's about fifty tons."

Nebula was speechless when she saw Drax, a fool being questioned, and spoke.

Being able to explode fifty tons of power may not be strong in the Void Cult, but in various conventional worlds, this kind of power is already at the level of Hercules.

Nebula's own strength is twenty-five tons, but she can easily kill a large number of enemies in front of her.

Of course, the premise is not in a war, but in a more conventional small-scale battle.

"not bad."

"Since you can use large weapons, does that mean you already have some large weapons?"

Tony did not measure Drax's power at the level of the Void Cult, but praised it.

"There is one thing, but the launch speed is relatively slow, and the destructive power is not bad. It can directly blast a hole dozens of meters wide."

"It's just a bit troublesome to aim, but you shouldn't be afraid of missing in a war."

Gamora nodded and said.

When performing bounty missions, sometimes technological weapons are simple and crude to use to deal with all kinds of fancy enemies.

If you want to be stronger than technological weapons, of course you can, so first become a superpower.

And it also needs to be a combat-type superpower, such as Pietro.

As for the various useless superpowers, they are not fundamentally different from ordinary people.

"Then you just need to slowly use technology from behind to fight."

"Just remember to save your own life."

Tony heard Gamora's words and roughly knew the level of several people.

Although helping to kill some enemies will not have much effect, after all, they are brought by Star-Lord.

So you can't just think they are too weak and not let them participate in the war.

"Don't worry, we are very good at saving lives."

Rocket heard a smile on his face.

"How are you doing now, Star-Lord?"

Tony nodded slightly and finally looked at Star-Lord.

"The speed has just exceeded supersonic speed, and the force is between 200 and 300 tons. It has basically passed the test of 200 tons of vibrating gold metal."

Upon hearing this, Star-Lord also gave a very brief explanation of his current abilities.

Among all the members of the Void Cult present, he is probably the weakest.

"You are actually able to pass the test of Shock Gold. It seems that you have not wasted your time in the past two years."

"Then you will follow Peggy and Pietro in the charge."

"An area will be marked out for you then. You can play freely at that time. Remember not to run out of the range."

"Otherwise, the aftermath on the battlefield will be blind."

Tony was a little surprised to hear that Star-Lord passed the test, and assigned Star-Lord a task.


Star-Lord had no objections when he heard this.

"I'll introduce you to Stephen Strange in a few days."

"You guys can stay here for a few days."

"Except for Star-Lord, your appearance is not very convenient for running around Blue Star to be honest."

Tony looked at Star-Lord and Gamora and said.

"How many days will you stay here first?"

"Is there anything good to eat?"

When Rocket heard that he could live here, he immediately became interested.

"Not only have it, but also take care of it."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

Gamora and Nebula also knew that Blue Star had not officially connected with the universe, so they did not know about aliens like them and had no objections.

Moreover, the scenery and luxury of this island are quite good.

It allows them to experience a normal life after a long absence.

"I'll take you to choose a room."

Paige said with a smile at this time.

Rocket, Drax, Nebula, Gamora, Star-Lord, and Groot also directly followed Peggy to choose a room.

"It turns out that this is what the aliens in the universe really look like."

After they left to choose a room, Wanda said in surprise.

"Last time I saw Miss Lacey, Miss Sarah, and Mr. Rennolly, I thought the people in the universe looked similar to us."

"Now it seems the difference is quite big."

"That big guy looks a little more special."

Pietro nodded and said.

"If you think Renoli and the others look normal, that's because they are all Xandarians."

"The appearance of the Xandar people is not much different from our Blue Star."

"Excluding the tree people Groot, Rocket Raccoon, and Nebula."

"Gamora and Drax both look similar to humans, but their skin colors are a little different."

Tony heard this and spoke.

"Well, if we don't talk about skin color and just talk about appearance, that Gamora's appearance is quite eye-catching, with a kind of cold beauty."

Pietro nodded upon hearing this.

"Is that Nebula from the Machine Tribe?"

"I feel like she's half human and half machine."

Wanda asked after hearing this.

"It does look like a machine race from the outside."

"But she was also transformed. As for why she was only transformed mostly, I don't know."

Tony heard the words and explained.

"Are there so many people transforming the universe?"

"Rocket Raccoon also said he was forced to be transformed."

Pietro heard that Nebula was also a modified body and felt that he had a new understanding of the universe.

"The level of most civilizations in the universe has reached a very high level."

"Modifying the human body is just a normal thing, and genetic medicine is a type of modification."

"Other modifications are essentially illegal."

"Their experiences in the past should not be considered good, so don't show sympathy or pity to others."

"Just talk and cooperate with them normally."

"Although their strength may not be high, their knowledge can definitely let you understand a lot of things."

Banner heard this and explained.

In the universe, some people forcibly traffic people, some are sold to be slaves for life, and some are directly used as guinea pigs for experiments.

These are extremely inhumane acts.

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