I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 582 You joined just in time

Star-Lord knows very well that Miss Recorder Sarah is known as the mascot on the Void Island. She is kind-hearted and gentle.

Anyone who comes into contact with Miss Sarah will easily develop a favorable impression of her.

But if you mistake tenderness for admiration and cause misunderstanding, it will really be the death of society.

"Let's go then. Mr. Predictor should be waiting outside."

Sarah saw that Star-Lord's eyes were a little wandering and he didn't dare to look at her, so she didn't mind and said with a smile.

Star-Lord followed instinctively.

"Miss Sarah, you haven't eaten yet?"

The Predictor was a little surprised to see Sarah come out as well.

It was now around two o'clock in the afternoon, and Sarah should already be eating her afternoon dessert.

Sarah usually ate with them early in the morning and in the evening.

Sarah basically has no free time at other times.


Sarah shook her head slightly and said with a smile.

In fact, after she received Star-Lord's successful blessing, she had been waiting for Star-Lord's arrival in the Recording Temple.

To be honest, Sarah is really looking forward to how powerful Star-Lord will be as a demigod.

"Then let's dine together."

The prophet didn't even try to guess why Sarah was like this.

Star-Lord followed Sarah and the Predicter all the way to the cafeteria.

In the past, Star-Lord ate alone, but this time Star-Lord came with members of the Void Cult.

Wherever he went, Star-Lord also fully felt what it means to be friendly.

"I heard about it, Star-Lord. You successfully joined. Congratulations."

"Hard work pays off."

"I just said you can do it."

"Don't forget what you said when you join us, let's have a drink together."

Some chefs also sent out congratulations when they saw Star-Lord's arrival.

"I won't forget, I won't forget. I'll treat you to a drink tonight."

"I'm going to study something now and then we'll talk slowly in the evening."

Star-Lord also responded very happily when he heard this.


Seeing that Star-Lord hadn't forgotten, several chefs agreed.

After the three of them ordered their meals, they found a seat and sat down.

"Star-Lord, since you have just received the blessing, you plan to leave the Void Island to rescue people in various places in the universe."

"Then your highest priority evolutionary path is not the only one."

"That is to evolve the physical body and the ability to fly."

"Further improve your physical strength, and get rid of the constraints of the conventional environment."

"The most important thing is to get yourself to the point where you can physically cross the void."

"After receiving the blessing of the void, you can get everything you want as long as you have time."

"But if you die somewhere, everything will be lost."

The prophet directly pointed out a path of evolution to Star-Lord.

If walking in the universe cannot withstand the severe cold of the universe, the risk factor will increase a lot.

After all, there are many ways to get to the universe, and at the same time, the fighter planes, battleships and even transport planes you pilot may be bombed.

Then directly expose himself to the terrifying extreme cold of the universe.

As long as Star-Lord is not afraid of those things, then no matter where Star-Lord is, as long as he is still alive and floating in the universe and sends out a rescue signal, he can be rescued by others.

"I think so too, but if you want to travel across the universe, how do you probably evolve?"

Star-Lord heard Mr. Predictor's advice and knew that this was the most important way to save his life while walking outside.

"The ability to fly is not difficult. You only need to evolve the power of the void fifty times, and then learn to master the skimming skills."

"As for the physical body, depending on the starting point, it evolves to the point where it can endure the extreme cold and endure the void physically."

"The most is ninety-eight times. Tony Stark is the holder of this record because he has not been genetically modified and his body has the weakest starting point."

"The least common ones are Banner and Kyle. They can reach the void in the physical body after evolving about thirty times."

"But let's not mention the two flesh monsters for now,"

"Except Tony, who has the weakest physical starting point, and Banner and Kyle, who have ridiculously high physical starting points."

"As a demigod, although you are not fully awakened, your physical body should be pretty good."

"So maybe fifty to sixty times of compromise should be enough."

"At that time, you can specify how many times it will take. With the help of your companions, you can get out of the space battleship and conduct a test."

Upon hearing this, the prophet also provided detailed evolution directions and times.

What if Star-Lord didn't go to the universe as soon as he received the blessing of the void, but instead practiced on the island for a long time.

Then there is no need to focus on these two points from the beginning to evolve.

Just to go to the universe, in order for Star-Lord to survive until he can gradually activate the divine power in his body and become very powerful.

Therefore, the more life-saving the evolutionary path is initially, the higher the priority.

"Okay, so how can I be sure that what I evolved is the power of the void?"

Star-Lord also knew that it was important to save his life, so he did not refuse, but asked for details seriously.

“The path of evolution is related to what your heart desires.”

"The more you desire a certain ability, the more you will follow that path to evolve."

"And evolving the physical body is also conducive to the awakening of the divine power in your body."

"As Thor's body becomes more powerful, the divine power and potential hidden in his body are further stimulated."

"Although it is to save your life, for your blood, this may not be the best path, but it is definitely the safest path."

The Predictor heard this and patiently guided Star-Lord.

Sarah ate elegantly on the side without interrupting without permission.

Because she has more theoretical knowledge about evolution experience, but Mr. Predictor is a combination of theory and experience.

Star-Lord also started to eat and ushered in his first evolution under the guidance of the prophet.

He evolved his physical body and felt a sense of comfort and strength. This feeling was very wonderful.

"It's such a magical feeling."

Star-Lord opened his eyes and felt the pleasure throughout his body and spoke.

“Every evolution brings a sense of joy.”

"But remember to control your desires, and don't let your desires control you and evolve wildly without restraint."

"That way you will slowly sink into a monster who only knows how to eat."

"And I asked you to prioritize evolving the physical body and the power of the void."

“There are priorities between the two.

"The physical body gives priority to the power of the void and leans back."

"As long as your body evolves to the point where it can survive the coldness of the universe."

"Allowing you to move freely will allow you to rescue the people you want to find."

It is not surprising that the precog would say that Star-Lord is very magical when he sees him.

This sense of pleasure will make people more eager to evolve.

However, you need to pay more attention to your inner desires to prevent them from being dominated by desires.


When Star-Lord heard this, he also took it to heart.

"After the path of evolution is clear, you can learn more about the Void Cult in the group community later."

“If you don’t understand something, you can just ask and someone will answer it for you in detail.”

The prophet heard this and spoke.

"Mr. Star-Lord, let's exchange communication methods, and I'll bring you into the group community."

Sarah also clicked on the cosmic communicator directly.

When Star-Lord heard it, he also cooperated and scanned it directly, and added Miss Sarah as a friend.

Sarah directly attracted Star-Lord into the community.

It didn't take more than two minutes.

Star-Lord Peter Jason Quill joins the group community.

As soon as this announcement came out, some people directly sent congratulations.

Lacey, manager of the Void: "Welcome Mr. Star-Lord Peter Jason Quill to join the Void Cult."

As soon as the female member Lacey spoke, the group community immediately became lively.

Steve Rogers: "Star-Lord, did you pass the test?"

Phantom Dam: "Why does this name seem so familiar... Is it the person with the codename of Pilgrim?"

Although Dam was only an officer of the Nova Corps on Xandar, he rarely stayed on Void Island.

However, he had also heard rumors of an outsider being called a pilgrim.

Hercules Kyle: "Isn't that the guy?"

Rich man Tony Stark: "Your hard work has paid off. Star Lord, you don't have to hide from us now."

Star-Lord has been on the Void Island, but he has been hiding from them, who are fellow fellows from the Nine Realms.

But it's not like he can't understand Star-Lord's thoughts. Now Star-Lord's concern is finally gone.

Then why don't you get close to them?

Thor Odinson, God of Thunder: "Congratulations. When Star-Lord returns to the Nine Realms, come to Asgard for a while."

Loki, the God of Trickery: "You are really stubborn, but congratulations."

Star-Lord can become a very powerful man even if he doesn't join the Void Cult, but he is always pursuing the blessings of the Void. Isn't he too stubborn?

Fortunately, it was Star-Lord who finally succeeded, and they will soon have a big boss in the Nine Realms.

Supreme Mage Stephen Strange: "What an amazing perseverance. Come to Blue Star sometime and let's get to know each other."

The test Star-Lord encountered was many times more difficult than him. He passed the test simply by relying on faith and time.

Although he has never talked to Star-Lord, this kind of perseverance proves that Star-Lord is definitely not an ordinary person.

Not to mention that Star-Lord is a demigod in his own right, with terrifying potential.

Seeing how lively the community was, Star-Lord hesitated and sent a message: "Hello everyone, thank you for your congratulations. We will be compatriots from now on."

This lively atmosphere made Star-Lord feel that he had truly begun to integrate into the big family of the Void God Religion.

Rich man Tony Stark: "Star-Lord, you joined just in time. Prepare to pass my friend application. Let's talk about the invasion of Blue Star by the five Obsidian generals."

Star-Lord: "Of course, I also have this intention to take my companions to Blue Star to find you."

When Star-Lord heard that Tony wanted to go back to Blue Star to help resist the alien invasion, he did not refuse, but expressed his intention to join the war without hesitation.

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