I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 583 Star-Lord and his companions gather together

In a mountaintop villa.

Harvey also didn't expect Star-Lord to join and directly add five million void energy to himself.

According to his original estimate, Star-Lord's joining would be enough to provide him with one million.

But now it seems that he still underestimated the potential of being born in the Celestial Clan.

This also allowed Harvey's total void energy to directly exceed 31.4 million.

However, after breaking through to 31.4 million, there was no chance to choose the fourth hero template.

Harvey was not too disappointed.

According to his expectation, it is not 30 million void energy, but with the opportunity to choose new hero templates, it is 40 million, and it will not exceed 50 million at most.

As the Void Cult has more and more members, the average amount of void energy provided every day is about 20,000.

So even if it takes 50 million to get the fourth hero selection template, it won't take long.

It is expected that he will definitely get a fourth chance to select a hero template in two years at most.

If he lets go and agrees to all requests for blessings from the void, he can immediately break through the 50 million mark.

However, Harvey's current strength is completely enough to protect himself, and what he fears is Eternal's attack on the Void God Cult.

For an existence like eternity, the Void God Religion is completely bullying the small ones.

If Eternity is really so unreasonable, Harvey will not reason with Eternity.

If Eternity could destroy the Void Cult under him, he would not let go while abiding by the principle of supreme state of mind.

In fact, it is not difficult for Harvey to devour the universe so that he can evolve rapidly. On the contrary, it is very simple.

He transformed into the prototype of Cho'Gath and used the power of the Dark Star. Without any scruples, the entire multiverse was not enough for him to swallow.

But in that way, he himself would have violated the precepts he had set.

Once you let go of desire, you can't just stop if you want. Everything must be done slowly according to plan.

Harvey looked at the lively situation in the group community.

After he passed Star-Lord's test, the five Obsidian generals had not yet invaded Blue Star.

He will still go and take a look in a few days.


As a latecomer, Star-Lord politely greeted many of his compatriots and seniors in the Void Cult community.

After Star-Lord finished his work, he thanked Sarah and the Predicter and agreed to talk to them next time.

Star-Lord returned to his residence and contacted Gamora and the others, and the communication was quickly connected.

"How is the situation? Have you been blessed?"

Nebula asked directly when she saw Star-Lord.

During the Xandar Empire’s New Year this year, Star-Lord still contacted them.

Two months ago, Star-Lord still had not received the blessing.

Although the probability of receiving blessings in the past two months is slim, you still have to ask.

"Don't worry about not getting the blessing, Star-Lord, it's time for you to return to the team."

Gamora saw Nebula asking such a pointed question as soon as she came up and said.

"Star-Lord, you have so much time in the future. Even if you don't get it now, you will still have a chance in the future."

Although Rocket has a bad mouth and likes to curse, he still doesn't make fun of Star-Lord for this kind of thing.

"come back."

Drax looked at Star-Lord and said directly.

"It doesn't matter, I have been blessed. Come to Xandar to pick me up."

"There is a war for us to fight."

Star-Lord saw the smiles on the faces of his friends and said.

"Have you really been blessed?"

"In these two months?"

Nebula looked in disbelief when she heard Star-Lord's words.

"It's not two months, it's two years."

"The great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, finally decided to give me a chance."

Star-Lord saw Nebula's unbelievable look and said with a smile.


"Then you're not very powerful now?"

Rocket saw that Star-Lord actually asked for a blessing, and he was very happy and asked directly.

"Compared to many compatriots in the Void Divine Religion, my strength is not considered great."

"But compared to most people in the universe, I think my strength is still acceptable."

Star-Lord said with a smile upon hearing this.

"We'll arrive tomorrow and we'll talk then."

Gamora knew that after Star-Lord received the blessing, his strength was not at the same level as before.

The Void God Cult has become more and more famous in the past two years, but all members of the Void God Cult are not weak in strength.


Star-Lord nodded upon hearing this.

Then Star-Lord went to the cafeteria in the evening and had a drink with the chefs.

This was also the first time Star-Lord got drunk on Void Island.


The next afternoon.

Gamora and others drove the space battleship to Xandar.

They had not called Star-Lord many times in the past two years, but when they saw Star-Lord in person.

Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Drax, Groot and Nebula all immediately noticed the changes in Star-Lord.

The street-slicker vibe of the past has completely disappeared, replaced by an extremely capable and confident mature temperament.

Even Xing Yun had the illusion that Star Lord had become a lot more handsome.

"I haven't seen you in two years, and you have become more handsome."

Rocket expressed his feelings without hesitation after seeing Star-Lord.

"I am Groot (become very handsome!)"

Groot looked at Star-Lord and expressed his praise.

The previous Star-Lord would only show his bloody and reliable side at critical moments.

But the current Star-Lord, people can tell at a glance that this person is very reliable.

“As your horizons expand, you will naturally grow.”

Star-Lord smiled when he heard this.

"So what is your current strength level?"

Rocket looked at Star-Lord's confident look and wanted to understand Star-Lord's current strength.

Upon hearing this, Star-Lord punched the sea outside the harbor.

The violent wind swept across and with a "Boom!" sound, the sea surface exploded.

Then Star-Lord swept his foot, and a visible wind flattened the sea surface.

"The power of one strike with one hand reaches the level of two hundred tons, and the power of one strike with one foot reaches the level of two hundred and fifty tons. The speed exceeds the speed of sound, which is roughly at this level."

Star-Lord appeared behind Rocket Raccoon in the blink of an eye, touched Rocket's head and said with a smile.

"This is simply inhuman, you are invincible!"

Rocket looked at this horrific scene and was extremely shocked.

"I would like to think so, but my strength cannot be said to be at the bottom of the Void Cult, but it is almost the same."

"After truly seeing those strong men, my current strength is still far behind."

"But now I finally have more confidence and can protect the people and things I want to protect."

Star-Lord patted Rocket's head gently, then let go of his hand and said with some emotion.

Gamora watched as Star-Lord's strength soared and his personality became more mature and handsome.

It felt like they had not seen each other for two years, and the distance between them seemed to have widened a lot.

Gamora didn't like this feeling, but she couldn't stop it.

"As long as we don't encounter Thanos, we actually don't need any protection."

Rocket said seriously after hearing these words.

Their average strength level cannot be said to be very strong, but together they can still complete some secondary bounty tasks, and their life is not bad.

The combined force has the level of a second-level bounty hunter, and can already help many people in the universe.

"I know, you don't have to worry too much about Thanos."

"It is estimated that Thanos will only have a few years to live at most."

"When Thanos is dead, you can stay on any planet you want."

Star-Lord nodded upon hearing this.

"You said Thanos is going to die soon?"

"How is that possible?"

"Thanos is so cautious and will not take action unless he is completely sure."

"I've never heard of a direct conflict between Thanos and the Void Cult."

"Thanos's legion has also been wandering outside the Andromeda Galaxy."

Nebula's eyes widened when she heard Star-Lord's words, and her tone was filled with disbelief.

Of course they want Thanos to die, but the problem is that Thanos doesn't die that easily.

"It doesn't matter if the world doesn't know that Thanos has a direct conflict with the Void Cult."

"Have you forgotten that the Chitauri attacked the Nine Realms Blue Star?"

"What we are going to fight next is a war that takes place on the Blue Star of the Nine Realms. Our opponent is Thanos' five obsidian generals."

"And the war is going to happen within this month."

Star-Lord heard the murderous intent in his eyes.

He was taken away from Blue Star by Yondu since he was a child, but his hometown is still Blue Star.

If Blue Star is in trouble and he is informed, he will help.

So this matter has nothing to do with whether he received the blessing of Void and joined the Void Cult, but has to do with his origin as a human being.

"Thanos's legion has officially entered the Andromeda Galaxy?"

"Where do these messages come from?"

Nebula also felt a pressure when she saw Star-Lord showing his murderous intent.

It can be said that the current Star-Lord has completely changed from the previous Star-Lord.

"While the Xandar Empire is still alive, it shouldn't be possible for Thanos to act in a big way, right?"

"Because then he won't be able to reach the Nine Realms Blue Star."

Gamora also analyzed seriously.

She and Nebula were acting alone and would not cause too much of a reaction from the Xandar Empire.

But if Thanos leads the team, Black Glory will lead the army into the galaxy protected by the Xandar Empire.

Then it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the Xandar Empire, and then a full-scale outbreak will occupy the entire empire.

Thanos was not confident that he would win the Xandar Empire, so he never entered the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way with much fanfare.

"Under formal channels, it is unlikely that Thanos will go directly to the Nine Realms Blue Star."

"But the universe never has only one right path, right?"

Of course Star-Lord also knew what Gamora and Nebula were talking about, because the two had told him a long time ago.

As long as he hides within the protection of the Xandar Empire and avoids those sent by Thanos to hunt him down, his life is still in danger.

"For Thanos, has the situation become so urgent?"

When Xingyun heard about the irregular road, he immediately understood it.

It is a waste of time to go through informal channels, so for the sake of efficiency, it is definitely better to go on the right track.

"The Power Stone held by the Void God Cult cannot be snatched away by Thanos."

"And the Supreme Mage Ancient One is dead, so the time to take action has actually come."

"It's not impossible to send five Obsidian generals to snatch the unguarded infinite gems from the Nine Realms Blue Star."

After hearing this, Gamora said thoughtfully based on all the things she knew.

"This information should not be told to you by the Xandar Empire."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Nova Corps to be inactive for so long."

The Rockets also learned some information they wanted at this time.

Those abandoned wormholes in the Xandar Empire will not be monitored.

So even though the efficiency is not high, there are still many helpless people who will take those paths.

"Of course these information were collected in the void and have not been made public on a large scale."

Star-Lord nodded upon hearing this.

"The Void Cult is eyeing Thanos. This is a great thing."

"We will soon be truly free."

Although Drax didn't quite understand, he also knew that Thanos was being targeted by the Void Cult and would die soon.

Now they can run around as the Guardians of the Galaxy, but the reason why they still can't stay on a certain planet with peace of mind is that Thanos is still watching.

Nebula and Gamora both betrayed Thanos and could be captured at any time, so they were forced to stay on the battleship.

"I am Groot..."

Groot also echoed after hearing this.

"Yeah that's a great thing."

"I'll tell you the details on the way to Blue Star."

"Let's go and meet Thanos' legion for a while."

Star-Lord smiled when he heard this

"Can we freely enter Void Island?"

Nebula asked worriedly when she saw Star-Lord's appearance.

"Even if you don't have me to guide you, there will be no problem if you want to enter Void Island."

"Even if there is a problem, the most we can do is drive people away. They won't kill easily."

Star Lord heard the words and explained.

"I see."

Rocket felt relieved after hearing this.

"Star-Lord, what are you going to get back to Void Island?"

The few people returned directly to the space battleship. As the battleship took off and flew to the Void Island on the sea, Gamora asked with some confusion.

"I need to buy a lot of food to take with me."

"After joining the Void Cult, your appetite will become huge."

"Although starvation won't kill anyone, the feeling of hunger is particularly uncomfortable."

Star-Lord didn't hide anything after hearing this. This kind of thing couldn't be hidden anyway.

"Then I can eat and drink freely with you from now on?"

Rocket said jokingly when he heard that Star-Lord wanted to buy a lot of food to take away.

"You can eat whatever you want. You borrowed money so that I could spend two years peacefully on Void Island."

"You can eat whatever you want after I buy it."

Star-Lord said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Have you spent all the money you brought?"

Gamora heard these words and knew that Star-Lord would not leave for the time being, so she was very happy.

"No, it probably cost more than six million."

"I'll pay you back the rest of the money later."

"But I have to borrow one million from each of you first. In that case, I owe each of you 1.3 million."

"It will be returned to you soon."

Star-Lord shook his head and said.

He has been relatively frugal in the past two years on the island, spending basically all his own money.

The money the Rockets lent him was relatively small.

The debt is less than 10 million. If Star-Lord wants to pay it off, it will be very simple.

Just make a few big orders and use the dividends to buy food, and use the rest to pay off debts.

"You borrowed so much money and ended up spending just this much?"

Rocket was also surprised when he heard this.

"I just joined the Void Cult yesterday. If I had joined earlier, it might have cost more."

Star-Lord said with an innocent face when he heard this.

The first update of 4,000 words is sent

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