I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 581 Uncontrollable excitement

As Star-Lord was running, he felt his body becoming lighter and lighter, and there seemed to be inexhaustible power in his body.

This kind of thing made Star-Lord want to scream with joy.

But in front of Mr. Predictor, Star-Lord still forcibly suppressed the excitement of raising his arms and shouting.

Because Star-Lord knows that he has just begun to step onto the ladder of the world of the strong.

The Predictor flew slowly in the air, looking at Star-Lord who wanted to shout but was afraid of losing face and was forced to hold back, but the corners of his mouth still couldn't help but draw an arc.

How could he not understand Star-Lord's mood at this time, so he said directly.

"If you are happy, just express it as much as you want."

"In addition to abiding by the teachings, our members of the Void God Religion also pay attention to open-mindedness."

"So whether you are happy or sad, just vent it out. Don't hold it in your heart and let your mood be affected."

The moment they were blessed to join the Void Cult in the distant past, they learned about the greatness of the Void.

He understood that his act of seeking blessings was unprecedentedly clever, and that sense of joy made him, Rennoli, and Kyle excited for many days.

Until now, the Predictor still feels that he has made the wisest choice in his life, joining the Void Cult to explore the mysteries of the world of the strong.


When Star-Lord heard what Mr. Predictor said, he couldn't bear it anymore and shouted directly.

He was so excited now that he wanted to give an acceptance speech.

They want to tell Gamora that they have really succeeded, and they want to tell Nikrov that they have passed the test and successfully obtained the key to the door to the world of the strong.

He also wanted to thank the angel-like recorder, Miss Sarah.

Had it not been for what Miss Sarah had first said to him, which had corrected his state of mind.

He may really leave the island because of his low self-esteem and cannot withstand the difficult test of two years.

There were also those uncles in the cafeteria whom he wanted to thank.

The only people who reject him on Void Island are outsiders. Others can only be called strangers at best, but they will not reject him.

"There will be more happy things in the future."

"I feel the improvement of my strength, and through this I have achieved the freedom of wealth and achieved the ideal I have always wanted to do."

"Waiting can bring great joy to people."

"But at the same time, it will also bring you some sadness that ordinary people can't understand."

"Just because you can receive blessings does not mean that the people you care about can receive blessings."

"So you can only shelter them while they are young, and then watch them grow old step by step until they die."

The Predictor saw Star-Lord making a strange cry. Although he didn't understand what it meant, he also knew that Star-Lord was very happy at this time.

Just joining the Void God Cult brings rewards, but it also means you have to pay something.

Because immortality still has the potential for infinite evolution, as the years go by, the attachment to the void will become stronger and stronger, and the attachment to the original race will gradually fade away as the years go by.

Many members of the Void Cult have not shown this sign yet, but it will be inevitable before long.

When the world goes through changes, all the people and things familiar in the past disappear.

When you feel the sadness of losing loved ones and people you care about, you will become more aware that the nature of life is completely different.

There will be fewer and fewer people who can accompany you to witness the years and share common topics and insights, except for the compatriots of the Void God Sect.

"Well, I have been mentally prepared for this since I learned that I am of demigod blood."

"It's because I knew that I made an appointment to see you again in two years."

"Even if I don't receive the blessing of the void now, I will still have a lot of time to pursue and seek blessings in the future."

"But they don't have that much time."

Star-Lord, who was originally raising his arms and shouting, now looked serious and serious, and spoke.

It is precisely because he realizes that he has a long lifespan that Star-Lord knows that sooner or later he will face many life and death separations.

What is the nature of the test of the Void God Religion, everyone who has been blessed will know it.

Star-Lord's understanding is that if one has firm enough faith and is willing to take action, one can receive blessings as long as one's past is not full of bad deeds.

However, he knew that the essence of this test could not be communicated to the outside world.

He will persuade Gamora and others to find an opportunity to come and seek blessings, but whether Gamora and the others can get the blessings.

Mr. Tony Stark, Mr. Bruce Banner, the Hulk, and Mr. Steve Rogers, the pioneers of the void who also come from the Nine Realms.

Each one of them initially expressed the hope that he could join the Void God Cult.

But no matter what they thought, they never thought of opening a small window for him and secretly telling him the nature of the test.

In other words, knowing the nature of the test makes it even more impossible to pass.

Because Kassadin, the God of the Void, is watching you, if your desire for blessings is not pure enough and you are just pretending, it will definitely be seen.

"That's good since you understand."

"Although your current companions cannot accompany you through countless years, they can still leave you with many different memories during their lifetime."

"Don't lose the face of our Void God Religion when you go outside, and no matter how careless you are, you must always remember what doctrine is."

The Predictor saw that Star-Lord had already had this realization, and he was somewhat appreciative.

"Of course, the purpose of Guardians of the Galaxy is to help weak people make some money on the way."

"By the way, where are we going now?"

Star-Lord said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Go to the cafeteria and chat while eating."

"I want to explain to you the initial and optimal choice of evolutionary path."

"Lay a solid foundation first and then talk about the path you choose in the future."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

"Mr. Predictor, before that, can I go to the Recording Temple first?"

"I want to say thank you to Miss Sarah."

Star-Lord heard what Mr. Predictor said and spoke.

"Just a side trip."

The prophet didn't mind when he heard this.

Soon Star-Lord arrived at the Temple of Records.

He had passed by the gate of the Temple of Records countless times in the past two years.

He has always wanted to go in and report to Miss Sarah like other members of the Void Cult.

However, there is no need to report the identity of outsiders to Miss Sarah. ,

Now he finally has the chance to do so.

But Star-Lord looked at the Temple of Records and walked nervously through the aisle.

He still remembers the kind words that the recorder, Miss Sarah, said to him at that time.

But he didn't know if Miss Sarah still remembered such a little person like him.

After Star-Lord finally stepped into the Temple of Records, he saw the beautiful and angelic Miss Sarah working.

At this time Sarah heard the sound and raised her head, with a smile on her face.

"Mr. Star-Lord Peter Jason Quill, it seems that he has not broken his promise."

"I have been looking forward to the day when you can come to me to record."

Of course Sarah remembers Star-Lord and what she said to him.

This is an ability she has developed over the years, as long as she talks to people.

Whether it was names, information, or words spoken, she remembered them all clearly.

If you can't remember someone after not seeing them for a year or two, then there is no respect at all.

Just these two sentences made Star-Lord feel relieved and a happy smile appeared on his face. .

"Of course I dare not forget the agreement I made with the recorder, Miss Sarah."

"Thank you for your encouragement."

Star-Lord watched Sarah bow slightly, then raised his head and said gratefully.

"This is all the result of your faith and hard work."

"So Mr. Star-Lord Peter Jason Quill, how long do you plan to leave Void Island when you came to me to take notes this time?"

When Sarah received Star-Lord's gratitude, she did not take the credit. Instead, she further confirmed Star-Lord's belief and asked questions at the same time.

"I will leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and join my companions to save others in the universe."

"If possible, I will try my best to come back for New Year's worship."

Star-Lord came here not only to thank Miss Sarah, but also to take notes.

During the two years on Void Island, he knew that the members of the Void Cult planned to leave the island.

There will always be such a procedure, that is, reporting one's whereabouts to the recorder, Miss Sarah.

“Helping others is a good thing, but remember to do what you can.”

“The suffering in one world is already too numerous to count, let alone the suffering in the universe.”

"If you need help, you can seek help from other fellow Void Cult members."

Sarah said with a smile on her face after hearing this.

At the same time, Sarah also began to write down a record about Star-Lord. He will leave the island within three days and the time of return to the island is to be determined.

From this moment on, Star-Lord's name has also been officially included in the list of members of the Void Cult. You can find out by just checking.

In this case, Star-Lord will also have the authority to enter the community of the Void God Cult, and anyone can drag Star-Lord in from now on.


Star-Lord nodded upon hearing this encouragement and admonishment.

"By the way, Miss Sarah, I wonder if I could have the honor of inviting you to dine with me?"

Then Star-Lord hesitated for a moment, then mustered up the courage to speak out.

"Of course. When I first met you last time, I wanted to talk to you more."

Sarah did not refuse after hearing this and smiled.

When she stayed in the Temple of Records, she basically found something to do to pass the time. In a week, she would be able to go to Blue Star.

Sarah walked directly out of her seat in the temple.

When Star-Lord heard these words, it was easy for people to imagine and misunderstand that the other party had a good impression of him. He looked at Sarah, who looked more and more beautiful in a red cheongsam.

It was inevitable that there would be some ripples in his mind, but Star-Lord forced himself to calm down so as not to act rudely.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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