I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 580 The two-year period has arrived

Fifty-seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Star-Lord also just turned two years old.

Even on this last day, Star-Lord got up at seven o'clock in the morning like he did every day for two years. After washing, he went to the cafeteria to eat.

After finishing his meal, Star-Lord went to the training ground to exercise for three and a half hours.

I returned to the hotel at half past ten, took a shower to wash off the sweat, and changed into a jacket.

After lunch at half past eleven, we slowly headed towards the Temple of the Void, which was more than a hundred kilometers away.

He has gone back and forth on this road more than a thousand times.

If he sprinted with all his strength, he would be able to reach it in ten minutes at most.

However, running at full speed using super powers is prohibited on the island, so Star-Lord is not very fast.

After spending half an hour, at exactly twelve o'clock, we came to the Void Temple again, which we had visited more than seven hundred times.

At this time, there was no one in the Void Temple.

For two years, regardless of spring, autumn, winter, and summer, I came here for more than 700 days and failed to seek blessings.

Anyone else would have lost their ambition and started complaining or lamenting that they had wasted their time.

I am preparing to leave tomorrow, and I may not come back.

But Star-Lord knows that today is the last day of the two-year period.

Therefore, Star-Lord is more respectful this time than before.

This was his last visit during the two-year period, but it was not the last time in his life when he came to seek blessings.

After he reunites with his companions this time, he will pay off the debts he owes as soon as possible, and then save tens of millions to live there.

In two years, Star-Lord has become completely accustomed to and likes the atmosphere and environment of Void Island.

In the past two years on the island, to be honest, Star-Lord has not lived a very happy life.

Because there were many outsiders who laughed openly and secretly, I got to know some outsiders.

They were like-minded from the beginning, but later they became impetuous because they failed to receive blessings for several months, and when they left, they also persuaded him to leave together.

When you find that you can't help him, just call him a fool.

Therefore, the only friends Star-Lord made on the island, apart from the big shots in the Void Cult, were the chefs in the canteen area.

Then there are Niklov and Madame Butterfly whom I met during the New Year's pilgrimage.

Nikrov affirmed his will without hesitation.

"The great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"Star-Lord Peter Jason Quill, I would like to sincerely thank you for allowing me to initially awaken my divine power."

"The two-year trip to Void Island has also benefited me a lot. Both my strength and my horizons have expanded a lot."

"Seeing your divine power with my own eyes also shocked me, and I realized how vast the world of the strong is."

"Now I still have some trivial matters to deal with in the outside world, so I will leave Void Island temporarily after this time."

"After I finish my chores, I will definitely come to pay homage to you again."

"I beg you to grant me the great blessing of the void."

Star-Lord faced the statue of Kassadin, the God of the Void, and knelt three times and kowtowed with great piety.

After Star-Lord knelt down and worshiped, he stood up and bowed to the void statue with his hands clasped together.

At this time, a voice sounded in the sky.

"When the belief is purely for revenge, once the revenge is over, it is very easy to go to evil ways and enter the extreme abyss."

"This belief runs counter to the teachings of the Void God Cult."

"Your potential is inherited from your father, and your natural starting point is different from ordinary people."

"There is no need to seek blessings. As long as you fully awaken in the future, you can step onto the top of the universe or even reach the top of the universe."

"So I highly doubt that after you successfully take revenge, your desires will be influenced by powerful forces."

"But no matter how the outside world judges you or affects your will, you remain consistent and implement your beliefs."

"Star-Lord Peter Jason Quill, your belief is commendable. It has allowed me to see some possibilities in you."

"Then let me see what the future will be like for you who have been blessed by the void."

The sound echoed around the temple and echoed in Star-Lord's mind.

When Star-Lord heard this voice, his eyes showed disbelief.

He had heard the voice of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, so he could be sure that this was the response of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

When Star-Lord turned to look at the statue, his consciousness gradually faded away.

Star-Lord's body rose into the air, and the purple void power poured into his body from all directions.

As the power of the void was poured into it, Star-Lord's body began to change, causing the sleeping cells in his body to react and begin to merge with the power of the void.

A ball that was half purple and half silver enveloped Star-Lord.

The tips of his brown hair began to faintly glow with silver.

Star-Lord has great potential but has always been nothing more than a demigod.

Just like the living planet Ego, he is born with great potential, but has flaws.

But from this moment on, Star-Lord began to embark on a completely different path from his father.

Star-Lord was completely unaware of this. He just came to a deep purple sky and looked up at the scenery he dreamed of seeing, the great dark star of the void.

Here he also truly saw the true power of the void.

All the behemoths within sight are more terrifying than when they appear during the New Year. This is the true peak of the void.

The fact that someone in the Void Temple was blessed quickly became known to many members of the Void Cult and outsiders.

One by one they came with the breath.

"This guy's perseverance and hard work finally paid off with luck."

Lacey came to the bottom of the Void Temple and realized whose aura the sphere belonged to, with a smile on her face.

"I knew his test was very satisfying, but I never thought it would take two years. This test is really long enough."

Kyle also knew who the person in the sphere was.

Because he knows Star-Lord’s beliefs and the potential he possesses.

So Kyle and the others already knew that Star-Lord's test would be unprecedentedly difficult.

"Although the test is long, he is worthy of the test."

"The blessing of the void plus his own potential."

"The Void God Religion will soon have a peak powerhouse."

The prophet said with a smile upon hearing this.

"The starting point is really a headache, having to let a newcomer catch up."

While Rennoli was happy for Star-Lord Peter Quill Jason, he also felt a little helpless.

Not many people on the island knew that Star-Lord was a demigod and his potential was recognized by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Star-Lord himself has not made any plans in the past two years.

Otherwise, those outsiders would know Star-Lord's true potential and wouldn't be so blind and crazy to ridicule him.

However, Star-Lord's two-year test finally paid off.

"If he can surpass it, he can."

"The more powerful the Void God Religion is, the better."

"But Star-Lord belongs to the Nine Realms faction."

"But now that Tony and the others are not here, who will take care of him later?"

"I will practice later."

Kyle didn't mind at all when he heard this.

"That's what I planned too."

Renoli heard this and spoke.

"Me too."

Lacey also nodded after hearing this.

"Let me do it, it won't have much impact if I practice one more day or one less day."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

"Okay, then as you watch now, we'll leave first."

Kyle saw that the Predictor had taken over the matter of bringing Star-Lord around.

Kyle, Lacey, and Rennoli disappeared as quickly as they came in the blink of an eye.

The prophet was left alone to board the Temple of the Void, worshiped the statue of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and then sat cross-legged and waited.

At this time, outsiders also arrived one after another.

"Who has been blessed?"

"have no idea."

"It can't be that stupid pilgrim anyway."

"What pilgrim?"

"Pilgrims don't even know it. One look at you and you'll know you've just arrived."

"Pilgrim Star-Lord Peter Jason Quill, that guy is a celebrity on the island."

"You idiot who has been on the island for two years and still hasn't received the blessing."

Some outsiders heard that new people had been blessed by the void, and they all wanted to know who was which lucky person.

But they couldn't see through the half-silver, half-white round sphere, so everyone was talking about it.

"If you haven't gotten it in two years, doesn't it mean that Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, doesn't like him?"

"That's not what you're saying. It's not an ordinary person to be able to persist for two years."

"At least I can't seek blessings for two years."

"Nonsense, normal people would have left long ago, but there are good and bad people in general."

“Self-knowledge is also very important.”

The number of outsiders is increasing.

Their words did not affect the precog at all.

The prophet can see into the future, so he has seen too many foolish sides of intelligent creatures.

He didn't have time to argue with a bunch of ignorant ants.

But the Predictor glanced at the sphere surrounding Star-Lord.

It only takes a few minutes or more than ten minutes for an ordinary person to change his body.

I just don’t know how long it will take for Star-Lord to change his body.

The prophet was too lazy to pay attention to the outsiders, but the outsiders noticed the presence of the prophet, and their voices lowered a lot.

Star-Lord was encased in a half-silver, half-purple round sphere for two full hours.

Until all the sleeping cells in Star-Lord's body were contaminated with the breath of void and gods.

Star-Lord's demigod bloodline is not an ordinary demigod bloodline. It can be said to be a member of the Celestial Clan. Although it is incomplete and the bloodline is relatively thin, it is essentially the bloodline of the Celestial Clan.

The lower limit brought by this bloodline is terrifyingly high. As long as the divine power in the body is fully awakened in the mature stage, the lowest limit will be the top level in the universe.

No one knows what kind of limits the combination with the void will bring.

With the half-purple and half-silver round sphere, it clicked like an eggshell breaking! With a bang, cracks appeared, attracting the attention of many outsiders.

The round sphere was completely shattered, and a figure appeared in the sight of many people.

"How could it be him!"

"Did you really just let him drag you along?"

"This is stupid..."

"Hush! He is now a member of the Void Cult."

Many outsiders saw the figure that appeared after the round sphere shattered, and they all couldn't believe it or didn't want to believe it.

Star-Lord Pilgrim has been the butt of outsiders’ jokes long before Peter Jason Quill.

Basically, everyone is optimistic about Star-Lord and feels that Star-Lord is overestimating his abilities and is unwilling to accept the reality and has been wasting time here.

But the person I see now is undoubtedly Star-Lord.

Star-Lord landed firmly on the ground, opened his eyes, and found that the sensitivity of his senses had been enhanced again.

This let him know that the divine power in his body may not have been fully awakened, but it was undoubtedly stimulated again.

The changes in the breathing and eyes of the people around him are all within his perception.

The ridicule and fooling in the past have now become unbelievable and unacceptable.

However, Star-Lord immediately knelt down to the statue of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

"Thank you Lord Kassadin, God of the Void, for your blessing. I will not let you down."

Star-Lord kowtowed several times again with great piety.

According to the words of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, before giving him the blessing.

Proving that Kassadin, the God of the Void, has been watching him since the moment he came to seek blessings.

Star-Lord also admits that using hatred as a belief is contrary to the teachings of the Void Cult.

Therefore, Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, has been considering whether to give him a blessing.

According to common sense, it was impossible to give it, but with his firm belief and consistent piety, he finally found this opportunity for himself.

Giving him a real chance to take revenge on his scumbag father.

When Star-Lord stood up again, tears of joy appeared in his eyes. His efforts were really not in vain.

"Come with me, I will explain to you some things about the Void God Religion."

At this time, the prophet came to Star-Lord and spoke.

"Lord Predictor."

When Star-Lord saw this figure in a white robe and covered with bandages, he recognized him at a glance and shouted respectfully.

If many members of the Void Cult are big shots, then the Predictor is one of the famous big shots in the Void Cult.

Both his reputation and strength are very high.

"From now on, you will be a member of our Void God Religion, which means that we are compatriots now, so there is no need for you, sir."

"You can just call me the Predictor."

The Predictor spoke after hearing Star-Lord's words.

"Okay, Mr. Predictor."

Star-Lord also had a happy smile on his face when he heard that he was a fellow member of the Void Cult.

Seeing that Star-Lord still added the honorific, the Predicter didn't bother to speak and flew directly out.

When Star-Lord saw the Predictor's movements, he quickly ran away.

The words that Star-Lord said while kneeling were also the words that the prophet came forward and said to Star-Lord.

The outsiders who were watching around did not want to accept the fact that they regarded this fool as a blessing, but they had to accept it.

And no matter where Star-Lord will grow in the future after joining, he is already a person from two different worlds.

They can no longer judge all of Star-Lord's actions as unscrupulously as before.

This is the status symbol brought by members of the Void Cult.

The first update of 4,000 words is sent

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