I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 570 Isn’t this a projection?

"Although we were all suspicious of you at the beginning."

"After all, you are officers of the Nova Corps and members of the Void Cult."

"We need to worry about whether you are the ones who were put in specifically."

"But no matter what your original intention is to join the Nova Corps, your contribution to the Nova Corps is obvious to all."

"Lady Irani also values ​​you very much."

"So I don't care about other people, but I will definitely nominate you."

Dana Sal saw Dam's bewildered look and said seriously.

Being a three-star officer means that you can get a more powerful three-star armor, and you can also order many new types of officers to form a fleet.

Whether it is an improvement in strength or power, it is very large.

Therefore, if you want to become a three-star officer, you need not only resume and meritorious service, but also need to be recognized by the top management of the Nova Corps before you can complete the promotion.


"Regardless of whether you are successfully promoted or not."

"We will continue to protect Xandar."

Dam was also a little moved when he heard Danner Sal's words.

I remember that they were just members of the city's guard team, the first time after receiving the blessing of the void.

What I want to do is not to act recklessly based on my ability, but simply to improve my life by doing more hard work and moving bricks after get off work.

After registering again and again, I finally got my wish and successfully joined the Nova Corps.

Over the past few years, they have definitely achieved a lot of military exploits, which is enough for them to be promoted to the three-star army.

However, after they were promoted to two-star officers, they also knew that it was difficult to be promoted to three-star officers due to their status, so none of them paid too much attention.

Anyway, they will be rewarded a lot for their meritorious deeds, and by the way, they can use their own ideals to protect Xandar.

Climb up from the bottom step by step and become an officer of the Nova Corps respected by countless people.

The root of all this is that he accidentally met the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, who had just arrived on Xandar and was not well-known.

"Even if we don't succeed this year, I will continue to nominate you."

"I have been completely impressed by your performance and will."

"Others will not ignore your contribution."

"Let's go, I will go with you to find Lady Irani now and nominate you."

Dana Sal heard this and made a guarantee.

Damm, Barnett, Primo, and Philip are all members of the Void Cult, and they are fully capable of ranking among the top four in the Nova Corps.

With this kind of strength, it can be said that anything that is based on strength can be successful.

However, because of their early experience in the city guard, the four of them hoped to serve the Nova Corps and protect the Xandar Empire, so they resolutely started from the grassroots level.

This righteous heart cannot be ignored even if Dana Sal wants to.

Dam was directly pulled by Dana Sal and brought to Irani Rael.

"Lady Irani Reel, I have something important to report."

"I want to be a centurion."

"Nominate the four two-star officers Dam, Barnett, Primo, and Philip for promotion to three-star officers."

"With the merits and reputation they have established, they have already reached the level where they can be promoted."

Danner Sal looked at Irani and saluted first, and then said in an extremely loud voice.

He was not afraid that other officers would look at him strangely.

Irani was not surprised when she heard that Danner Sal had nominated several officers for Dam.

"Danner, you're not the first person to nominate four of them."

"I have already considered this matter."

“If I just nominate one person, it wouldn’t be difficult for me to promote them.”

"But the promotion of four centurions at the same time is of great importance."

"So give me some more time to deal with others."

"Before that, please trouble Officer Dam and wait patiently for a while."

"Believe me, this time will not exceed three months."

"At that time, I will overcome all difficulties and personally hold the promotion ceremony for you."

In fact, Irani is already considering promotions for these four people.

In terms of military merit alone, Damm, Barnet, Primo, and Philip are comparable to many centurions.

It's just that Irani has always had concerns, so she didn't dare to let these four people be promoted easily.

However, the Heart of the World has also reminded her that it is time for these four people to be promoted.

All past data have been observed through the Heart of the World.

It was discovered that the four of them were truly righteous people, both publicly and privately. They did not support justice on the surface, but stirred up trouble secretly.

Now the four of them are willing to serve the Nova Corps because of their ideals and the justice they hold in their hearts.

But if they keep suppressing the promotion of the four people, there is no guarantee that the four people will not be discouraged by this.

If you want to retain talents, you can't just rely on your words. You must also give the other person something they want.

Dam was also very surprised to hear that not only Dana Sal had nominated the four of them, but now it was mentioned that Lady Irani also recognized them.

"Thank you Commander Irani Rael for your appreciation and recognition."

Jeandam's mood was also very high, and he bowed slightly to Irani.

To him, Lady Irani Reel was only inferior to Lord Kassadin, God of the Void, and Miss Sonia, God of the Void, in terms of greatness.

The people of the Xandar Empire basically respect Irani Rael very much.

Because the deeds she has done in her life have truly impressed so many people.

What can win people's respect is not only strong power, but also the charm of personality and the brilliance of human nature that can make others convinced.

"You deserve this."

"Even if I know that my merits and military rank are suppressed, I am still willing to serve the Nova Corps."

"The righteous will expressed by what you have done will never be buried."

A smile appeared on Irani's face after hearing this.


Dam received this recognition and saluted Irani.

"It's great to be promoted in three months."

"Dam, I want to treat you to a drink after get off work tonight."

Dana Sal saw that Lady Irani had directly guaranteed that the four people would be promoted within three months, and he was also happy for Dam.

Lady Irani can have such a high reputation, and her words and deeds have far-reaching influence.

We will not do what other politicians do, saying one thing and doing another secretly.

"Even if you don't tell me, I will buy you a drink."

"But don't compete with me for drinks. Your ability to drink is no match for mine."

Dam also smiled when he heard this.

"Don't talk so eloquently. You have to drink a lot before you can be sure, right?"

When Dana Sal saw that Dam was so confident in his ability to drink, it was impossible for him to admit defeat before drinking.

"Then let's go to work first."

Dam saw that Dana Sal did not listen to the well-intentioned advice and did not give any more advice. He asked for permission and left.

Irani did not stop this, thinking about how to persuade those politicians.

Although she is the supreme commander and has the most power, she still has to take into account the mood and interests of certain people in the Xandar Empire.

These were things she was good at, so it didn't bother Irani.


A few days have passed since the members of Void Island also made their New Year's pilgrimage.

The members of the Void Cult continue to go their separate ways, leaving the island and returning to their hometown.

Stephen also gave Tony and Sarah. Lacey and others demonstrated a wave called operation.

Space teleportation was performed, and the location was set at Blue Star's private island.

"As long as you pass it over, you can reach Blue Star."

When Stephen introduced.

A voice rang out.

"Damn it! There's a beautiful woman."

Pietro was doing his daily practice.

Although Mr. Steve is not here, daily practice has become his habit.

Just suddenly saw a golden ring appear in the space.

On the opposite side of the ring are Mr. Stephen and Mr. Tony.

At the same time, there is also a red-haired beauty with a sexy and hot body and a beautiful appearance, and a seductive blonde beauty.

"Who is this person?"

Lacey saw Pietro, a street kid with little silver hair, and looked at Tony and Steve.

Tony felt a little embarrassed when he saw Pietro, a bastard with no knowledge at all, shouting "f*ck" when he saw a beautiful woman, and covered his face to be embarrassed to introduce her.

Lacey saw Tony's appearance and looked at Steve.

Steve's eyes were also a little erratic, and he didn't even dare to say that Pietro was his apprentice.

"Mr. Steve, Mr. Tony, what is this circle?"

"Remote call projection?"

"The technological array of the universe is amazing!"

Pietro came to the vicinity of the golden circle at this time, carefully observed the other side of the golden circle, and said with some amazement.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to us?"

As soon as the names Tony and Steve came out, Lacey looked at Tony and Steve with a smile in her eyes and asked.

"He is your apprentice, please introduce him."

Tony nudged Steve's arm with his elbow and whispered.

"He is [Quicksilver] Pietro Peter Maximov, who I mentioned to you before and also has supersonic capabilities."

"He's my half-apprentice."

Steve felt embarrassed too but spoke anyway.

"It turns out he is Quicksilver. He seems to have the vigor of a young man."

Kyle heard about Supersonic's ability, looked at Pietro carefully, and said with a smile.

At this time Pietro waved towards the golden circle and found that his arm passed directly over.

At the same time, Pietro also saw the appearance of Mr. Tony and others, and it became clearer and clearer, as if they were very close at hand.

"Isn't this a projection?"

This made Pietro's eyes widen, he looked at the person in front of him and said in confusion.

When Stephen saw Pietro wanting to come over, he just stretched out a hand and directly tied Pietro's waist with magic.

But in an instant, Pietro's figure retreated directly to a hundred meters away.

"Nice speed."

Rennolli said with a smile when he saw Pietro's immediate reaction to the attack.

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