I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 571 Embarrassed but Confident

In a blink of an eye, Pietro was in front of the golden circle again.

"Mr. Stephen, what do you want to tie me up for?"

Pietro found that Mr. Stephen's was just a rope and was not very lethal, so he was a little confused.

But he also discovered that this was indeed not a projection, but like a point teleportation array.

Because the magic rope released by Mr. Stephen felt too real to him, and it was impossible for projection to do this.

"If you want to come over, come over. It's only one hand. Do you want your hand to be broken?"

Stephen was speechless looking at Pietro's stupidity.

Basically nothing can stop the terrifying cuts caused by closing this space teleportation circle.

"Isn't this the first time I've seen it..."

Pietro was also a little embarrassed when he heard this.

Renoli stepped directly through the teleportation array, feeling the breeze coming from the sea and the smell of clean sea water.

"Stephen, your teleportation array is really good."

Renault also had a look of surprise on his face.

"Mr. Rennolly, does this lead to Blue Star?"

Sarah's eyes were filled with wonder when she saw this scene.

"Yes, it's already here."

After hearing this, Renault clicked on the cosmic communicator, and a projection popped up to locate his position. The C53 logo was clearly displayed on it.


Pietro's eyes shrank when he heard the name Mr. Rennoli.

Mr. Steve had mentioned the name Rennoli to him many times.

This is the top powerhouse of the Void God Religion, a terrifying powerhouse who can directly cut off space battleships.

Pietro looked at this man who was wearing a white cloak, had flowing silver hair, and looked a little too handsome.

Judging from the appearance, Rennoli did not release any dangerous aura at all, and even his eyes were not as sharp as they had been in battles.

He looks like a handsome big brother, not a murderer.

And the most important thing about this person is that he is also a supersonic superpower like him.

"Are you Mr. Supersonic Rennolly?"

Pietro looked at Renoli and asked respectfully.

"Hello, Pietro Peter Maximov."

Rennoli turned around when he heard these words, looked at Pietro and said with a smile.

"Hello, I heard that you are also a strong person who has awakened the supersonic power."

"Can you give me some pointers on how to use superpowers correctly?"

"I can only move quickly with a short blade. I cannot move quickly with a big sword like Mr. Steve told you."

When Pietro saw that it was really this person, he humbly asked for advice.

"Can you give me some advice?"

"Then take your weapons and attack me with all your strength."

After hearing this, Renoli thought about it and agreed.

"OK, just a second."

When Pietro saw that the other party had agreed, he said something overjoyed and disappeared immediately.

At this time, Kyle, Lacey, Predictor, Banner, Paige, Pepper, Tony and others also walked directly through the teleportation array.

"Mr. Stephen, can you drive the teleportation array to send me back later?"

Sarah also wanted to follow but was afraid of wasting time, so she looked at Stephen and asked.

She wanted to take time to go over and have fun later, but she was sorry to bother Mr. Stephen.

But now that the space teleportation array is open in front of us, of course I want to go and take a look.

"As for Miss Sarah, of course."

Stephen faced this request with a smile on his face and agreed without any hesitation.

"Thank you."

Sarah heard this with a happy smile on her face, and then passed through the teleportation array.

Stephen also crossed the teleportation array at the end, and after arriving at the private island, he closed the space teleportation array.

"The seawater here is purer than the seawater on Void Island."

Sarah quickly came to the edge of the cliff, looked down and saw the deep sea, feeling a little happy.

Sarah has wanted to come to Blue Star for a long time, because this is the hometown of Mr. Tony and others.

Senior Sonia visited Blue Star last time and gave herself a cheongsam.

She also likes it very much, and the homemade clothes are just enough to pass some of the usually too leisurely time.

"It's a pity that Lalatina and Mr. Ricks have left the island, otherwise it would be nice to come and see them together."

Sarah looked at her surroundings with both joy and regret.

"Miss Lalatina doesn't have time. That guy Alex has no idea whether he appreciates or dislikes these surroundings."

Tony felt a lot relieved when he saw Sarah's happy look, and said.

"No, Mr. Ricks liked the Void Planet 001 when he visited it last time."

Sarah said seriously after hearing this.

"That's because Planet Void 001 is the territory of the Void Cult."

"As long as it is the territory of the Void God Cult, Alex likes it."

Tony knew Alex's temperament very well.

"Is that so?"

Sarah was thoughtful when she heard Mr. Tony's words.

"That's it. That guy Alex doesn't care about the environment."

"All he cares about is that he will like something if it belongs to the Void God Religion, and he will not like something if it does not."

Tony nodded affirmatively upon hearing this.

But as soon as these words came out, Tony realized something.

Alex will not come to Blue Star in the short term, but he may still come to Blue Star in a few years.

In Alex's eyes, he is the manager of Blue Star's void branch.

Tony felt that it was necessary to make a show of setting up a separate Void Temple.

Otherwise, when Alex comes over and sees that he has not established a Void Branch Hall, he will definitely think that he is not doing his job properly.

Fortunately, Alex was too lazy to come over to watch the show, otherwise he would have been in trouble if it hadn't been built for two months and was discovered by Alex.

"Jarvis helps me record it. I am going to build a Void Branch Temple in the near future."

Tony immediately asked Jarvis to help take notes.

But Jarvis didn't respond immediately.

This made Tony look up and found that there was no space battleship, and then he remembered that he had reached Blue Star directly through the teleportation array.

Jarvis was left on Void Island.

He would have to discuss it with Stephen later and go back to Void Island to let Jarvis come back.

"Jarvis II will record it for me. I am going to build a Void Branch Temple in the near future."

However, Tony did not only have Jarvis as the only artificial intelligence in Blue Star, so Tony gave the instructions directly.

"Okay, Mr. Tony."

At this time, the voice of Jarvis No. 2 also received instructions.

"Whose island is this?"

Kyle looked around and felt that the environment was still good, and asked.

"It's in Tony's name."

"Paige and I usually live here."

"Occasionally it is also a gathering place for compatriots on the Blue Star."

Steve heard this and said.

He is very clear about where this island belongs.

Although he and Peggy live here, it does not mean that this island is theirs.

Steve didn't have the slightest bit of the idea that he would take over the magpie's nest after living there for a long time.

"You are quite comfortable in Blue Star."

The prophet said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Tony, I'll go back to Stark Industries to take a look first."

"Remember to get Jarvis back later."

Since Pepper arrived at Blue Star directly, he told Tony and planned to go straight to work.

She had not left Blue Star for a week, and to most members of the Void Cult, this time was not considered time at all.

But Pepper himself also has a lot of work to do.

This time it was also because Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, appeared as a saint, so I left my work and went there.

Now that I have returned to Blue Star, I naturally cannot live such a lazy life.


Tony heard this and waved goodbye to Pepper.

Pepper got directly on the fighter plane parked on the private island and headed for New York.

"Why are there so many people..."

Wanda returned from practicing at sea at this time and was a little surprised to see a bunch of people suddenly on the island, including a few unfamiliar faces.

"Who is this?"

Kyle asked looking at Steve.

"This is Wanda Maximoff, Pietro's sister, a mage who has awakened the power of magic."

"When nothing happens, it's basically me, Paige, and their two siblings who live here together."

Steve heard this and said

He could teach Pietro how to fight, but Wanda, all Steve could teach was how to be a human being.

Steve also knows nothing about how to use magic, so Wanda is not even half of his apprentice.

"Have you awakened your magic..."

Kyle's eyes flickered when he heard that Wanda's magic was awakened.

Magic is divided into innate awakening and acquired learning and mastering. Anyone who can directly awaken the magical ability will usually not be much weaker.

The life breath of this Wanda body seems very weak, but the magic power contained in its body is not a lot.

"Mr. Rennolly, I'm ready."

At this time Pietro brought two short blades and came to Rennoli.

Rennoli saw that the weapon Pietro was holding was a normal alloy weapon, and felt a little rubbish.

However, considering that this is Blue Star and not the universe, Rennoli did not specifically talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the weapons.

"Guiding you on the island may cause some unnecessary losses. Let's go to the sea."

Rennoli looked at Pietro and said.

"Going to fight on the sea?"

"But I can't fly."

Of course Pietro didn't want to cause any unnecessary losses, but he was confused when he heard about going to fight on the sea.

"People with supersonic speeds cannot fly directly into the sky, but that doesn't mean they can't fight on the sea if they don't have the ability to fly."

"As long as we maintain enough speed, any place with a hard medium can become a fulcrum for us to draw on."

"Mountains, rivers, trees, buildings, etc. are all like this."

Renoli heard this and spoke.

Then Renault jumped directly from the cliff. When he landed on the sea, the sea under his feet continued to explode, and he stood firmly on the sea.

Before joining the Cult of the Void, Rennoli was already a celebrity in the bounty hunting world.

His supersonic ability has been awakened since he was a child. He has long been familiar with the supersonic power and has made various attempts.


"Can this still happen?"

Pietro's eyes widened when he saw Mr. Rennoli actually standing directly on the sea.

"Watch my moves and come right down."

Rennolli saw that Pietello acted like a rookie, and he probably knew Pietello's level.

After hearing this, Pietro watched all the movements of Mr. Rennoli attentively, and found that the sea surface under his feet exploded because he lightly touched the sea surface with a super-speed kick.

Allow yourself to maintain a certain strength and stand on the sea.

And you can’t stand in one spot forever, because the sea has not recovered from the explosion.

But it was also because of this that the sea surface exploded, causing the waves to become unstable. Mr. Rennoli's words were simple, but Pietro knew at a glance that it was extremely difficult to achieve this.

However, it was rare for a teacher who could truly teach him to appear, and Pietro did not dare to say that he was not good at it.

Pietro charged up his feet and took a leap of faith, wanting to imitate him when he landed on the sea.

As a result, the sound of "Bang!" was like a deep sea bomb, and it fell directly into the sea.

Because he was anxious, Pietro took a few sips of the salty sea water and struggled painfully.

Just as he was about to call for help, Renelli grabbed his arm with one hand and pulled him up. He took him to the top of the cliff and laid him flat on the ground.

"Cough cough cough~!"

Pietro kept coughing because he was choked.

"It seems that it is temporarily impossible for you to fight on the sea."

"After you recover, you can attack me within a hundred meters centered on me."

"Remember not to run out of this range."

Rennoli looked at Pietro, who was like a drowned rat because he fell into the sea, and probably knew something about Pietro's level.

However, since it was an instruction, of course Renault would not be so perfunctory, so he directly issued the request to Pietro.

For most enemies who are not fast enough, supersonic power users can basically reduce the dimensionality of their attack. They can easily attack, kill and play around without requiring too much skill.

This is a super advantage brought by natural ability, which many strong people cannot envy.

However, a natural advantage does not mean invincibility, and you may be countered by enemies of the same level.

Therefore, if a person with supersonic abilities wants to become stronger and stronger, he must control his combat range so that he can gradually master and master his abilities.

"Mr. Renelli, although my ability is not as good as yours, my basic skills are not that bad."

"Let alone within a hundred meters, I can easily do it even within ten meters."

Although Pietro was very uncomfortable at this time, he immediately accepted the request when he heard it.

Not to mention within a hundred meters, even in a house only a few meters in size.

He can run easily without damaging anything in the environment.

"Really? Then let me take a good look at your foundation."

Seeing Pietro looking so embarrassed but still very confident, Rennoli did not taunt him, but smiled, looking very expectant.

The first update of 4,000 words per day is sent.

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