"That's great. I want to help too, but it doesn't seem like they need my help."

Star-Lord said after seeing Niklov and Lady Butterfly coming up.

Gamora has always wanted to take revenge on Thanos. Although he knew that Thanos' death was doomed, he still wanted to personally help Gamora.

"You can definitely help if you want."

"Even if I haven't received the blessing of the void now, I haven't awakened yet."

"But your current strength is not bad."

"Although it may be a bit dangerous to deal with the five Obsidian generals, it is still easy to deal with the men led by the Obsidian five generals."

Nikrov said with a smile when he saw that Star-Lord also wanted to help but did not dare to go down and tell them.

Star-Lord's strength is not yet to the point where he can completely ignore technology, but with his superb firearms skills and fighting skills supported by his terrifying physical body, his strength is already quite good.

"Nine Realms Blue Star is also your hometown, right? If aliens invade, you can go back to help."

"Tony Stark and the others must be welcome."

Madam Butterfly also spoke after hearing this.

"Okay, I'll take Gamora and my companions with me then."

When Star-Lord heard this, he thought it made sense, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, let's continue eating. I'm going to rest after eating."

Madame Butterfly saw Star-Lord regain his energy and yawned slightly, and said.

Her and Nikrov's physical fitness is not like that of the Iron Man of the Void God Cult. Even if they don't sleep for several days and nights, there will be no problem.

Upon hearing this, Star-Lord walked into the private room with Nikrov and Madam Butterfly.


In a mountaintop villa.

Harvey slept comfortably until three o'clock in the afternoon, then woke up naturally.

He doesn't actually feel tired now, but sleeping is his habit.

The future is so long, and there is no need to rush and push yourself so hard all the time.

Within ten minutes after Harvey got up and started washing, he came to the hall.

Sonia has already prepared the food, and even Harvey's favorite drink is ready.

The frozen frost and dew dripping down the cup makes people feel cool. For members of the Void Cult, there is no need to fear the heat and cold.

So eat and drink whatever makes you feel good.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kassadin."

Sonia said hello with a sweet smile.

"Good afternoon, Sonia."

Harvey nodded after hearing this and went directly to his seat to sit down.

As Harvey started eating, Sonia also started to use her chopsticks to start eating.

"Mr. Cassadine, I received some news from Sarah."

"She said she wanted to go shopping in Blue Star in two months."

Sonia said while eating slowly and gracefully.

"She wants to take a day off to go out and have some fun. It's up to you to make the decision."

Harvey heard that Sarah wanted to take a walk around Blue Star and didn't mind.

"I thought so too, so I agreed."

"But it seems Thanos will attack Blue Star at that time?"

"Are you going to take a look?"

Sonia said after hearing this.

In the period just after the New Year, Sarah's work will indeed become very busy.

Promise it's okay to let Sarah go for a walk.

"When did you get the news?"

"Thanos dares to go to Blue Star to cause trouble?"

Harvey was a little surprised to hear that Thanos actually dared to attack Blue Star.

According to his estimation, he thought Thanos' grandson would not dare to move now.

"At six o'clock this morning."

"Mr. Tony and the others already know the exact news."

"Thanos has not moved out, but Thanos' men will arrive at Blue Star in two months at the earliest and three months at the latest."

Sonia saw that Mr. Kassadin was really interested and explained.

"Is it just Obsidian's fifth general? I said that guy is not that courageous."

Harvey immediately understood after hearing this.

"So what's your decision?"

Sonia asked after hearing Mr. Kassadin's words.

"In two months, after I have observed Star-Lord, I will take the time to take a look."

After hearing this, Harvey thought about it and said.

"Are you ready for Mr. Star-Lord's test to the last moment?"

Sonia was a little surprised when she heard Mr. Kassadin mention Star-Lord.

"Well, in two months it will be exactly two years."

"He has suffered and survived enough hardships in the past two years."

"Then there are the final moments, it depends on whether he can get through it."

Harvey smiled and said.

After he explained that Star-Lord was observed by him personally, Sonia did not ask about the progress related to Star-Lord.

But now that he has brought it up, it naturally means that Star-Lord's test is about to reach its end.

"Hopefully he won't disappoint Mr. Kassadin."

Sonia also heard Mr. Kassadin's expectations for Star-Lord.

Star-Lord's belief in the past two years has truly moved many people, but it is all revealed on the surface.

Only Mr. Kassadin and Star-Lord himself know what is going on secretly.

But Sonia now hears that she also knows that Star-Lord is sitting on the same surface.

There was no devout prayer for blessings on the surface, but secretly he was constantly cursing or insulting the Void God Religion.

"I hope so too."

Harvey nodded upon hearing this.

Nikrov and Lady Butterfly made Star-Lord's belief more firm and clear, but he must have waited until the last moment.

After Harvey and Sonia finished their meal, Sonia lay down lazily.

The hygiene in the villa had been cleaned a few days before the New Year's pilgrimage.

For Sonia, there is only the day of New Year's pilgrimage.

Apart from being responsible for taking care of Mr. Kassadin, I can completely relax.

However, Sonia relaxes by reading books. As the God of the Void, there are too many things for her to learn tirelessly.

Of course, Sonia also likes to absorb the knowledge she wants from the ocean of books.

Because the day I put my knowledge to use, I feel very satisfied with the sense of accomplishment.

Harvey also started observing as usual.

Now is the time for New Year's pilgrimage, and the atmosphere on the entire Void Island is joyful and seems extremely lively.

Stephen was also in these just two days.

Because of the relationship between the Predictor, Tony and others, he was integrated into the Void Cult.

There may still be some distance between complete integration, and Stephen's mind is not that open-minded yet.

When Stephen can be as open-minded as the prophet, then when Stephen will be completely integrated into the Void Cult.

By that time, Stephen should have truly grown up.

The potential of the new Supreme Mage is worthy of recognition.

I just don’t know if Stephen’s designated wife, Kelly, will be affected by Stephen’s joining the Void Cult.

Christine Palmer can only be said to be the woman Stephen fell in love with when he was still an ordinary person. It can be said to be his first love.

And Dormammu's biological niece [Queen of Magic] Klee is the woman who can truly accompany the Supreme Mage Stephen Strange through his long life.

Clea is also Stephen Strange's real wife in name only, and a woman who can fully understand the burden Stephen is carrying.

If Stephen and his wife missed it because he joined the Void Cult.

Harvey would also feel a little pity.

But we'll see what happens when the time comes. Dormammu's biological niece won't be able to bring things back to order in the dark world.

Dormammu also asked him to come and chat with him if he had nothing to do, and just mention it casually.

Strong people will definitely feel lonely in the long years.

So you still need someone who can truly understand you. This person can be a family member, a brother, or a woman.


The New Year's pilgrimage passed quickly, and after three days the stars and the divine bridge that had been hanging in the universe disappeared.

Countless people in the Xandar Empire all know about the great founder of the Void Cult, the Void God Kassadin.

Keeping his promise and doing this is just to show his holiness, not to destroy Xandar.

This gave countless people in the Xandar Empire some thoughts.

They plan to put aside their fear of the unknown and go to Void Island to seek blessings. Even if they don't succeed, they can go and have a long experience.

Centurion Dana Thrall, a three-star officer of the Nova Corps, smiled after seeing Dam.

"Officer Dam, it's really thanks to your information."

"Let's have a good year."

Dana Sal patted Dam on the shoulder, feeling extremely happy.

If I hadn't known the news in advance, I would have seen the God of the Void, Kassadin, create such a formation.

Even if they knew they were invincible, they still had to be on alert.

Let's see if we can escort some people to escape from Xandar before it is destroyed.

But because I knew the news, the God of the Void Kassadin appeared and the Galaxy Bridge was still there.

They did not receive the alert order and immediately returned to the Nova Corps headquarters from home to stand by.

At the same time, because of this manifestation, the Xandar Empire had a very special New Year.

Facing the miraculous vision, his wife and children also prayed for a smoother next year, just like worshiping gods.

He also made a prayer together. It was the first time in so many years since his birth that Dana Sal was so in awe of a god.

"This is also the kindness of Miss Sonia, the God of the Void, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell you."

Dam saw Dana Sal patting him on the shoulder, admiring his appearance very much, and didn't mind who was stronger and who was lower, and said with a smile.

"Yes, all thanks to the kindness of Miss Sonia, the God of the Void."

"But I also want to thank you for your willingness to make a petition for the Nova Corps."

"You guys are about to be promoted to three-star officers this year."

Dana Sal heard Dam's words and said with a smile.

"Will you nominate for me?"

Dam was also a little surprised when he heard this.

He just wanted to allow the countless people of the Nova Corps and the Xandar Empire to have a good year.

So I specifically petitioned Miss Sonia.

If Miss Sonia disagreed, he did not dare to say it.

Unexpectedly, because of this move, Dana Sal seemed to truly recognize him.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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