I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 528 I have my ideals

"It's that simple?"

"So is this the reason why you look just like ordinary people except for the power you possess?"

Stephen heard the two prices Tony said, looked at Tony and said.

"For those who can accept and bear it, the price of the Void God Religion is not a price at all."

"But you haven't realized the nature of the cost."

"The blessing of the void will allow you to completely break away from the constraints of human common sense and have more and more strength to face everything in the future."

"But if you want to live for a long time, you need to seek the meaning of life."

"If you don't know the meaning of your life, eternal life will be a kind of torture, just like your master Gu Yi."

"In the end, he actively sought death and longed to be freed from this world."

Tony was not surprised to see Stephen say these two prices were simple.

He thought so at first, and so did many members of the Void Cult.

But as someone who has experienced it, Tony also explained it in detail for Stephen.

Since Tony witnessed the last meeting between the top experts.

Tony already knows that even those who have reached the peak of immortality have different concepts of life and death.

If you always have hope for life, you can live for billions of years like Gao Tianzun and not want to die.

Odin's early battles and pursuits contributed to the reality of a happy family.

Tony doesn't know Kassadin's pursuit, but Kassadin has an extremely deep understanding of the strong and is obviously unwilling to die.

Only Gu Yi wanted to die because his state of mind did not match his strength, so he felt that living was already a kind of torture.

"So what are your hopes for life?"

Stephen heard that the Ancient One begged for death. His eyes flashed and he asked.

"My ideal is to have a longer lifespan, research technology, and at the same time leave great achievements in human history and be famous for eternity."

"After this ideal is achieved, I will embark on the road to become the strongest."

"My ideas may not necessarily serve as your reference."

"Because I have something I can put my trust in."

"Even in the long future, when I feel tired and have no ideals and no desire to move forward, I can still have a resting place to seek solace."

“After a period of rest, you can pick yourself up again and again.”

When Tony heard this, he directly talked about his vision for the future.

Kassadin has said before that it is not a smart choice to base his ideals on women.

This may be based on experience, after all, time can change too many things.

However, Tony did not regret petitioning Kassadin to give Pepper a chance to join the Void.

Because he stays near Pepper, he will consciously control his desires.

As long as they don't completely fall apart, Pepper will always be his sustenance.

But he couldn't deny that time could change too many things.

Whether he and Pepper could spend endless years together, he also made a guarantee, but he would work hard to maintain it.

I hope Pepper can spend a lifetime with him.

“The sustenance of eternal life….”

Stephen knew Tony's words and thought thoughtfully.

"After you think about it clearly, let's talk about whether to join the Void God Cult or not."

"But even if you think about it, the Void Divine Cult doesn't mean you can join if you want to."

"Of course, as a member of the Nine Realms Faction in the future, I hope you can pass the test and join."

"Once you join, with your huge reserve of magic knowledge, you will definitely make great achievements in the future by joining the Void Cult."

"It will also make it easier to protect what you want to protect."

Tony saw Stephen lost in thought and said slowly.

He didn't say that Kassadin wanted Stephen to join, but that this was the fundamental reason why he wanted Stephen to join.

Stephen is, at best, a person of value to Kassadin.

This value lies in the fact that Stephen's joining is useful for the development of the Void God Religion.

If Kassadin only wanted Karma Taj's many magics, he could just take over Karma Taj.

But Kassadin didn't do that, which meant that Karma Taj's magic was not indispensable.

"I know what you mean."

"But I want to know what's the difference between Void Blessing and Dormammu's dark power?"

"Or if you receive the blessing of the void, other than becoming younger, won't there be any other changes in your appearance?"

"And you said it became more edible. What did you eat?"

Stephen heard this and said.

God King Odin has joined the Void Cult, proving that the attraction of Void blessings is indeed very huge.

And even after joining the Void Cult, the Nine Realms are still under the control of God King Odin.

So if a strong man from the Nine Realms joins the Void Cult, if nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely join the faction headed by Odin.

How powerful are Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Pepper and Miss Paige now.

Stephen has never been in contact with him so he doesn't know much about it, but he knows that Tony Stark is ridiculously strong.

And it seems that Tony Stark doesn't feel eroded like Casillas.

But Stephen hopes to learn more before making a decision.

If Tony Stark is talking about eating intelligent species.

Then it is impossible for him to seek to join. If we really want to absorb various creatures, Kama Taj's dark magic must have similar means.

"Who do you think we are? Even if we become more fond of eating, the food we eat must be normal food."

"Otherwise, if we can become stronger by eating people, would we seek the blessing of the void?"

"And cannibalism or eating various living creatures raw will violate the precepts and lead to the judgment hall."

"As for changes in appearance, you can produce more changes if you want."

"Because the power brought by the blessing of the void is infinite evolution."

"Just because you joined the Void Cult, it doesn't mean that your power will soar immediately."

"You also need to eat a lot and then accumulate evolution step by step to erase your own weaknesses and become stronger."

"What Void God Cult emphasizes is to keep yourself in a good mood through delicious food and steadily improve it, while sharpening your state of mind."

"Prevent yourself from falling into the abyss of desire because of excessive soaring power and unmatched state of mind."

When Tony heard Stephen's words, although he understood Stephen's concerns, he was also filled with dark thoughts.

"If God King Odin and his family have joined, it is unlikely that they can eat people, but I just want to be on the safe side and ask for clarification."

"But if you become stronger step by step, how many years have you been joining the Void God Religion?"

Stephen's face also showed some embarrassment when he heard this, and after explaining it, he asked curiously.

Tony gave him the feeling of being impeccable.

When he fought with him just now, Tony probably had no intention of using all his strength and tortured him with just his physical body.

If Tony uses void magic, it should be Tony's full strength.

"How long have you been joining? If you count the time now, it has been more than eight years."

After hearing this, Tony thought for a while and said.

He has encountered too many things and changed too much in more than eight years.

Things that I didn’t dare to think about before are no longer thought about, but have already been done.

"Then what level does your strength belong to in the Void Cult?"

"Is it the kind that is at the top, the top or the middle."

Stephen heard that it was more than eight years, which is not a short time for ordinary people, and there are not many eight years in life.

However, for the strong people who have already embarked on the road to eternal life, eight years has not even crossed the starting stage.

"Although I really want to put some gold on my face, I can say that among the many members of the Void Cult, my strength is at the peak level."

"But among the many members of the Void Divine Religion, my strength is probably the top one."

"And there are at least seven people as strong as me, and we will get stronger as the years go by."

"As for who they are, unless you join the Void Cult, there is no need for you to know."

"Because their active range is basically in the Andromeda Galaxy and other galaxies, not in the Milky Way."

"If you had not joined the Void God Cult, you might not have met them for the rest of your life."

When Tony heard this, he also knew what Stephen wanted to know from him, so he also revealed some information as a joke.

Of course, even if Stephen does not join the Void Cult, as the disciple of Ancient One, Stephen must have other ways to seek eternal life.

But Stephen, who chose that path, could not be called enemies, but he was not from the same group as them.

Since Tony is not a stranger, it is naturally impossible for Tony to reveal too much information to Stephen.

Tony wasn't lying to Stephen when he said he was basically active in other galaxies.

Now Tony is still staying at Blue Star entirely because he still has things to do at Blue Star.

When Blue Star grows up to the point where he can completely let go of it, the most he can do is pay attention to some of Blue Star's situations.

He will only intervene when he encounters some super powerful enemies. At other times, he will spend most of his time on Void Island, developing new technologies and practicing to make himself stronger.

"Didn't you say that Blue Star is currently under your jurisdiction, protection and development?"

"You don't plan to guard Blue Star?"

Stephen already understood after hearing this and asked.

"I am now promoting the development of Blue Star's technology and making Blue Star reach the interstellar age as soon as possible. There is a lot of trouble to do for this."

"After Blue Star enters the interstellar era, if Blue Star encounters some big troubles that it cannot handle in the future, I will come back to help."

"But I can't keep guarding Blue Star forever."

"I'm not that selfless, I also have my own ideals."

"So I have to live for me, not for others."

Tony said matter-of-factly.

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