I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 527 Stephen’s understanding

Stephen felt Tony's disappointed eyes and felt ashamed.

He wanted to refute, wanted to prove that his strength was more than that, but he was unable to refute.

Unless he uses the Eye of Akomodo first, he doesn't have the strength to fight Tony Stark.

Tony Stark's powers are apparently derived from the void god Kassadin.

This power was far more powerful and mysterious than he imagined.

So Stephen drove the magic floating cloak and flew in, intending to learn more about it.

"The Ancient One died on purpose, and then hid a lot of things from you or Kama Taj."

"But these are also your affairs, so I won't say anything else."

Tony saw Stephen returning to his original position and said.

He already knew in his mind how to attract Stephen's attention to the Void Cult.

But he also secretly lamented that Gu Yi was really unkind, hiding so many things from Stephen.

"Did the Ancient One die on purpose?"

Stephen was shocked when he heard this and his eyes widened.

"Of course."

"Although I don't quite understand how Gu Yi died."

"But Gu Yi is the pinnacle of the universe and has an eternal lifespan."

"If she hadn't deliberately sought death, there wouldn't have been many strong people in the entire universe who could kill her."

"Lord Kassadin also said that."

"Ancient One has guarded the magical world of Blue Star for too many years and has seen too much suffering."

"Her heart has been exhausted physically and mentally for thousands of years. She wants to seek relief from this world, so she takes the initiative to die."

Tony said matter-of-factly.

"Ancient Yi told me that she had experienced a lot of suffering, but he never said that she actively sought death.

When Stephen heard Tony's words, he remembered what Ancient One had said to him and spoke.

Neither he nor the many mages of Kama Taj knew that Ancient One actively sought death.

However, Ancient One's imminent death seems to have been known to some characters for a long time.

At least Kassadin, the God of the Void, has obviously known this for a long time.

"This is what Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, said about Ancient One."

"She has always lived for others and tried her best to protect Blue Star."

"She has always been eager to find a successor who can succeed her and be worthy of the Supreme Mage."

"But because I couldn't find it, I had to extend my life."

"After finding a candidate who is both talented and personable as the Supreme Mage, that is, you."

"She was finally able to leave this world with peace of mind."

"So I can't understand why I'm hiding something from you."

Tony heard this and spoke.

"Yeah, I can understand that too."

"But from what you said, it seems that Ancient One and Kassadin, the God of the Void, know each other?"

When Stephen heard the Void God Kassadin's evaluation of Ancient One, his eyes flickered and he nodded.

"I don't know if I can say we know each other."

"The Ancient One, the Supreme Mage, is a powerful man whose strength is unimaginable to countless people."

"But to Lord Kassadin, she can only be regarded as a junior."

"I don't know whether they have any contact with each other."

"But it is absolutely impossible for Ancient One to take the initiative to attack Lord Kassadin."

"Let's not talk about whether Lord Kassadin is willing to destroy Blue Star and take the initiative to become the enemy of Ancient One."

"The main reason is that Ancient One cannot deal with Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

When Tony heard this, he did not give an exact guarantee, but just told some things he knew.

"Then what kind of existence is Kassadin, the God of the Void?"

Stephen learned that when Ancient One was alive, he did not take action against Kassadin, and he understood a lot, and asked another question in his heart.

"Master Kassadin's strength is bottomless, and he founded the Void Cult in less than ten years."

"It has become the most famous force in the universe."

"Members are distributed throughout the universe."

"There are other members of the Void Cult in the Nine Realms, and I am just one of them."

"So I can't define what Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, wants to do."

"But what I know is that Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, has no intention of destroying everything."

Tony said slowly after hearing this.

"Perhaps this is really possible."

Seeing Tony's confident tone, Stephen's eyes flickered as he thought of the scene where Kassadin directly drove Dormammu away.

"Actually, you don't have to think too much."

"Wait until you truly see how powerful Lord Kassadin is."

"You would know if Lord Kassadin wanted to destroy everything in the universe."

"Then as the weak, you have no room to resist."

"So instead of thinking of ways to fight against Master Kassadin, just live your life honestly."

"The moment the disaster really comes, you can't hide even if you want to. Just pray that it won't happen."

Tony saw some hesitation and consideration in Stephen's eyes and said.

Stephen already knew how powerful Kassadin was yesterday. It existed beyond time and space.

And Kassadin can walk directly in the universe.

So he didn't think about how to be an enemy of such a being, he just wanted to know more.

"Besides you joining the Void God Religion, are there others in the Nine Realms?"

However, Stephen learned that Tony was not only a member of the Void Cult in the Nine Realms, and he also became interested in getting in touch with them.

Tony saw Stephen taking the bait and a smile appeared on his face.

"I can tell you, but are you sure your mouth is tight enough?"

"If you are exposed before we show it to the outside world."

"You should know what's going to happen, right?"

Tony had a smile on his face, but his words were full of warning and murderous intent.

The implication also means that Stephen cannot tell anyone else about Tony's existence.

"I didn't tell anyone about the fact that I came to see you."

"Of course I understand the rule of not revealing it."

Stephen was not afraid of Tony's threatening words, but came prepared.

"I also have my wife, Pepper Potts."

"Bruce Banner, the Hulk, Steve Rogers, Captain America, and his wife, Peggy Carter."

Tony also knew that Stephen could not be stupid enough to die, so he also said it.

When Stephen heard the people Tony mentioned, except for Peggy Carter, whom he didn't know, some other figures immediately appeared in his mind.

"These are all from Blue Star. You just mentioned the Nine Realms, so there must be more than just these people."

But since Tony mentioned the Nine Realms, Stephen knew that these were definitely not all of them.

"God King Odin, Queen Frigga, and their two sons Thor, God of Thunder, and Loki, God of Trickery, are also members of the Void Cult."

"Lord Kassadin, God of the Void, and Miss Sonia, the Messenger of the Void, have no intention of taking charge of the Nine Realms."

"So Blue Star is mainly managed, guarded and developed by me, Steve and Banner."

"The Nine Realms are guarded by Thor and Loki."

After hearing this, Tony also named several other heavyweights in the Nine Realms.

Stephen was not shocked when he heard about Steve and the others. After all, they were very familiar with Tony.

But Stephen was shocked when he heard that God King Odin and his family had joined Asgard.

"Have God King Odin and his family joined the Void Cult?"

"So that means Asgard has also been merged into the Void Cult?"

Although Gu Yi hid a lot from him, it was clearly recorded in the books.

The gods of Asgard are barely the guardians of the material realm of Blue Star.

The reason why he said it was reluctantly was because Stephen remembered the book that recorded Asgard's guardianship of the Blue Star many years ago.

Odin has also been without a lower realm for many years, but in the New York War a few years ago, Thor and Loki came from the lower realm to help.

"Mr. Odin would like all Asgardian soldiers to join the Void Cult and receive the blessing of the Void."

"But it's not something Mr. Odin can sit on just because he wants to."

"Only with the permission of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and Miss Sonia, the Messenger of the Void, can we obtain more blessings from the Void."

Tony also quite understood Stephen's psychology at this time, but he still carefully explained the difference between Stephen's statement.

God King Odin, the pinnacle level powerhouse in the universe, and the most famous figures in the universe have all joined the Void Cult.

If this news really spreads, not to mention shocking Blue Star for a hundred years, even the universe will be shaken by it.

"What is the blessing of the Void God Religion?"

Stephen asked immediately after hearing what Odin wished for but could not yet do so.

The strength of God King Odin is recorded in the book. He is a truly mythical powerhouse.

"It's hard to explain what the Void Blessing is because there are too many possibilities."

"But the most basic thing is that after receiving the blessing, you will be freed from the shackles of lifespan and gain a longer lifespan."

"And it will open the way to explore the world of the strong."

Tony had a smile on his face.

"So what's the price?"

Stephen's eyes flashed with sharpness when he heard this, and he spoke.

In terms of communication, Tony Stark has always been extremely rational.

And he also wanted to know about the blessing that even God King Odin pursued.

"The price is only two."

"The first cost is that you will become very fond of eating, and your appearance will become younger and younger, returning to the appearance of about twenty years old."

"The second is that the moment you receive the blessing of the void, you must be prepared to fight your own desires for the rest of your life."

"You must always maintain your sanity and not cross the bottom line, otherwise you will lose your sanity and turn into a monster, and you will face the pursuit of the Void God Cult."

When Tony saw that Stephen was completely taken the bait, he also mentioned the price.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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