I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 529 The book left by Gu Yi

Tony's ideas had a great impact on Stephen.

In fact, Tony is who he is. He studies medicine not only to save people but also for himself, so that he can truly achieve success.

He also cares about his reputation when dealing with various patients.

However, Ancient One taught him what selflessness meant, which changed his mind.

Let him fight for Blue Star and fight for the magical world.

But Stephen knows that there are no absolute saints in the world.

People can live for others for a while, but it is basically impossible to live for others for a lifetime.

You treat the world with kindness, but the world will not treat you with kindness.

Ancient One also said that even if he prevents one suffering, there will always be a steady stream of suffering coming to him in the world.

Kassadin, the God of the Void, commented on the Ancient One, saying that the Ancient One lived his whole life for others, so that he fell into a whirlpool of pain and finally sought relief.

This means that after more than a thousand years, Ancient One has come to his senses and realized what he did in the past.

After reacting, Gu Yi will have different choices.

The first is to change from lawful good to chaotic evil, that is, blackening. The things you used to protect are not pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at them.

The second is to change from lawful good to good neutral. He will protect Blue Star but will no longer protect as many things as before, giving himself a chance to breathe from the painful whirlpool and live a more relaxed life.

The third is to remain lawful good and fulfill the duties of the Supreme Mage until he seeks the next successor and is completely free.

There are more changes, even if Gu Yi chooses any change, it is normal.

In terms of the result, Gu Yi undoubtedly chose the third option.

So even if Stephen now knows that Gu Yi has a lot to hide from himself.

Stephen would not blame Ancient One for why he passed the position of Supreme Mage to him but did not teach him well.

Ancient One gave the world too much kindness in her life, but the world returned countless sufferings. Someone should give her some kindness.

If Ancient One hadn't given him a chance to regain his life.

Now he is a cripple with a lot of medical knowledge but his hands are disabled and unwilling to accept the reality. He finally died of depression.

How can I see the magical world that ordinary people can't see like now.

Just because Gu Yi is not to blame does not mean that Stephen will not encounter things that shake him in his heart.

His intuition told him that the blessing from the void that even the most powerful God King Odin in the universe demanded must be an opportunity.

But he still doesn't know what the meaning of his life is, so he can't make a decision.

"I'll go back and think about it."

After thinking deeply, Stephen raised his head and looked at Tony and said.

"This is of course up to you."

"Just remember not to tell anyone about your meeting with me."

"And next time you come to visit me, remember to go through the gate of the manor and then come back."

Tony also knew that Stephen was not familiar with him, and he could not directly convince Stephen to believe in him like he persuaded Pepper, so he did not retain him.


Stephen stood up after hearing the words, waved his fingers and a teleportation array immediately appeared in front of him, stepped into it, and then closed it.

"Should I say it, this teleportation is really convenient."

"It will be great when I can learn to teleport."

Tony looked at Stephen's method of leaving, and his eyes showed some wonder.

"Mr. Tony, doesn't Mr. Cassadine hope to win over him?"

"Is there any problem with your reserved approach to wooing Stephen Strange?"

Jarvis said worriedly after seeing Stephen leave.

"I hope to win over but it is not necessary to win over."

"Even the Supreme Mage Ancient One and Kassadin didn't directly win them back, and Stephen is obviously not necessary."

"To put it bluntly, there is no one in the world that Kassadin must win over."

"Whether there is a Supreme Mage in the Void Religion, he will definitely be in charge of this universe in the future."

"It's just a matter of time."

"The Void Divine Religion is most in need of time."

Tony wasn't worried at all when he heard this.

The Void Cult never lacks strong men, even if Stephen Strange grows to the peak of the Supreme Mage.

At most, it is equal to or even inferior to Mr. Odin, the current peak member of the Void God Cult, and Gao Tianzun.

In the future, they, the top experts below the peak, will surely step into the ranks of the peak of the universe.

Tony has such self-confidence, so when he faces Stephen Strange, the successor of the Supreme Mage, he has no fear or feeling of inferiority.

Everyone can peek into the pinnacle of the universe, who can be nobler than anyone else.

"That's it."

Jarvis also understood after hearing this.

"That's it."

"And if Stephen is not stupid, he will come again to seek blessings from the void."

"Kama Taj's own power coupled with all kinds of weird magic, the convenience it brings is good at best."

"It's not even a tiny bit different from the world-famous realm."

"Only by seeking forbidden powers other than regular mages can one grow to the rank of the pinnacle powerhouse in the universe."

"Stephen wants to protect Blue Star, but his current power is still far behind."

"Stephen will make smart choices."

Tony picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, and said with a smile as he walked towards the underground research room.

And according to the data, Stephen's character is very proud and very strict with himself.

As long as there is an opportunity, he will try to seize it instead of sticking to the rules and stop moving forward. His personality is somewhat similar to him.


Harvey also withdrew his gaze from his villa.

He knew that Tony had already done his best to win over Stephen.

The next step is to wait for things to ferment. Stephen will naturally look for Tony again, and then follow Tony's guidance to seek blessings.

As Tony said, Stephen is not necessary and can only be said to be the best choice.

In addition to his excellent talent, the most important reason why Stephen was chosen by Ancient One was his kind personality.

Even if you cannot always live for others, you are still willing to help others beyond your own capabilities.

This ensures that Stephen will break the rules, but there will always be a solid bottom line.

This bottom line is also the point where Harvey recognizes Stephen.

“I don’t know if it can be done before the end of the year.”

Harvey glanced at the lower right corner of the screen in front of him, which showed October, thoughtfully.

Returning to Void Island for the New Year this year is not just to respond to the expectations of many members.

In the spring of next year, his test against Star-Lord will come to the final moment.

To be honest, Harvey didn't know what Star-Lord was thinking.

Star-Lord's awakening attributed all the reasons to the previous chance encounter with him.

This led to Star-Lord's habit of staying on Void Island. He had no intention of leaving at all and was very pious.

But no matter what Star-Lord thought, at least Star-Lord showed Harvey that Star-Lord's belief was indeed extremely stable.

So when the time comes, he will give Star-Lord his blessing.


On the other side, Stephen left Stark Manor, first returned to his home, and then returned to the London Sanctuary.

He directly looked through the books in the London Sanctuary, and after searching around, he found a summary volume of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Stephen opened it and looked at it carefully, trying to confirm whether everything Tony said was true.

Soon Stephen discovered some of the forces recorded in the book.

It was basically no different from what he saw on the star map released by Tony's intelligent AI Jarvis just now.

Even the basic knowledge in the book roughly explains their existence, but there is no clear record of where exactly.

This means that Tony Stark's understanding of the world of strong men is far superior to his own.

However, after detailed reading, I found detailed information about the God King Odin.

"God-King Odin, recognized as one of the strongest men in the galaxy, rules nine worlds including Asgard, Midgard (Blue Star)..."

"The guardian of the nine realms of material realm, left behind in the past..."

Stephen looked carefully at the great achievements left by God King Odin in the past.

There are records of Odin in human history books, but they are by no means so complete.

Now Stephen only has one idea, which is to truly understand the responsibilities he bears.

Only in this way can he clarify his future path.

Kama Taj's magic is very powerful, and the mirror space can be used to deal with countless enemies.

He originally thought that there was the Eye of Akomodo plus the magic he had already mastered.

He has been able to stand alone, but now it seems that he is still far from being able to stand alone.

Stephen went through the records of many myths in the galaxy, demons in the magical world, and even some powerful people hidden in Blue Star.

Most of the well-known Avengers and even the heroes who have just become heroes have some records of their abilities.

However, there is no record of any information related to the Void Divine Religion.

"Why not?"

Stephen kept looking at the books in the library.

Stephen directly used magic, and finally broke through the barrier of reality and entered the inner layer of the library.

Finally, Stephen found a brand new book [Chapter of the Void].

After Stephen saw the book, his eyes lit up and he immediately took it over and opened the first page.

You can feel the elegance of the writing in Juanjuan's handwriting on the book.

But the first sentence at the beginning made Stephen’s eyes tremble.

"To the future Sorcerer Supreme."

"I know that you, who are also supreme mages, will definitely start to search for more information after learning about the Void Cult."

"This is what I have seen and heard after many years of investigation. I hope it can give some experience and inspiration to those who come after me."

Stephen also really saw some records related to the Void Cult.

The opening chapter talks about Kassadin, the God of the Void, claiming to come from the void.

Ashamedly, I, Ancient One, am one of the most powerful masters in the universe.

He can see the past and know the future, and master countless magics, but he can only be like the ants among all living beings.

Only by understanding the situation in the universe through the cosmic communicator can we learn some information about the God of the Void, Kassadin.

No matter how many books I read, I couldn't find any records related to the void.

Therefore, regarding the true origin of the God of the Void, I can only record it as unknown.

Stephen was shocked when he saw this. Gu Yi hid a lot from himself, but he still left some information about himself.

Among them, Gu Yi's powerlessness can be seen in his self-deprecation.

Stephen continued to read.

The origin of Kassadin, the God of the Void, is unknown, but I know the timing of his appearance.

That was the existence that suddenly came to this universe from that moment in 2008.

As soon as it arrived, my prediction was invalid. I could not observe the future of the blue star. I could only see a mysterious and deep dark star that represented the unknown.

Later I discovered that the fundamental reason why I couldn't predict the future was that Kassadin was on a blue star.

This prevents me from directly observing the future trends of blue stars.

I have lived for more than a thousand years and have seen existences that transcend the constraints of time, but I have never encountered existences that are beyond the scope of prediction.

Therefore, this is a more terrifying existence than the dark lord Dormammu, the archenemy of the magic world.

Completely transcending time and space, he is more dangerous than the Dark Lord Dormammu.

The specific ability is unknown. The known ability is that it can come to any place in the universe at any time.

The known record is to defeat Gao Tianzun, the monster of the Universe Elders Council who has lived for billions of years, claims to be unable to destroy the universe, and whose strength is at the pinnacle of the universe.

Latecomers who don't understand Gao Tianzun can interpret this move as Kassadin, the God of the Void, defeating Odin head-on at his peak state.

And Odin had to watch the nine realms he had guarded for many years being destroyed and was helpless.

Revised in June 2016. After further understanding, I found that the truth is not to defeat but to conquer.

Gao Tianzun was not repelled, but was forcibly branded as a slave long after that defeat and surrendered to the command of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

When Stephen saw this, his heart was filled with turmoil.

He has already read the information about God King Odin before. He is one of the most powerful men in the galaxy. His reputation is not limited to the Nine Realms, but is famous as the pinnacle existence in the universe.

And Gao Tianzun, who is equivalent to the god king Odin, was actually branded as a slave and forced to surrender.

What kind of monster is Kassadin, the God of the Void?

This made Stephen continue to look.

After this battle, it is certain that Kassadin, the God of the Void, is capable of reaching the heavens and the earth, and his strength has exceeded the limits of the strongest person in the universe and has reached the level of the multiverse.

Fortunately, Kassadin, the God of the Void, did not show any thoughts and ideas about destroying the universe or a desire for destruction.

Instead, he founded the Void Divine Religion to regard this universe as a preferred residence, so the stability of the universe is still guaranteed.

The future Supreme Mage must remember this!

If you meet Kassadin, the God of the Void, in the future, if you can negotiate peace, do not use force. This is an enemy that cannot be defeated by force.

To him, we are all ants, so as long as we don't take the initiative to provoke him, there is a 90% chance that we can leave safely.

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