I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 490 The Eve of 2016

After the celebration banquet.

Tony personally went to find people to build factories and train talents.

The assembly line of the cosmic translator must be well run in order to keep the price down.

More than a month later, Helen Zhao also went to the laboratory on the island near the private island and began research on genetically modified drugs.

Genetics is the main direction of her research.

Shuri from Wakanda was also escorted by his brother T'Challa to report to Stark Industries.

It was also the first time she left Wakanda and arrived in New York, where there were many people.

The surrounding gun battles and chaos refreshed Suri's understanding that there were no such gun battles in Wakanda.

These people can buy weapons at will, is there really no problem?

But these are not things she can question and change.

Suri successfully met with Pepper, the acting chairman of Stark Industries.


Suri looked at the young and beautiful Pepper and wondered if the information he had learned in advance was wrong.

According to the data, isn't Pepper's age at least in her thirties?

Why does she look like a beauty who is nearly 20 years old and in her prime?

After Pepper saw Su Li, he sent Su Li directly to Miss Zhao Helen.

Because of Su Li's talent, as long as he is willing to learn about genes, he will definitely be able to provide some help to Miss Zhao Hailun.


Spider-Man Peter Parker after chatting with his idol Tony Stark.

Although he is still young, he shows some decisiveness in his actions.

In just a few months.

Spider-Man's name resounds throughout the chaotic Queens, New York.

Almost everyone in Queens, New York, has heard of Spider-Man Peter Parker.

The criminals who planned to rob men and bully women were all tied up by Spider-Man and sent to the police station.

In the past, Spider-Man's reputation was only spread by word of mouth, but now Spider-Man's appearance has directly entered the field of vision of countless people.

Single-handedly, the crime rate in Queens plummeted.

Peter Parker's idea is also very simple.

Because Mr. Stark said so.

Human energy is limited, and he only needs to do his best to protect what he cares about and everything around him.

And the scope he can protect is undoubtedly Queens, New York.

The United States has gradually settled down after these few months of turmoil and is about to usher in Christmas 2015.

Thousands of lights are brightly lit, creating a festive atmosphere everywhere.

2015 was an ordinary year.

Because Stark Industries decided to dump technology to the world.

The energy resources of various countries and the science and technology of all walks of life have developed rapidly.

A group of American politicians were directly replaced, which shocked the world and made it an extraordinary year.


Harvey also went directly back to Void Island to celebrate the New Year.

He was alone during the New Year celebrations on Blue Star, but there was someone waiting for him on Void Island.

Members of the Cult of the Void will also send out prayers during this year.

So on the eve of the New Year in Xandar.

Harvey returns to Void Island through Voidfall.

Thor and Loki are still on the island, planning to return to Asgard after this New Year's pilgrimage.

It has been nearly a year since Star-Lord came to seek blessings, and he still has no intention of giving up.

Because he met Kassadin, the God of the Void, last time, he awakened more power and became much stronger than before.

Originally, he couldn't go to the training ground to play because he couldn't get the shock gold at all.

However, after awakening, his strength has become several times stronger, and the power burst out from one punch can reach more than one hundred tons.

The burst speed can also reach 240 meters per second.

Now Star-Lord feels that he can beat a hundred of his former self.

This made him fully feel the importance of awakening.

Star-Lord is now extremely eager to meet Kassadin again and see if he can push out more of his potential.

Except for the last chance encounter, several months have passed.

Star-Lord discovered that he had never met Kassadin, the God of the Void again.

He probably also understood that only members of the Void Cult on the island were dispatched on a large scale.

When there are not many members on the island, you may encounter Kassadin, the God of the Void.

He didn't know when the next opportunity would come, but it was always right to stay on the island and pursue blessings.

Star-Lord also went to observe the great momentum of many members of the Void Cult returning to the island.

Enjoying the festive atmosphere of the Void Cult made Star-Lord both happy and a little nostalgic for Blue Star.

Since he was brought to the universe by Yondu as a child.

Because they are all members of the Interstellar Predator Legion.

He has no worries about food and clothing, but he basically has no fixed place to live, and has been living on a battleship.

There is no such thing as New Year or New Year on a battleship.

So Star-Lord hasn't really enjoyed the New Year's atmosphere in I don't know how many years.

Now I feel the peaceful and festive atmosphere of the New Year again on Xandar Void Island.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to hide in the light, so that people's hearts can find the greatest relief.

Not only does your conscience not have to be condemned, but you don't need to worry about being offered a reward.

People who walk under the light can find a planet to settle down in any civilization in the universe.

If it weren't for Void Island, Thanos wouldn't dare come over and destroy him.

Star-Lord also did not dare to hide in Xandar for too long.

He also spoke to Gamora, Nebula, Rocket, Drax, and Groot.

A few of them are currently celebrating the New Year on the battleship, and the festive atmosphere is a bit lacking.

However, several people were very happy to learn that Star-Lord had completed his preliminary awakening and his strength had greatly increased. The demigod bloodline was still strong.

Star-Lord looked at his companions, hoping that he would be blessed soon.

While completing their own revenge, they can also defeat the powerful enemy Thanos that they are worried about. They will find an opportunity to return to Blue Star to take a look in the future.


After the grand New Year's pilgrimage.

In the mountain villa, Harvey was lying on the sofa playing games and listening to Sonia's report.

Asgard's artifact forging skills have been handed over.

It’s just that Void Island currently doesn’t have an energy planet, and there are still enough talents.

Therefore, the Void God Religion is not yet able to complete the forging.

After all, it requires a neutron star core as the forging core.

Of course, it is also affordable to buy an energy planet.

The problem is that if you want to use this forging technology, the most important thing is to use Uru metal.

You must know that Uru metal is one of the rarest special metals in the universe and is extremely difficult to forge.

It requires the master-level forging skills of the dwarves.

There are currently two known planets of Uru Metal.

One is held by Odin of Asgard, and the other is in the name of Zeus of Olympus.

If you want to take advantage of it, you need to wait until the Void God Religion becomes much stronger before you can do it.

Harvey heard that the art of forging artifacts had been taught to him, and he planned to tell Tony when he went to Blue Star later.

The artifacts forged by Uru Metal are certainly not invincible.

As far as Harvey knows, there are many people in this universe who can directly dismantle Uru metal.

Not to mention those at the pinnacle level of the universe, a few strong men at the top of the universe can also dismantle Uru Metal.

However, Uru metal is indeed hard enough. As long as a person can control it, he can be directly promoted to the top of the universe.

The premise is that the forged Uru armor is powerful enough.

Although Uru metal alone contains a lot of energy, it is not that powerful when produced alone.

It is strong because the stronger the person who can enchant it, the stronger the Uru metal will be.

As long as the properties of Uru metal can be fully utilized, it is no joke that the user can directly rise to the top of the universe.

"How is the handover of the Rainbow Bridge technology going?"

Harvey asked after thinking about it.

This was all handled by Sonia, so Harvey only had to listen to the report.

"The technology handover of the Rainbow Bridge has also been completed."

"However, Mr. Odin's suggestion is that it is best not to build the Rainbow Bridge at the moment."

"Now our Void God Cult only controls the Void Planet 001, as well as the Land of Void."

"So even if a rainbow bridge is built, it can only connect two locations."

"The Rainbow Bridge is not only a teleportation bridge, but also a weapon with extremely terrifying destructive capabilities."

"It is necessary to send people to strictly guard it, otherwise the void 001 planet and the land of void may be directly destroyed."

"The speed and time it takes to reach these two places via space battleships is only half a day at most, so they are not too far away."

“So Mr. Odin’s suggestion is that it won’t be too late to wait until the Void Cult has grown much stronger and started its journey to rule multiple worlds before making another one.

Sonia said after hearing this.

Asgard doesn't need to send people to other worlds. As long as they pass through the Rainbow Bridge, they can directly suppress and destroy the worlds in their name.

This strict supervision is not bad at all.

"Since the time has not yet come, let's take it slow."

Harvey heard the reason given by Odin and thought there was nothing wrong with it.

To be honest, as long as Harvey casts a spell, the Void Island can be quickly and directly moved to various planets.

However, there is no need for Harvey to do it himself every time.

So the main purpose of the Rainbow Bridge is very clear.

It is mainly for members of the Void Cult to use for their normal operations in the future.

"I have also reached an agreement with Mr. Odin on this point."

"But Mr. Kassadin, will you go to Blue Star next year?"

Seeing that Mr. Kassadin agreed, Sonia nodded slightly and asked.

"Well, Blue Star is about to give birth to a talented person who can be a qualified magic instructor."

"I need to find a way to bring him back."

Harvey nodded upon hearing this.

"Is this the successor of the Supreme Mage you mentioned?"

"But what the Supreme Mage has learned throughout his life is not entirely applicable to void magic."

"Would it cause dissatisfaction among many members if we directly hand over the position of magic instructor to him?"

Sonia asked after hearing about this type of talent.

"The magic practiced by the Supreme Mage is indeed not completely applicable, but as long as there is a common ground, it will be fine."

"As for dissatisfaction, don't worry. I have already observed his behavior."

"As long as he accepts to join, he will definitely be able to integrate into the Void Divine Religion."

"After he integrates and shows his talents, then he must be the magic tutor."

When Harvey heard this, he also knew that if such a person was suddenly brought back from the outside and directly took up the position of magic instructor, it might cause some dissatisfaction.

Stephen Strange's character is still very arrogant, but his character will become much better after cleaning up.

Stephen Strange's character cannot be said to be very approachable, but because he is not rigid, he can deal with anyone.

He is also a strong man who can see through time, so he naturally knows how to make friends with others.

"Since there is an integration process as a prerequisite, I am not worried."

"I can also go to Blue Star for a walk sometime."

Sonia also had a reassuring smile on her face after hearing this.

"Then it depends on when you are willing to take some time off."

"It won't be a problem to take you there for a walk."

Harvey heard that Sonia wanted to visit Blue Star, and he also knew that Sonia was simply curious about what attracted him to Blue Star.

"Although I want to do it too, it's not possible for the time being."

After hearing this, Sonia also understood what Mr. Kassadin meant, and she would not be unwelcome to follow him over to take a look.

But she still had a lot of work to do if she left it behind.

It is necessary to re-draw the plan, and then disrupt his own pace and affect the development speed of the Void God Religion.

She knew that she wanted to be completely idle. Only after the development of the Void Cult reached its predetermined goals would she be able to have a lot more free time.

"It's just after the New Year on Xandar."

"If you want, I can take you there for two days now."

Harvey saw that Sonia wanted to go but didn't want to leave work for too long, so he thought for a moment and spoke.

"Two days..."

Sonia was a little moved when she heard it, but still hesitated.

In fact, Sonia can play without any worries on December 20th, which is the day of New Year's pilgrimage.

However, after the New Year, she will start to sort out this year's earnings and preparations, and whether this year's plans have met expectations.

You can tick those that have been achieved. For those plans that have been made but have not yet been completely successful, we need to allocate how to achieve the goal and the work for next year.

"If you don't go now."

"When you go to Blue Star in the future, what you see will probably be a little different from Xandar Star, but it won't be too big."

"After all, that guy Tony has already started taking action. It won't be too long before Blue Star enters the interstellar era."

"It's also a special pleasure to see the progression of a civilization develop."

Harvey saw that Sonia had an idea but felt that it was too long, so he also added some words.

"Two days is too long, can I have one day?"

"Go there for that day, and then please Mr. Kassadin, please send me back."

After hearing this, Sonia thought for a moment and said a little embarrassedly.


When Harvey heard that Sonia directly compressed the time into one day, he immediately agreed.

"Thank you Mr. Kassadin, then let's go tomorrow night."

"I'll make some preparations in advance."

"Good night, Mr. Kassadin."

Sonia had a smile on her face after hearing this.

Then Sonia went directly back to the room.


Harvey played here until after twelve o'clock in the evening, and then went back to his room to rest.

It’s just that Harvey found Sonia still working in the room during the time when she was supposed to be resting.

I felt like I was making things difficult for Sonia.

According to Sonia's attitude, she obviously planned to stay up late to finish the scheduled work for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

But Harvey saw the smile on Sonia's face and said nothing more.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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