I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 491 A rare vacation

Then the next day at 8:10 p.m.

"Mr. Kassadin, it's time to go."

"Just come back at ten o'clock tomorrow night."

After Sonia finished her work in advance, she came to Harvey with a smile on her face.

"It's winter in Blue Star now. If you wear this outfit and walk outside in Blue Star, you'll be very eye-catching."

"Prepare some nice clothes that normal people would wear for the winter."

Harvey looked at Sonia, who was wearing extremely cool and refreshing clothes, and said.

Sonia has evolved more than 500 times now. She is no longer afraid of severe cold and heat, so she dresses as she likes.

"Mr. Kassadin, didn't you buy an island on Blue Star?"

Sonia was a little confused when she heard this.

According to Mr. Kassadin's approach, most of the islands in Blue Star should be captured directly.

It was impossible for her to fully appreciate the customs and customs of Blue Star in one day.

So she believed that the main purpose of going to Blue Star this time was to see Mr. Kassadin's living environment on Blue Star.

"I live alone in Blue Star. I bought an island to live by myself. Isn't it just causing inconvenience to me?"

"And superpowers on Blue Star are not as common as on Xandar Star."

"So I will use my ability occasionally, but not all the time."

When Harvey heard Sonia's impression of him, his mind was filled with black threads and he spoke.

"Okay, then wait for me for ten minutes."

Sonia's eyes flickered when she heard Living Alone, and she said with a smile.

"How about this set?"

Then Sonia also changed her clothes. Elegant and noble clothes with a beige tone made her already fair skin shine even more, exuding a gentle feeling like a spring breeze.

Since she was only going there for one day, Sonia didn't even think about bringing more clothes.

"Not bad, very beautiful. Let's go."

When Harvey saw Sonia's clothes, he nodded directly and extended his hand to Sonia.

Seeing this, Sonia was still a little shy, but she reached out and placed her hand on Mr. Kassadin's palm.

Then the black hole in the void appeared, and Harvey appeared directly in the universe with Sonia.

"Mr. Kassadin's ability is really convenient."

Sonia's whole body was wrapped in a ball of void power. She watched the surrounding scenery change suddenly. She knew that this teleportation had covered countless distances, and she said with a glow in her eyes.

"You can already teleport within five kilometers, right?"

"All you lack is time."

Harvey said calmly after hearing this.

After he taught Sonia to learn the void detection technique, and after this year, Sonia has successfully figured out how to teleport, but the current teleportation range cannot be too far.

And it will also consume a lot of void power.

The biggest difference between the members of Harvey's Void Cult currently is.

After he mastered Kassadin's abilities.

He can draw void energy from the void all the time and accumulate a large amount of spare void power for himself.

So when he casts magic, Harvey never cares how much void power is used.

It's just that the more void power is mobilized, the more time is needed.

Even if the spares are used up, as long as you are in battle.

Harvey can draw the inexhaustible power of the void from his enemies at any time.

It can be said that after acquiring Kassadin's ability, he is already very powerful.

Unlike Void Predator Kha'Zix's ability, it must undergo evolution and accumulation again and again.

Therefore, Harvey is not in a hurry to evolve Kassadin's abilities, as long as the main abilities are enough.

"Well, I originally planned to wait until I learned it thoroughly."

"When you can travel back and forth between Xandar and Blue Stars in half an hour."

"I'll go to Blue Star to have a look again."

Sonia smiled upon hearing this.

"The distance between Blue Star and Xandar Star is not close."

"By the time your void teleportation reaches that level, Blue Star will have already entered the interstellar era."

Harvey heard Sonia's plan and spoke.

"Then let me take a good look."

Hearing this, Sonia understood the meaning and nodded with a smile in a great mood.

Then there were only a few voids descending across space.

Sonia followed Harvey to Blue Star.

"This villa has a bit of a classic style."

After Sonia arrived, she saw that she was directly in a room. She looked at the surrounding layout and said thoughtfully.

The villas in celebrity hotels can be said to have gathered the essence of a large number of civilizations.

You can basically see any style of villa building there.

So Sonia's vision for these aspects is naturally good.

"This is one of hundreds of villas, but I usually live here."

"Because I prefer the classical style."

"You take a look first, I'll go change clothes."

Harvey also took off his armor and wore black clothes, revealing his aloof temperament.


Sonia nodded upon hearing this.

Afterwards, Sonia started walking around the villa directly.

She could directly use the Void Detection Technique to detect everything in the villa, but it was rare for her to work overtime and take a day off for herself.

Naturally, Sonia would not do such boring things.

She didn't know the cost of this villa in Blue Star, but no matter the cost, it didn't make much difference in front of Sonia.

Ever since she took over the financial power of the Void Cult, she naturally looked at money differently.

She mainly wanted to see what kind of life Mr. Cassadine lived when he lived alone.

"Mr. Kassadin really doesn't drink."

Sonia saw the wine cabinet in the villa. Although she didn't recognize the wine, she looked thoughtfully at the untouched wine cabinet, which was just for display.

Sonia then managed to find a kitchen.

The kitchen was also spotless, obviously Mr. Cassadine was not in the habit of cooking for himself.

When Mr. Cassadine lived by himself, he simply lived here.

Sonia came to a platform outside the villa and looked at the distant scenery.

The location here cannot be said to be on the top of a mountain. It is not as high as Void Island, but it can still overlook the scenery.

It's night on the Xandar star, but it's morning on the blue star.

So you can see the golden light of the sun, covering the road and the mountains and forests, which looks beautiful.

In the area near Mr. Cassadine, there are obviously many manors of different styles, but none of them have the atmosphere of being inhabited.

"Mr. Cassadine, why is there no one living around?"

Sonia asked after noticing.

She knew Mr. Cassadine could hear her.

"I bought all the manors and villas around here."

"I don't like having too many people as friends."

"Too many interactions will cause unnecessary trouble for me."

Harvey also changed his clothes at this time, appeared next to Sonia and said.

"Then why do you like to come to Blue Star?"

Sonia understood what Mr. Kassadin meant when she heard this, but she was also a little confused.

"Because Blue Star is my hometown."

Harvey paused after hearing this and then spoke.

His hometown is actually Blue Star in his previous life.

Although the current Blue Star is very similar to the Blue Star in the previous life, there are still some differences.

He has no intention of helping Blue Star directly. By helping Tony and others, he has already helped the humans of Blue Star.

"Is this your hometown?"

"No wonder Mr. Kassadin, you always use the language of Blue Star."

Sonia was not too surprised when she heard Mr. Kassadin mention her hometown and said with a smile.

Mr. Kassadin did not say that this was his hometown, but used the word "shu".

This means that Blue Star is not Mr. Kassadin’s real hometown.

According to her speculation, Mr. Kassadin is likely to come from other parallel universes or from the real void.

"I have learned the language a long time ago. I didn't learn it here."

Harvey talked to Sonia about the multiverse, so he didn't deliberately hide it.

"Mr. Cassadine, can't you return to your true hometown?"

Sonia saw Mr. Kassadin taking off his armor and wearing black clothes, exuding a cold and handsome temperament. When talking about this, there was some nostalgia in his eyes, and she asked.

"If I could go back, I would like to go back and take a look, but I can't go back anymore."

Harvey shook his head slightly when he heard this.

He is now fully capable of traveling through the multiverse and traveling to various universes, but this does not mean that he has the ability to return to his original world.

According to his current abilities, even if Blue Star destroys the universe in the years to come.

Unless he actively seeks death, he will not die.

So after he recognized his true condition and recognized the power of the void, he already understood all this.

"Since you can't go back, forget about it."

"The Void Divine Religion that you personally established is your new hometown."

Sonia also rarely learned about Mr. Kassadin's past, so she thought about it and comforted him softly.

"I'm fine, those things are in the past."

"Let me take you out for a walk."

"Although you can ask someone to deliver it, but it would be a waste of your rare vacation."

Harvey heard Sonia's comfort and said with a smile on his face.

"Well, where does Mr. Tony live?"

Sonia nodded slightly when she heard this.

"He also lives in this city, but not here."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"That's it. I wonder if there is a chance to meet Mr. Tony."

Sonia heard that Mr. Tony was also in this city. Although she didn't know much about it, she knew that this should be one of the most prosperous cities in Blue Star.

After all, Mr. Tony is also a rich man in Blue Star, and he must live in the most prosperous city or country.

"A chance encounter is unlikely."

"Tony is celebrating the Blue Star New Year right now."

"If you want to see him, you can take some time to go and have a look."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"Then there's no need to go over there and bother you."

"They will feel shy when they see you, and they will feel shy when they see me."

Sonia shook her head after hearing this.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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