I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 489 Who to find for experiments

After half a month of busy work.

Tony can really rest assured.

"Things that cannot be accomplished directly by using force are troublesome."

Tony stretched out on the sofa and complained depressedly.

"Are you starting to find it troublesome now?"

"It's not impossible for you to try to force this matter through force."

"You have to try everything."

At this time, Harvey's figure also appeared in the Stark Manor villa and said with a smile.

"I still know myself."

"The plan I promoted will only cause necessary casualties and not too many disasters."

"Only Mr. Odin will support me in doing this."

"You also support me in doing this."

"I'm afraid you won't die if you try."

When Tony saw Cassadine coming, he quickly sat up from the sofa and spoke.

Even if Odin agrees and Kassadin agrees, the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme, definitely disagrees.

The Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme, was ready to die, but not yet.

Once he lures out the Supreme Mage Ancient One, he will only be the one to suffer.

"I feel relieved to see that you have not been confused by desire."

After hearing this, Harvey sat down directly on the sofa opposite Tony, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

The process that Tony is going through now is the period when it is easiest for his desires to skyrocket.

Because Tony's plan is going very smoothly, once things go smoothly, people's minds will easily wander, and then they will have ideas that they didn't have before.

"I know, I told Pepper to keep an eye on her."

"Stop me if I do something inconsistent with the plan."

Tony heard this and spoke.

He knew that Kassadin would overlook the Blue Star, but Kassadin was obviously not interested in watching his sexual intercourse with Pepper, so it was normal not to know about these things.

"It's good that you have this precaution."

"I heard Sonia say, you asked her to help transport some materials."

"Can't you just make the cosmic translator?"

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

Although he stayed at Blue Star, he still had a lot of communication with Sonia.

"Although the cosmic translator can do it directly, the cosmic communicator cannot."

"After the cosmic translator begins to spread to the public, if the cosmic communicator can be released as soon as possible, it will bring better results."

"So the materials can't be prepared early."

Tony nodded slightly and said.

Moreover, talent training also takes time, and these need to be deployed in advance.

If possible, Tony would like to call Lalatina over to help manage it.

"Is it expected to enter the interstellar era within a few years?"

Harvey saw that Tony had already planned this and asked.

"My plan is of course to do it as soon as possible, preferably within five years."

"But this matter cannot be rushed."

"So everything has to be looked at based on the actual situation."

Tony heard this and spoke.

Blue Star's situation does not mean that it will be successful if he just buys some space battleships and distributes them to various forces so that they can directly enter the universe.

The reason why he developed so quickly was that he was talented enough, and the help of the Void Divine Cult was indispensable.

It only took him a few years to break through various technical barriers, and because of the Void God Cult, he was not afraid of being targeted by some arms predators.

Therefore, you can accumulate a large amount of money quickly and stably.

Even if the rest of Blue Star went to the universe, without strong strength and weak body, and without the protection of the Void God Religion, going directly to the universe would be a labor force.

Therefore, only if all the people are injected with genetically modified drugs can they safely enter the universe.

"Can it be done within five years?"

Harvey was also a little surprised when he heard this.

"In the best case scenario, I can complete my plan within five years."

"The worst thing is to extend it for a few more years, which won't be too long."

"I am leading Blue Star to enter the interstellar era."

"It's not like being a nanny, helping Blue Star step into the interstellar era."

"Blue Star has not gone into the universe, but with so many billions of people, there will definitely be no shortage of talents."

Tony nodded without hesitation.

His plan is as long as he promotes the birth of a community with a shared future for mankind and is responsible for providing advanced technology from the universe.

Then after human civilization is digested, it will only be a matter of time before entering the interstellar era.

If he was asked to stay until Blue Star entered the interstellar era, Tony would rather not do it.

Because that would take at least ten or twenty years.

Of course, with support, a civilization can quickly enter the interstellar era within ten or twenty years, which is considered very fast.

But it is obviously impossible for Tony to stay at Blue Star for more than ten or twenty years.

As long as he does the preliminary work, he won't need to worry too much about subsequent matters.

That is, when Blue Star encounters an unsolvable problem, he can just step in to help tide over the difficulty.

"I see, so your biggest problem is the initial funding, right?"

Harvey also understood after hearing this.

"Yes, although it only needs to lead mankind to build a community with a shared future."

"After making Blue Star grow and connect with the universe, I can basically let it go."

"But whether it's to popularize cosmic translators, cosmic communicators, or genetically modified drugs, the money required is huge."

"But fortunately, Miss Sonia helped me a lot."

"We maximized the production capacity of space battleships right away."

“Otherwise, I don’t know how to make back the lack of so much money.”

Tony heard some helplessness on his face.

With so much money, he could buy one or two more planets from the Xandar Empire as long as he used the Void Cult.

However, buying more planets at this stage will have no effect on Blue Star.

On the contrary, it will disperse the world where humans live and will allow humans to work on their own, so Blue Star is far from reaching the point of interstellar immigration.

"Come on."

Harvey didn't take the initiative to talk about borrowing money when he heard this.

Because Tony had made it clear that he was embarrassed to borrow money from them.

Of course, Harvey couldn't take the initiative to mention this matter and hurt Tony's self-esteem.

"Well, Pepper has already prepared a banquet at the private island. Are you coming?"

Tony regained his composure after receiving this encouragement. He shook off the helplessness on his face and extended the invitation.

"If I go, your banquet won't be so relaxing and enjoyable."

"So I just have to find food by myself."

Harvey shook his head when he heard this and disappeared into the villa.

"Having a high status also comes with its own inconveniences."

When Tony heard this reason, he also sighed when he saw Harvey leaving.

Especially the belief of countless members of the Void Cult like Harvey.

If Kassadin were present, it would indeed be impossible to have a relaxed conversation.

Just like a gathering between colleagues in a large company, if the leader suddenly comes, it is inevitable that they will not be able to let go.

Tony then calmed down and boarded the space battleship to fly to the private island.

A group of people began to hold a celebration banquet to celebrate the smooth progress of the plan.

At present, because the skills he masters are all those that Tony knows, Banner's recent stay at Blue Star is called relaxing, just thinking about how to play every day.

"Tony, your talents are much greater than I thought."

Helen Zhao took a glass of wine, sat down on the seat two seats away from Tony, and praised with a smile.

"It's not all my fault, it's also due to the help of Banner, Steve and Pietro."

"And the most important thing is the support of Mr. Odin and Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"Otherwise I won't be able to pass Captain Marvel's test."

Tony laughed when he was praised but didn't take all the credit.

"The situation in the universe really expanded my horizons."

"It turns out that there is really an existence in the world that can be called God."

Helen Zhao nodded slightly when she heard this and said with some admiration.

Tony not only gave her a cosmic translator but also a cosmic communicator.

Although she cannot express opinions on various platforms and places, Helen Zhao can check some related things in the universe.

She looked up the rumors about Custard, the Void God of the Void Cult, Odin, the God King of Asgard, and Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel is extremely powerful and can also be called a god-like existence.

He just bumped into two big figures at the pinnacle of the universe, so he ended up dying on the spot.

She also learned about some of the technology possessed by the Xandar Empire.

It’s no wonder that Mr. Tony hopes that Blue Star can become a huge force on the level of the Xandar Empire in the future.

Although the Xandar Empire has not achieved complete fairness, it is certain that all members are well off.

And because everyone is genetically modified, they still have a lot of energy to do things they are interested in after a day's work.

Don’t overwhelm your body with work.

“The more you see, the more you will feel your own insignificance.”

"But you probably didn't just come to me to talk about this."

Tony nodded when he heard this, looked at Helen Zhao and asked.

Well, it’s true that I didn’t come to you just to talk about these things. "

"I have mastered all the information you brought back."

"The question now is who to find for the experiment."

"In animals, it is difficult to use different genetic chains as a correct standard."

"Although according to Mr. Steve and Mr. Banner's suggestion, it would be better to just capture those death row prisoners for experiments."

"But I think I still want to ask for your opinion."

"After all, if the injection of medicine is successful, their physical fitness will skyrocket, which may cause some dangers."

"Isn't it better to find willing people than death row prisoners?"

Hearing this, Helen Zhao also revealed her reason for looking for Tony.

"Yes, there are many death row prisoners who do not regret their death."

"It's about re-examining the circumstances under which they were imprisoned."

"Lest some people who were framed for trouble die in vain."

"By the way, you can also find some people who are in urgent need of money and are willing to sacrifice their lives to experiment."

"If they succeed, they can get a more powerful body and join Stark Industries to prepare for future construction."

"Even if they didn't succeed, they succeeded in relocating their families or achieving their urgent need for money."

"As for the money, I will take care of it."

After hearing this, Tony also agreed with Steve and Banner's proposal, and also made a proposal.

"Okay, just do as you say."

After hearing this, Helen Zhao nodded.

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