I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 488 Things have changed

Tony also doesn't know if he has any influence on Peter Parker.

However, a hero like Peter Parker who has super powers but is not very strong can help many people even if he does not save the world.

That's why Tony was willing to spend some time answering Peter Parker's questions.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Stark for your guidance."

Peter Parker comes over tonight feeling that some of his past thoughts and ideas are too naive.

As for whether those politicians are innocent or not, they are just innocent in his eyes. For Mr. Stark, they are all enemies.

Mr. Stark cannot allow himself to be slaughtered by someone who threatens his life.

If he still asks why Mr. Stark wants to kill them, then he is not kind but stupid.

Coming here tonight to explore the truth not only allowed him to understand the whole story, but also made Peter Parker grow a lot.

“The brave draw their swords against the strong, and the weak draw their swords against the weaker.”

"There are few brave men in the world, but there are so many weak people who are weak at heart."

"I hope you won't encounter the day when you are criticized by countless people."

"You can go back, I still have things to do here."

Tony said casually in the face of Peter Parker's thanks.

"Mr. Stark, can I visit you again?"

Peter Parker heard these words. Although he did not witness them with his own eyes, he wrote them down and asked if he could visit again.

"Your previous impression of me is that I am a good person."

"But I'm not a good person now."

"So don't get too close to me."

"Your life should be witnessed by your own growth, rather than being influenced by me and causing drastic changes in your growth path."

"The principles I told you do not mean that you will no longer be a hero."

"It's about letting you know that the world is not as beautiful as you imagine."

"So you just need to work as hard as you can for the beauty you want."

When Tony heard that Peter Parker wanted to visit him, he turned around and looked at Peter Parker, facing the expectant eyes.

Before talking to Harvey, face this request from Peter Parker.

Tony might see Peter Parker as a coachable talent and teach him how to grow.

But after talking to Harvey, Tony knew that life was different.

Peter Parker's life should also be witnessed by himself.

"All right."

"In any case, thank you very much Mr. Stark for your willingness to give me a chance to talk to you thoroughly."

When Peter Parker heard these words, he understood the meaning. He was a little disappointed but expressed his gratitude again.

What Mr. Stark said was cruel, but it was also true.

All his whereabouts are under Jarvis's surveillance.

If Mr. Stark doesn't want to see him, then he can't find Mr. Stark.

"Go ahead."

"The age you are now is still the age when you go to school."

"I remember your grades are pretty good, don't waste your studies."

"When you grow to a certain level, it won't be too late to talk about visiting."

Facing this expression of gratitude, Tony said casually.

He also fully read the life information and experiences of Spider-Man Peter Parker, and knew that Peter Parker was a smart boy.

At the age when you should learn a wealth of knowledge, you should not be distracted by a lot of trivial matters.


When Peter Parker heard that he had the opportunity to visit after growing up, his eyes immediately brightened, and then he turned and left.

"Jarvis keeps an eye on Peter Parker."

"If he encounters a big trouble that is beyond his ability and cannot be solved, just let me know."

"As for the small things within his ability, there is no need to report them."

Tony said as he watched Peter Parker flying and jumping in the air as if on a swing.

He thinks Spider-Man Peter Parker is too naive, but that doesn't mean he hates the naive Peter Parker.

Peter Parker is only 14 years old now, and he is at an age to enjoy school life.

Blue Star's situation is not yet dangerous, and a fourteen-year-old kid has to be busy with all kinds of things.

"Okay, Mr. Tony."

Jarvis heard this and agreed.

Tony then continued to monitor and manipulate public opinion on the Internet.


the next day

After a day of information dissemination, the world was in an uproar.

"Is this your response, Tony Stark?"

Zheng Xian, director of the Divine Spear Bureau, looked a little solemn when he saw the explosive news bombing the world at this time.

"Completely manipulated public opinion and video."

"There's more to Tony Stark's technology than meets the eye."

"And to be able to do this, there must be someone behind Tony Stark."

The Weather Witch looked at the news that shocked the world and read some information.

In the immediate aftermath of General Ross's death, American politicians did not immediately come out to criticize.

Instead, it took a few days for the news to come out, and the politician died suddenly without using mushroom eggs.

Obviously all the mushroom eggs in the United States have been secretly controlled by Tony Stark, otherwise it would be impossible to dare to do this.

"I thought he had broken up with America."

"I didn't expect that all of this was part of his plan."

"It seems that the situation in Blue Star is about to change drastically."

"Let's play it by ear."

"The first thing now is to see if Tony Stark is really willing to sell the Void Translator."

"And what kind of pricing he will give for the energy he decides to dump."

Zheng Xian, director of the Divine Spear Bureau, nodded slightly and said.

Selling void translators and dumping energy will also affect the situation of various countries in Blue Star.

This gives the technology that was originally stagnant the possibility of extending again.

However, this also has some potential risks, which is that it may allow Tony Stark to pinch the lifeblood of energy.

Therefore, when purchasing energy, you must buy it, but you must also study it immediately to see if you can replicate similar energy.

Otherwise, it would be fine if Tony Stark had no intention of touching them. Once they are accidentally pinched by the energy lifeline, they will become fish on the sticky board and be slaughtered by him.

He could feel that Tony Stark was brewing a huge plan.

However, there is currently too little intelligence information, so it is still impossible to determine what Tony Stark's move is for, so we can only respond to changes by remaining unchanged.

Hopefully Tony Stark's plan is good, otherwise they might be going to war.

"Well, I've already sent someone to communicate."

The weather witch nodded and said.


When Wakandane received this news, it caused quite a stir.

Because they know that Tony Stark's plan to lead Blue Star to the interstellar era has already begun.

The purpose of the void translator and energy should be to reduce the war on Blue Star so that countries can start to develop technology.

Tony Stark should release other technologies later.

The real general trend will definitely be involved whether you like it or not.

T'Challa was filled with pressure when he saw these politicians dying or missing for various reasons or even voluntarily retiring via video.

Su Li looked at the technology released at the press conference, his eyes twinkling.

Although Wakanda has conquered many technologies, Wakanda is also limited by Blue Star in terms of energy and cannot lead by much.

However, the energy controlled by Tony Stark is completely ahead.

If this kind of energy can be brought back to Wakanda, it will definitely be very beneficial. Suri has already determined to help and learn by the way.


The next few days.

Countless people around the world are watching, worried that riots in the United States will be used as an excuse to release mushroom eggs.

But a week has passed, and they still haven't seen an outbreak of mushroom eggs.

The United States held an emergency election, allowing some people to replace the original politicians and quickly allowing order in the United States to operate.

Although there are economic and social turmoils in the United States and internationally, it can be said that it is great good news that there is no world nuclear peace that has caused countless people's greatest worries.

These are the results of Tony Stark being behind the scenes and using his money power to arrange for some politicians who were originally impeached to abdicate.

As for what the currency is used for, Tony doesn't even have to think about it.

His goal is the universal currency Cosmic Coin that is in line with the universe.

Blue Star's civilization will not be able to issue a universal currency recognized by the entire universe for a long time, so just follow the rules.

Instead of Blue Star issuing currency, Tony felt that it would be better to expect the Void Cult to issue void coins.

A week later, the Void Translator was accurately delivered to the buyer.

After testing, Stark Industries' reputation has been unanimously praised internationally as an epoch-making product.

We hope to reach cooperation with Stark Industries as soon as possible to promote the sale of void translators.

These matters are naturally handled by Pepper. Faced with these requests, Pepper will respond as quickly as possible.

As for the Ark Reactor, there is currently no sale.

Instead, they need to sign a convention that does not prohibit the development of technological weapons, but prohibits the weapons developed from being used in Blue Star's internal war.

Countries that violate this convention will face liquidation, and this convention is still under review.

Therefore, Stark Industries’ Ark Reactor has not been dumped for the time being.

This convention is also one of Tony's important plans to promote a community with a shared future for mankind.

If you can't fight inside Blue Star, you can only fight outside Blue Star.

This is also Tony's intention to plant a seed for the development of the interstellar era for all the forces on Blue Star.

In a short period of time, it is obviously impossible to reach an immediate consensus.

But as long as the seeds germinate and grow, the day will come when they will bear fruit.

This is what Tony learned from Miss Sonia. He first made subtle changes, and then he was able to implement them logically.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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