I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 423 Wanting to retire before taking office

"I know your words are true."

"But I am of all the bloods of my bastard father."

"The only person alive who knows the truth, this is my rightful responsibility."

"Otherwise, the souls of so many brothers and sisters who died unjustly will not be able to be comforted in heaven."

"And the retreat is the path you will choose only when you have no other choice, isn't it?"

Star-Lord said with a smile upon hearing this.

"I like your character."

When Thor heard Star-Lord's words, the admiration in his eyes also increased.

What Star-Lord did was not the choice of a smart person, but it does not mean that Star-Lord is stupid.

"You guys can chat first, after I successfully join the Void God Religion."

"We were sitting together and chatting."

"Miss Sarah, thank you for reminding me how to live on the island."

Seeing Thor admiring him more and more, Star-Lord stood up and expressed his gratitude to Sarah.

If it weren't for Sarah's reminder, he wouldn't be able to notice his inner inferiority.

It may be difficult to move even on the island, and your beliefs may be shaken by the environment and the passage of time.

Because low self-esteem is very easy to cause some disasters.

"Then let me wait until the day when Mr. Star-Lord comes to me to take notes."

Sarah received Star-Lord's thanks and said with a smile.

Thor saw Star-Lord about to leave and wanted to stay, but Loki pulled his arm.

Thor turned his head and saw Loki shaking his head slightly at him, and did not continue to invite Star-Lord to cook a meal together and chat about the future.

After Star-Lord left.

"Loki, why did you stop me?"

"I was chatting happily with him."

Thor asked looking at Loki.

"Star-Lord is not yet old enough to talk to us about the future."

"Our words can easily distract from his strong beliefs."

"He doesn't want to cause us any trouble either."

"So let him figure it out."

Loki heard this and spoke.

Thor has never experienced the situation of the weak, so naturally he cannot understand the thinking of the weak, but Loki has experienced it personally for many years.

Therefore, he can very well understand Star-Lord's desire to make a career for himself without troubling others.

"Mr. Star-Lord is an interesting guy."

"I guess time will tell."

Sarah also smiled when she heard this.

"Then let's order food first."

When Thor heard what Loki and Sarah said, he understood and they were not talking about Star-Lord.

"Lacie was appointed to take over the Land of Nothingness, why did Renolly and the others go to help?"

"Will they spend more time in the void than they do now?"

Loki asked as he ordered his food.

Although Loki felt that Lacey's personality was a bit fiery, Lacey was still very gentle when teaching people.

He also asked Lacey for some fighting skills.

If Lacey would spend less time on the island in the future, then who would he ask for advice in the future?

"No, Senior Sonia hopes to support a puppet in the land of nothingness."

"Miss Lacey is docking with that puppet, and then with senior Sonia."

"The main purpose of going to the Land of Nothingness this time is to find the puppets."

"Mr. Rennolly, Mr. Kyle, and Mr. Predictor went over to help find suitable candidates."

"The situation in the Land of Nothingness may need to be rectified."

"But after the Void Land settles down, Miss Lacey can stay on the island most of the time."

Sarah shook her head slightly when she heard this, and opened her mouth to explain.

"Why Lacey?"

"Can't Renolly and the others do it too?"

Loki immediately understood when he heard about searching for the puppet, but he was still a little confused.

"According to what Senior Sonia said."

"Miss Lacey's knowledge is one of the most powerful among the Void Cult."

"Having seen the darkness under the light, you will not be too shocked by seeing the darkness in the land of nothingness."

"And it is powerful enough to suppress the land of nothingness."

"So Miss Lacey became the best candidate."

Sarah heard the words and explained.

According to what Mr. Kyle and the others said, she and Lalatina were secondary candidates.

If Miss Lacey doesn't agree, it will most likely fall on her and Lalatina.

Although Sarah didn't know how unsightly the darkness under the light was.

However, Sarah has worked in celebrity hotels for several years, and she knows what changes it can bring to people under the influence of her ears and eyes.

Miss Lacey took over this responsibility, and it could be said that she protected the two of them.

"Is he one of the more knowledgeable people? This fact cannot be denied."

Loki understood immediately after hearing this.

Tony and Banner also said that Lacey used to work in the Bounty Tavern, responsible for issuing bounties and obtaining various intelligence.

Most of what happens in the universe reaches the bounty world.

After all, bounty hunters are a group of strong men who lick blood from their swords and fight in various places in the universe.

Through the intelligence network within the bounty world, coupled with word of mouth from bounty hunters from all over the world, it is not surprising that Lacey has a wide range of knowledge.

"Then why didn't Lacey and the others announce this good news directly in the group community?"

Sol also understood Miss Sonia's selection criteria and spoke.

"Mr. Kyle, Mr. Rennolly, and Mr. Predictor are very happy that Miss Lacey can get a public position."

"As for why it was not announced, I don't know."

"Perhaps after Miss Lacey and the others have settled down in the Land of Nothingness, they will plan to fully announce it, right?"

Sarah thought for a moment after hearing this, and then spoke.

"This is more than a good thing, at least let Lacey treat you."

Loki said with a smile upon hearing this.

Although Loki is not short of money in his pocket now, the pleasure of eating and drinking is completely different.

"It's inevitable, just wait."

Thor saw Loki looking determined and said with a smile.


"Mr. Thor and Mr. Loki, why don't you go back to Asgard and take a look?"

"Mr. Odin and Lady Frigga have been back for a while."

Seeing their expectant looks, Sarah also had expectations in her heart. She just looked at Thor and Loki who were very accustomed to staying on the island and asked curiously.

"No disaster has occurred in the Nine Realms. Let's go back."

"When I inherit the throne from now on, I will have plenty of time to stay in Asgard."

"Even if we come up with an estimate, we won't be able to come up with it by then."

"Why don't you have some fun outside now?"

Thor said directly after hearing this.

How happy it is to stay on Void Island, the living environment is good, the food is delicious, and you can do whatever you want the rest of the time.

Now, just thinking about how he will have to do a lot of work every day after he succeeds to the throne makes Thor feel a little sick.

"Isn't Mr. Odin on his way back to the top now?"

"Why does he still want to abdicate?"

Sarah asked a little strangely when she heard this.

"It's because I'm back at the top, so I don't want to be bothered by daily government affairs."

"My father now wishes he could give up the throne of Asgard as soon as possible so that he can be free and happy."

When Loki saw Thor's reluctant look, he couldn't be happy himself, so he stopped gloating.

Because after Thor inherits the throne, he will also help govern Asgard.

This means that they don't have much time to go out for a walk.

I have been staying in Asgard, and I usually don’t have many friends coming to chat with me.

It’s even more difficult to find someone to share ideas on evolution with, discuss ideas with each other, and vent one’s energy. Just thinking about it makes me feel depressed.

But as a son, he must take over the throne.

Just thinking that his son could succeed him, Loki rolled his eyes slightly and looked at Thor, thoughtfully.

It seems that he has to find a way to urge Sol to get married.

As long as Sol gets married and has children, it will take some time for Sol's children to grow up.

He will be able to be liberated from Asgard in two thousand years at the latest.

He does not need to sit in power for tens of thousands of years like his father Odin, and the only condition to speed up this process is that Thor gets married.

"Loki, what are you planning?"

Thor felt Loki looking at him, felt an inexplicable chill, and shivered all over.

"It's nothing, I just feel that you are not too young, brother."

Loki said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Why are you talking about this?"

"Aren't you the same age as me?"

Thor was speechless when he heard these words.

"I almost forgot about this... Isn't this plan useless?"

When Loki heard that he was the same age, his expression changed slightly.

If Thor gets married, after making his father and mother feel at ease, they will definitely shift the focus of urging the marriage to him.

He could feel happy every time he saw Sol being forced to marry as the eldest son.

But if the person being urged to marry were me, I wouldn't be happy anyway.

"What are you planning?"

Thor asked suspiciously after hearing Loki's words.

"It's nothing. I originally wanted to urge you to get married and have children as soon as possible. We can retire from Asgard in at most two thousand years."

"But now it doesn't seem to work."

After hearing this, Loki spread his hands and said.

"Can you retire in two thousand years? Then it doesn't seem impossible."

When Thor heard that Loki was planning to urge him to get married, he was not angry but seriously considered Loki's plan and said thoughtfully.

"Don't! Don't! Don't! If you get married, I will suffer."

"I'm still young and don't have that thought yet."

"I don't want my father and mother to see me yet. If anything happens, they will urge me to find a partner."

Loki saw Thor seriously thinking about getting married and having children, and quickly advised him.

If Saul really gets married, then he will also suffer.

Sarah saw a smile on her face when she saw that Mr. Thor and Mr. Loki were already planning to retire before they took over Asgard.

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