I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 424 Rectifying the Land of Nothingness

"It is indeed not that simple to govern a large force."

"Senior Sonia is very busy every day."

"But sometimes, taking a break from work can be more fun."

Sarah looked at Thor and Loki and said.

“Who needs to work when you can live a carefree life?”

"Wouldn't it be easier for me to use my working time to find more fun things?"

Loki immediately spoke after hearing this.

It can be said that his horizons have been completely opened. What's the fun in staying in Asgard all the time? It's better to go outside and walk more.

"Mr. Loki, your idea makes sense."

"But don't spread your thoughts within the Void Divine Religion."

"Otherwise, Senior Sonia will definitely keep an eye on you."

When Sarah heard what Loki said, she couldn't find a reason to refute it, but she also knew that this kind of thinking was not suitable for widespread dissemination within the Void Cult, so she gave a kind reminder.

Otherwise, all the members of the Void Cult will be ruined.

It’s not that the Void God Sect can’t bear it, but as a saying goes, people just can’t eat too much.

Once you eat too much and are too idle, you will like to meddle in other people's business and trigger a series of things.

"Miss Sonia should rest now, it won't reach her ears."

Loki didn't take it seriously.

"Senior Sonia may have taken a rest, but Lord Kassadin has been watching us."

Sarah reminded Loki in a low voice when she saw that he was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

"This is just my personal opinion and has nothing to do with other members or the people of Asgard."

"I have no intention of splitting the Void Religion, and please forgive me, Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

When Loki heard Kassadin looking at him, he was shocked and said immediately.

The Void Cult advocates all freedoms except discipline, but freedom also has some limits.

Some ideas are obviously not suitable for generalization.

Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, also said that it is not yet the time for the Void God to separate into various factions.

That's why the people of Asgard are not allowed to join on a large scale.

If he directly promoted various ideas, accelerated the process of splitting into various factions, and disrupted the original development plan of the Void God Religion

Not to mention that he will be targeted, and Asgard may not be able to survive alone.

If that happened, Loki estimated that his father would be merciful by banishing him from Asgard. If he were more ruthless, he might just kill him.

This was not Loki's feeling that his father and queen were partial to Thor, or some other dark thought.

It's because now that the Void Divine Cult has fully gained momentum, the next step is to wait for the opportunity to grow step by step.

Asgard already had half a foot in the boat, but he was kicked off the boat because of him.

His end may have come about as he did.

In a mountaintop villa.

When Harvey saw Loki's showmanship, he even smiled and had no intention of caring about it.

It is inevitable that the Void God Religion will have many factions, it is just a matter of the length of time.

However, even if there are many factions in the future, as long as they abide by the commandments and regard the Void God Cult as the only one, then some small fights will be nothing more than minor problems.

If something bad happened, he would naturally let Sonia handle it.


At the same time, there is nothingness

Some lawless people in the Land of Nothingness and even desperadoes and black businessmen are now honestly cleaning up some corpses in the Land of Nothingness.

There are also repairs to many dilapidated buildings and grounds left by the war.

As for the profit-driven intention to take action against the members of the Void Divine Religion, that is impossible.

Because the land of nothingness has changed hands.

The current owner of the Void Land is the Void God Cult.

After changing the owner, what will be the rules here? Will there be any increase in various overlord clauses and taxes?

Even changing the entire lawless zone into a land of light is unknown to them.

If it's the former, as long as it doesn't go too far, then they still have a way to survive here.

If it is the latter, then they will have to find other places to survive.

The Land of Nothingness used to be the largest black market, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only black market in the universe.

There are other planets specially set up for lawless people and desperadoes.

Most of those zones were established by the Universal Presbyterian Church.

It's just that they have been here for so many years and have become completely accustomed to it and formed their own circle.

If you go to a lawless zone established by other universe elders, you will have to compete with others for territory and re-establish a network of relationships.

This is bound to set off another bloody storm.

"It's really confusing what the future will be like."

A blue-skinned alien who was manipulating an industrial spaceship and undergoing repair work looked at the dilapidated city below with some melancholy.

"If it doesn't work out, just change to another planet to retire."

"It's not like I haven't earned enough money for retirement over the years."

Another beautiful brown-skinned alien who was also piloting an industrial spacecraft spoke.

"Retirement is not as easy as it sounds."

"If I retire, the intelligence network I have built over the years will be gone."

"I still have a lot of goods that I haven't sold yet."

The blue-skinned alien had a wry smile on his face when he heard this.

The people who are now helping to clean up the void include desperadoes, black businessmen, casino owners, etc.

They have reached their current position here, and they have spent countless efforts and money to get to their current position after many intrigues and intrigues.

As long as they don't retire, a lot of money comes into their accounts every day.

And if they are used to dealing with all kinds of helpless people, wouldn't it be embarrassing for them to retire and live a comfortable life?

How happy it is to be in the Lawless Zone, where as long as you have money you can get whatever you want, and it is also one of the most well-informed places in the entire universe.

"Who isn't? But the situation forces me. Anyway, I don't want to go to other planets to compete for territory now."

"If you really can't do it, retire. At that time, the most you can do is spend some money to buy the latest news."

“Just don’t completely derail yourself from the universe.”

The beautiful brown-skinned alien exhaled a puff of white smoke from her mouth and spoke.

At this moment, a large space battleship sailed over.

"It should not be mentioned that the Void God Religion has so many large space battleships just a few years after its establishment."

"Sure enough, strength is the eternal foundation of the universe."

The blue-skinned alien looked up at the large space battleship that covered the sky above and sailed in, and said with some emotion.

Large space battleships are not something you can just buy if you want.

They have the means to get it, but the price will be half of what is on the market.

Moreover, the advanced level of various equipment is often one or two levels lower than what is on the market.

Of course, even if it is not the most advanced large space battleship, it is enough to directly conquer various low-level civilizations.

But unless that civilized planet has minerals or energy that are relatively rare in the universe.

Otherwise, even if you conquer those low-level civilizations, it will be in vain and even cost you a lot of money.

Buying a space battleship does not mean that you won’t have to spend money in the future. Maintenance of the battleship, purchase of arms, and training of various talents to drive the battleship are the bulk of the money.

The Space Battleship of the Void God Cult looks like the latest model at first glance. It can be said that it requires money and connections.

But when they saw the space battleship's hatch open.

A man with silver hair in a silver cloak, a bald giant, and a figure covered in bandages appeared.

When a beautiful blonde woman wearing a black tights showed off her impressive talents.

Their eyes shrank one by one, and they knew that the Land of Nothingness was about to start rectifying things.

Even if they hadn't seen them shine during the war, these four people would have been representatives of the Void Cult.

They are Sonic Lennoli, Hercules Kyle, Predictor and Lacey.

Before, I still sent people here to move things, but now I sent these four people here with the obvious intention of taking over the land of nothingness and announcing the changed rules and so on.

Lacey jumped directly from the battleship, and her body was directly suspended in the air when she was still one meter above the ground.

After more than half a month of sorting out, all the corpses and blood stains in the Land of Nothingness have been cleaned up.

However, the smell of blood seeping into the ground has not completely dissipated.

For the people of the Void Cult, this smell of blood will be even stronger, but for Lacey, Renoli, Kyle, and the Predictor, these four people have participated in countless battles.

I have long been accustomed to this level of bloody smell.

"Lacie, do you know who has a greater say in the land of nothingness?"

Kyle and the others also floated directly in the air together with Lacey.

"I know, I know, but who to look for will have to wait until I finish reading the death list."

"Those who have a greater say in the land of nothingness must also work for the collectors."

"Probably would have died directly in the war."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

If you support puppets, you will naturally support some people whose status is not low in the first place.

Because if you can make a name for yourself in a land of nothingness, you must know how to be human.

So what you need to choose is someone who not only understands the ways of the world, but also has some bottom lines and abilities.

As for those who can't get along in the land of nothingness, they are basically not considered.

You have to have ability but not ability, you have to have fame but not fame, you can't deal with some things directly without talking about it, and it's easy to become a drifter just because you reach the sky in one step.

As long as this puppet becomes floating, she will have to change it and come to the land of nothingness again to choose a new puppet.

Of course, the replacement of puppets is definitely necessary. If you stay in office for a long time, the original bottom line may be lowered due to being fawned over.

And because of his long reign, a special small circle will be formed in the land of nothingness.

However, the cycle of replacing puppets cannot be done once a year. It must last at least five years or even ten years.

After ten years, we will have to consider replacement.

These are Lacey's predetermined goals. How long the subsequent replacement cycle will be depends on the actual situation.

"Who compiled the death list?"

Renoli heard this and spoke.

"Wuma Qi."

"Predictor, I'll trouble you later about testing their character."

Lacey heard this and spoke.


The prophet nodded slightly and agreed.

He can see through countless futures through prediction and directly test the foundation and bottom line of human nature.

This is also the point where Lacey hopes they can come together.

After Lacey and others left.

Some people in the Void Land were talking a lot.

"Is this going to pick an agent?"

"Or are you planning to deal with the remnants of the people who have a bigger say, the Collector first?"

"It's understandable to clean up the remnants, but the people with the most say are already dead."

"The one with the biggest say is dead, so those with less say below will naturally get better."

"Then am I not called one of the people with a greater say?"

"Is it too late for me to run now?"

The blue-skinned alien was a little panicked when he heard that the candidate with the greater say had been replaced by him.

The brown-skinned alien beauty also had some changes in her face at this time.

The original core remnants of the Collector are all dead, leaving only a few of them who have served the Collector, or those who came directly to do business in the Void.

If the Void Cult really plans to clean them up, then they will suffer.

And Lacey has also obtained the compiled death list of the Land of Nothingness from Wu Maqi.

Lacey also had a headache when she saw on the list that all the names of people with higher status and greater say in the Void Land that she had heard about in the past were in red.

It is of course fast to attack the Land of Nothingness, but the problem is that if you want to master the Land of Nothingness, you will have constant troubles.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. If there are some local snakes in the void to help, a lot of troubles can still be solved.

But there is nothing wrong with them dying. After all, there is no need for them to do anything if they don't work hard. The collector may deal with these people first.

"Who are the remaining superpowers in the void?"

Therefore, Lacey can only target the people who are still alive in the void.

"The list of the living is here."

"It has marked their origins, superpowers and some deeds in the void."

Upon hearing this, Wu Maqi also transmitted some data directly to Lacey's cosmic communicator.

He received instructions from Miss Sonia and came to sort out some information about the Land of Nothingness.

His superpower is dream invasion, which allows him to easily explore the deepest secrets in people's hearts.

Therefore, it is extremely suitable for this kind of investigation work.

He had also received the news in advance that Lacey would take over the Land of Nothingness, so he also tried his best to cooperate.

As for why he chose Lacey instead of him or anyone else, he didn't care at all.

Now he just wants to deal with the matter in the Void Land as soon as possible, and then return to the Void Island to enjoy himself.


After receiving the data, Lacey thanked Wu Maqi.

Then Lacey also looked carefully, looking for people with extraordinary powers.

It not only records the superpowers of their origins and personalities, but also all the things they are good at. It can be said that it is very convenient to check.

If it weren't for the worry that the members of the Void Cult would degenerate into monsters in the land of void.

Lacey even wanted Wu Maqi to be the agent of the Land of Nothingness.

But just because she couldn't find members of the Void Cult to cooperate with her, Lacey just thought about it in her heart.

The first update of 4,000 words per day is sent. Thanks to mg-101 for the reward.

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