I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 422 Choice and Courage

Star-Lord is eating in the cafeteria.

At this time, two figures also came to the cafeteria.

"Why aren't Renolly and the others here?"

"Aren't they free to move around just like us?"

Loki saw the sparsely populated canteen and found that no familiar figure was seen at meal time, so he said a little strangely.

Although Loki did not shine in the battle in the void, he still shined through Thor's light.

So he doesn't have to go to the void to carry things and can stay on the island to rest.

If Miss Sonia ordered it, Loki would definitely go.

However, Sonia didn't specifically order him to do it, so Loki chose to stay on the island and practice.

As for Renault and the others, they don't need to take advantage of others and can freely stay on the island to rest.

They also saw Renault at noon today, but when it was time for dinner, Renault and the others disappeared.

This made Loki feel strange.

"They should be here later."

After hearing this, Thor looked at the sky and saw that it was about to turn into night. Although it was a little strange, he didn't pay too much attention to it.

"Good evening, Mr. Loki, Mr. Thor."

At this time, Sarah also came to the cafeteria to prepare for a meal. After seeing Thor and Loki, she said hello sweetly.

"Miss Sarah, where are Renolly and the others?"

When Thor heard this voice that was like the sound of nature, he knew that Sarah was coming and asked.

"Miss Lacey received instructions from Sonia-senpai."

"Going to take over the Land of Nothingness, Mr. Rennoli, Mr. Kyle and Mr. Predictor have all gone to help."

Sarah said with a smile upon hearing this.

"That female tyrannosaurus is going to take over the land of nothingness?"

Loki heard Sarah's words and looked at Sarah with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Of course it's true. I was there when Senior Sonia accepted her fate as Miss Lacey."

"But Mr. Loki, according to my understanding, in the Nine Realms, female tyrannosaurs are often described as ugly but powerful women."

"For a beautiful, kind and beautiful woman like Miss Lacey, this nickname does not fit."

"Although Miss Lacey doesn't mind too much, I think that's because Miss Lacey is always in a good mood."

"If Miss Lacey is in a bad mood one day and wants to find someone to vent her anger on, you may be the first person to choose."

Sarah was not surprised to see Loki's shocked look, smiled, nodded and then gave some reminders.

"I will pay attention..."

Loki heard Sarah's reminder and shuddered all over when he thought of the scene where Lacey came to settle accounts with him because he was in a bad mood, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

"Tell me more about it."

"Kyle and the others went to help, which means they are going to take over the Land of Nothingness."

"Don't you have time to come back later?"

Thor heard Sarah's words and asked thoughtfully.

"That's not the case. It's a long story."

"I'm a little hungry. Let's talk while we eat."

Sarah said with a smile upon hearing this.


After hearing this, Thor and Loki looked at each other and nodded.

Then several people walked through the cafeteria together.

Loki noticed that among the sparse people in the cafeteria, there was a familiar figure with his head lowered while he was cooking.

So Loki took a closer look and found out that it was Star-Lord, then he was thoughtful, thinking about whether to say hello.

"Star-Lord, you're here."

However, Thor discovered that the people of the Nine Realms, Star-Lord, who had demigod blood, had come to Void Island to seek blessings, and he directly stretched out his hand to say hello.

As soon as these words came out, Star-Lord's body froze. -

Star-Lord has actually noticed the arrival of Loki and Thor.

Because their appearance and clothing are very recognizable.

It's just that Star-Lord knows that he has demigod blood and also comes from the Nine Realms, but he has not yet awakened.

We can't talk to people like Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, and Loki who already have great power and countless insights.

And Tony also said that he could help with other things, but he really couldn't help with the test.

Although Star-Lord was shameless, he was also embarrassed and went to force them to cause trouble for a few of them.

So even when he arrived on Void Island, he didn't hesitate to find them.

"Yes, after handling the matter, I came to ask for a favor."

But now that Thor, the god of thunder, saw that he actually took the initiative to say hello, Star-Lord had no choice but to turn around and say hello with a smile.

However, Star-Lord noticed that Thor was approaching him directly, and he was directly in front of him in less than three seconds.

"when did you come?"

"Why didn't I hear Tony say that you have arrived?"

Thor sat down directly next to Star-Lord and said with a smile.

"I just arrived this afternoon. The island is too big, so I haven't gone to say hello to Tony Stark yet."

When Star-Lord heard Thor's attitude that he would definitely go and say hello to Tony Stark, a warm current flowed through his heart and he spoke.

Because Thor's words proved that compatriots from the Nine Realms can go and seek some help.

Loki saw Thor, an idiot, go directly to Star-Lord to say hello, and heard Star-Lord's response.

Loki knew that Star-Lord had not yet joined the Void Cult and felt that it was difficult to integrate into them because his strength was too low, so he did not directly approach Tony and Banner.

But this is also Thor's character, so Loki reluctantly came to Star-Lord's table.

"Mr. Sol, who is this handsome guy?"

Sarah saw Mr. Thor and Mr. Loki sitting directly at Star-Lord's table, and she also came directly to the seat and sat down. After sizing up Star-Lord, she asked with a smile.

"It seems like you haven't seen him before."

"This is the demigod bloodline of Star-Lord Peter Jason Quill. He comes from the Nine Realms like us."

"Although he has not yet awakened his divine power, his potential is very powerful."

"Even if you don't join the Void Cult, you should be able to awaken naturally after a few hundred years."

"He will definitely become a big shot in the future."

After hearing this, Sol directly introduced Sarah.


When Star-Lord heard this sexy red-haired beauty call him a handsome boy, some ripples arose in his heart.

However, after hearing Sol praise her so much, this beauty looked at her with some surprise.

The people who were dining around and the chef looked at Star-Lord in surprise when they heard Thor's words.

Feeling the gazes around him, Star-Lord wanted to dig a hole and get in.

Even though he himself didn't have much confidence in awakening naturally within a few hundred years, Sol had better give himself a very high evaluation.

"Hello, my name is Sarah and I am the recorder of the Void Flower God Cult."

"I don't know whether I should call you Mr. Star-Lord or Mr. Peter?"

When Sarah heard Thor's admiration, she looked at Star-Lord, who had his head lowered like an ostrich. The surprise in his eyes dissipated, and she asked with a gentle smile.

Star-Lord heard these beautiful and gentle words and looked at Sarah, a beautiful woman, and felt some waves in his heart again, but it was the recorder of what Sarah said.

It has been proven that Sarah is also a member of the Void Cult, and her status is not low.

"There is no need for you and sir."

"I can't bear such a high title now."

"Just call me Star-Lord.

The ripples in Star-Lord's heart immediately disappeared, and he responded politely.

To ordinary people, members of the Void Cult are indeed people from two different worlds.

Although it is inevitable for Star-Lord to have a crush on beautiful women, it is important for people to be self-aware.

Before, he looked at Tony's wife Pepper and Steve's wife Paige and thought they were beautiful enough.

But compared with Sarah, there are still some differences in appearance and temperament between Pepper and Paige.

Although Star-Lord doesn't know much about Sarah, it's not difficult to guess that Sarah has many suitors.

"Although it's a good thing not to be arrogant, Star-Lord, you don't have to be so arrogant."

"Being able to receive such high praise from Mr. Saul, you can be more confident."

"I know that as an ordinary person, I will feel uneasy when I come to a void island full of powerful people. I have been like this in the past."

"But you don't have to be so uneasy, just be yourself."

"Not only is Void Island safe, the seniors and adults who have joined Void God Cult are also very friendly."

Seeing Star-Lord's reaction, Sarah turned her eyes and understood Star-Lord's situation. A smile appeared on her face, and she affirmed Star-Lord in a gentle voice.

Star-Lord was not a person with low self-esteem in the first place, but when he came to Void Island, a place full of strong people, he became slightly inferior in his behavior.

"Okay, thank you Miss Sarah."

Now hearing these affirmations, Star-Lord was shocked, and he also realized his current psychology. He looked directly at Sarah's beautiful face that was enough to attract countless men, and said with a smile.

Loki saw that Sarah's few words made Star-Lord, who was originally feeling inferior due to the environment, straighten up his waist, and he secretly admired her in his heart.

When it comes to dealing with Sarah, she has an appearance that makes people fall in love with her at a glance, coupled with her character and conversation that won’t look down on anyone.

It's no wonder that Sarah was able to get the position of recorder, a position that required dealing with all members of the Void Cult.

When Thor saw Star-Lord, who had regained his confidence and straightened his back after being comforted by Sarah, he also knew that his direct greeting just now was a bit careless.

"Where are your companions, Star-Lord?"

"Didn't they come together?"

But now Star-Lord is fine, so Thor also asked directly.


"I carry their trust and responsibility with me."

"A man came here."

Star-Lord heard his companion speak.

Not only Thor, Loki but also Sarah felt a sense of responsibility and belief from Star-Lord's words.

Thor and Loki may not know.

However, Sarah knew that clarifying her own beliefs and admiring the Void Cult were the keys to officially opening the test.

As long as Star-Lord can strengthen his beliefs in the future, not be distracted by external things, always reflect his piety, and be patient.

If nothing unexpected happens, Star-Lord will hopefully pass the test and become a member of the Void Cult.

Being willing to shoulder the trust and responsibility of others is not an easy thing.

But Sarah understood this and didn't say anything.

"Then what did they do?"

"Should the Guardians of the Galaxy be disbanded?"

Sol asked curiously after hearing this.

Although the overall strength of the Guardians of the Galaxy is not very high, Thor also knows that they continue to receive rescue signals and go to various worlds to collect money for help.

Although you have to charge money, as long as you help, then it is a good thing.

Because no one even wanted to respond to some low-paying bounties and rescue signals, the Guardians of the Galaxy helped first.

"How could the Guardians of the Galaxy be disbanded so easily?"

"They went on to rescue."

"And we will meet again two years later at the latest."

When Star-Lord talked about the Guardians of the Galaxy, the pride in his words was not concealed at all.

He knew that the overall strength of the Guardians of the Galaxy was not strong, but Star-Lord enjoyed the process of saving lives one after another for his help and then receiving their gratitude.

"So you plan to stay on the island for two years?"

Loki also intercepted some information after hearing these words.

"It is only tentatively scheduled for two years. If you still fail to successfully join after two years."

“I will also look for opportunities to come again in the future.”

"Unless I received the news of my bastard father's death in advance."

“Otherwise I would not cease pursuing the hope of grace.”

Star Lord heard this and said seriously

His pursuit is to personally avenge his bastard father before he naturally dies in the valley.

But if his bastard father died early, then he would have to let go of his obsession even if he wanted to.

"Okay, very ambitious."

"You still need some pursuits in life."

Thor heard Star-Lord's words and smiled on his face.

"take it easy."

"Even if you don't succeed, don't be too discouraged or degenerate."

"When I said the future was yours, I didn't mean to mock or lie to you."

"But you have the right to choose."

"Even if you can't awaken in a short time now, you will definitely be able to awaken in the future as long as you don't die."

Seeing Star-Lord's firm belief, Loki did not think of ridicule but affirmed Star-Lord's approach.

If it were other people who knew that they had demigod blood, and the longer they stayed alive, the stronger they would be.

When you finally awaken, you can start your own path to becoming a strong person.

Because there is no need to worry about lifespan, it will reduce a lot of worries.

So the smartest choice would be to live a lazy life and wait for the opportunity to come.

After awakening, the universe is so big that you can dominate anywhere you want.

This is the smartest and risk-free way to enjoy your future.

But Star-Lord is eager to kill his father.

Star-Lord's biological father, Igo, is recognized as the top powerhouse in the universe by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Even if Star-Lord successfully awakens and grows a lot, trying to kill his father will inevitably involve the risk of death.

But even so, Star-Lord still wanted to do this, so even Loki had to admire Star-Lord's courage.

The second update of 4,000 words is sent

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