"What is your name, where are you from, and what is your purpose?"

Immediately, Tony ignored Steve, looked at Loki, and asked.

However, faced with Tony's question, Loki had no intention of responding.

When Tony saw Loki like this, purple void power appeared in his right hand, and he punched Loki directly in the abdomen with a "Bang!"

Loki's body hit the wall of the cabin. After receiving this blow, Loki's stomach turned a little and he spit out a mouthful of bitter water.

This scene made Steve and Natasha afraid to speak.

"You don't really think that I can't do anything to you if you don't speak, do you?"

"I don't have that much patience to play with you slowly."

"If I find out that you want to harm Blue Star, I will let you see what hell is."

Tony grabbed Loki's hair directly, his tone cold and ruthless.

"My name is Loki."

Loki discovered that Tony Stark was stronger than he expected. He knew that if he didn't tell him, he would be beaten more severely, so he also reported his name.

"Loki? Asgardian?"

"Thor's brother?"

When Tony heard the name, he remembered the name Sol had mentioned to him before, let go of his hand, and asked thoughtfully.


Loki immediately shook his head after hearing this.

"No? It seems that there is no need to hold back."

When Tony saw the man named Loki, he immediately denied it and grabbed Loki's hair again. With a "bang!", he hit the wall made of alloy directly, and a dent appeared in the wall.

"Yes! Yes! I am an Asgardian."

Loki saw that his denial made Tony Stark no longer intend to hold back, so he immediately changed his mind.

"Are you Thor's stupid brother?"

When Tony saw Loki, he said yes and no for a while, and for a moment he didn't know whether to torture him or not.

Although I am not biological, I do have a brother named Sol in name, and he is acquainted with you. "

Loki said quickly after hearing this.

If Tony hadn't stopped, he might not have been able to get directly into the Avengers' aerospace battleship, let alone carry out his plan.

After Tony saw that Loki's physical defense ability was indeed unlike that of an ordinary person, he determined in his heart whether Loki's identity was true or false.

"So you were the one who sent the Destroyer to Blue Star last time, right?"

"But Thor is so indecisive. You are going to kill him, but he can still let you live?"

"Does Sol owe you a huge favor and hasn't paid it back?"

But it was also because he knew that this person was Thor's brother Loki that Tony crossed his arms and looked at Loki, and said with interest.

Tony has experienced betrayal, so he will never be lenient to a guy who wants his own life.

When Thor went back to deal with family matters, he thought Loki would definitely die, but he didn't expect that he would actually see Loki now.


Loki heard Tony say that his brother was indecisive, and for a moment he didn't know how to respond.

At this moment, streaks of lightning began to flash across the sky, making a roar of thunder.

These thunders made Loki's expression change.

"Why, are you still afraid of lightning?"

Steve said with some surprise when he saw the change in Loki's expression.

"I just don't like guys who follow lightning."

Loki heard the thunder and already knew that Thor would arrive soon, so he spoke.

As soon as these words were spoken, a blond figure above the thunder clouds holding a thunder hammer fell directly from the sky and landed on Zhan Ji.


"Signs of life of Mr. Saul detected."

Jarvis reported Tony directly.

Tony reached out and opened the hatch directly, allowing the hatch to enter the fighter plane to open wide. Thor turned over and entered directly into the cabin.

"Is this Thor?"

Steve saw this man arriving and realized that this man was the handsome blond guy he had seen on the video before.

"Tony, my stupid brother has caused you trouble again."

After seeing Tony, Thor showed an apologetic look on his face and said.

"Causing trouble is nothing. His strength is like a chicken compared to the Destroyer."

"But how did you do it?"

"He has sent the Destroyer to kill you, but you still keep him alive?"

When Tony heard this, he didn't care about such a trivial matter. It would be better to say that he cared more about why Loki was still alive than this trivial matter.

"Even if he loses his mind... he's still my brother."

After hearing this, Thor glanced at Loki, who was still energetic, and said.

These words made Loki's eyes flash and a warmth flowed through his heart.

"Even if he killed seventy or eighty people in two days?"

When Natasha heard this, she interrupted.

"He's adopted."

Upon hearing this, Thor glanced at Loki in disbelief, and then immediately downplayed the relationship.

After all, he was about to become the king of Asgard and protect the nine realms, but his brother did such a stupid thing, making it difficult for him to completely save Loki.

If he still wanted to say that he was covering up Loki's behavior, he might start a war with Tony.

Tony is not that troublesome, at most he is troublesome, but the backer behind Tony is Harvey, who is most likely a terrifying figure comparable to his father.

If there was a big fuss, they, Asgard, and Tony might be fine.

But as the main battlefield, Blue Star, one of the nine realms, may cause unimaginable disasters.

Although this was true, Loki was still a little disappointed when these words came out of Thor's mouth.

"Your brother wants to kill you, but you still miss your old relationship?"

"In other words, I would have killed him long ago, and I could still have him running around here."

"I don't know what kind of plot they are planning to kill Blue Star."

When Tony heard what Sol said, he felt a little weird and said loudly.

"Loki and I have had a relationship for more than fifteen hundred years."

"Although Loki is a little naughty and a little extreme, he is still my brother, so I can't kill him."

"The best that can be done is to lock him up."

"The purpose of my visit this time is to capture it back to Asgard."

"Then shut him up forever."

When Thor heard this, he glanced at Loki, his eyes filled with resentment, and he spoke.

His father asked him to take care of Loki when he met Loki in other worlds.

But Loki seemed to be planning to invade the Nine Realms, so he didn't know how to take care of Loki.

"I hope you keep your word this time."

"Next time, let me see him planning to cause trouble to Blue Star."

"Thor, don't blame me for not missing our friendship."

When Tony heard what Saul said, he immediately understood why Harvey didn't want to deal with Saul. However, after more than fifteen hundred years of love, he could only agree to spare him this time.

After all, he didn't want to be unable to leave Blue Star because he had to worry about whether Loki would come and cause destruction at any time.

The third update is sent

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