"You know nothing about power, but you foolishly want to challenge the strong. Who is arrogant?

Loki looked at the American soldier who stood up again after losing his strength, his hands unable to stop shaking, and a smile appeared on his face.


When Steve heard this and wanted to say something.

The multiple phantoms released by Loki directly surrounded him.

When his phantom faced his brother Thor, it was of little use because of its low defense.

But facing a weak person like Steve who can only be considered taller among ordinary people, sending a phantom clone can solve the problem.

More than twenty clones surrounded Steve and put him in a tough fight.

His attacks can hurt these clones, but after these clones are destroyed, new clones will appear soon, and they can only barely resist, and they are defeated step by step.

This made Steve feel helpless.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to save America and help countless people.

It's just that his proud body and strength are simply not enough to resist this monster that far exceeds common sense and has reached the level of magical fantasy, let alone stop the other's wanton behavior.

Just as Loki was playing with the American soldier, a laser fell from the sky and shot directly at Loki.

The burst of power failed to hurt Loki, but the impact of the burst knocked Loki upside down.

At the same time, the sky seemed to explode with fireworks, and beams of light fell from the sky, directly destroying the phantoms released by Loki.

Saved Steve from danger.

A flame erupted from the propeller traced a clear trajectory in the air before falling to the ground.

Iron Man knelt down on one knee, then stood up, making a direct superhero appearance.

"That old man can't be saved anymore. It won't hurt if you just let him scream a little longer."

"Anyway, as long as no one contradicts him again, he probably won't take action."

"Instead, you took action directly and put yourself in danger."

After Tony stood up, he looked at Steve and said.

"...He is very strong, and he can also use magic, so be careful."

Steve couldn't refute what he said and could only tell some information obtained during the battle.

Tony saw that Steve didn't refute him, and he also knew that Steve had been hit a lot.

"Come on, Bambi."

Therefore, Tony did not continue to hurt Steve, but looked at Loki who stood up again and said.

Now his strength has become stronger. As long as he doesn't encounter a monster like the Destroyer, he can hit anyone he sees with a few ruthless moves.

Facing this alien who could easily defeat Steve, Tony didn't care.

Because Steve was just like an ordinary person in front of him.

Loki was a little angry when he heard the nickname Tony Stark gave him casually.

However, he has also seen Tony Stark's full strength, and knows that it is not so easy to take advantage of Tony Stark.

So Loki withdrew his magic and returned to his normal appearance, raising his hands to signal his surrender.

Although it is not easy to defeat Tony Stark head-on, as long as he breaks into the Avengers.

If he designs to use the Mind Stone to control Tony Stark, his side's combat power will be greatly improved.

"You're surrendering now?"

"It seems you know me?"

Tony said with some surprise when he saw that this man was unharmed by his attack, but chose to surrender.

If this person didn't know him and his methods, he would never have been willing to surrender so quickly.

At least if it were him, he would at least have to fight for a while before considering whether to surrender and look for another chance of survival.

Loki didn't say anything when he heard this. He just put the spiritual scepter in his hand on the ground as a gesture of surrender.

This made Tony a little suspicious, but he didn't say anything and picked up the scepter.

After Natasha's fighter plane was damaged, she immediately asked the headquarters to send a new fighter plane.

Then he landed in front of the three people and picked them up.

"Miss Romanoff, you still have the same style."

Tony was in the cabin of the fighter plane, looking at Natasha and saying hello with a smile.

"Thanks to you."

Natasha felt a little strange when she saw that Tony Stark still had no intention of taking off his armor, but after hearing this greeting, she also said gratefully.

She knew that Harvey was a demon at that time, and he was willing to let her go and plead with Tony for help, but she couldn't get rid of the relationship.

"You should be more grateful Coulson."

"He is the only guy in S.H.I.E.L.D. who makes a good impression on Harvey."

"As for me at that time, I just didn't want to see blood."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

At that time, he had just learned that Harvey had abilities similar to super powers, and had not yet come into contact with the void.

Considering that Pepper would definitely be frightened if he saw a corpse in the hall, he begged for help at that time.

"At that time? Does that mean that if you see me now, you won't help me plead for mercy?"

Natasha heard the implication of Tony's words and asked meaningfully.

"Miss Romanov, you are indeed beautiful, but you should know that sometimes, beauty may not be your protection."

"Being humble and prudent is your best protection."

"For the purpose of protecting Blue Star, I am willing to cooperate with you."

"But that doesn't mean I'm willing to let a group of weak, ignorant, arrogant guys cooperate."

Tony said calmly after hearing this.

"Thank you Mr. Stark for the reminder. I will remember it and pass it on."

Natasha found that her beauty had no effect on the romantic Tony Stark. Instead, it aroused Tony Stark's dissatisfaction. She felt shuddered and did not dare to show off.

Tony saw that Natasha wasn't deliberately trying to be coquettish, so he didn't care.

"Have you two known each other before?"

"Why didn't Nick Fury tell me?"

"Isn't this the first gathering?"

Steve heard the conversation between the two and asked with some confusion.

The intelligence only stated that Black Widow and Hawkeye had collaborated before.

But as for him, Tony Stark and Dr. Banner, it was the first time they gathered together to cooperate. .

"You've been a lollypop for so long, and you don't understand a lot of things."

"But although your strength is not that great, it is still enough to eliminate some terrorists on Blue Star and help those stupid guys from SHIELD run errands."

"As for more powerful enemies from the universe, some guys on Blue Star, including me, will find ways to deal with them."

Tony glanced at Steve after hearing this and said slowly.

"Some guys?"

"You mean there's more than one guy who's almost as strong as you?"

Steve noticed the emphasis in Tony's words.

"Didn't you see the video about me?"

"Do you still need me to talk about this kind of thing?"

Tony looked at Steve as if he were an idiot and said.


When Steve heard this, he immediately thought of the handsome blond guy and Harvey who appeared in the video. The strength displayed by those two people indeed exceeded Tony.

Faced with Tony's courage to admit that he was weaker than others, Steve was speechless.

The second update is sent.

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