I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 178 Blessing and Extremeness

Harvey directly blended into the void around the fighter plane and quietly observed everything.

When he saw this classic scene, he was both speechless and amused.

But thinking about his past life, he saw Loki willing to die for Thor. Even if Loki is unwilling to admit it now, Loki does have deep feelings for Thor.

"Of course, if there is another time, you don't have to hold back."

Thor nodded seriously when he heard Tony's words.

Although Tony couldn't do anything to him, Loki was at best a more resistant enemy in front of Tony.

Facing Tony at full strength, Loki might not be able to resist for long.

Because of Tony's deep and dangerous purple energy, even if he consulted countless books, he could not find the specific source.

So Thor guessed that the mysterious power Tony mastered came from Harvey.

With part of Harvey's power and powerful technological assistance, Tony's strength is enough to get through in the universe.

Loki's eyes flickered when he heard the conversation between his brother and Tony Stark.

If he doesn't succeed this time, he will never come to Blue Star to cause trouble again. Even if he wants to cause trouble, he will go to other worlds to cause trouble.

"Then it's agreed."

"You haven't been to Blue Star for so long. Have you been delayed by something?"

Tony asked casually when he saw that Thor had made concessions to this kind of thing, so he didn't care about Loki's invasion this time.

"The Rainbow Bridge is broken, so Asgard can't go down to the lower world at will now."

"We need the Cosmic Cube to repair the Rainbow Bridge before we can reconnect the bridges in the Nine Realms."

After hearing this, Sol briefly explained the reason.

"The Rainbow Bridge was built using the power of the Cosmic Cube?"

Tony asked a little surprised when he heard this.

"Well, according to my father, the Cosmic Cube was originally one of the treasures of Asgard's treasure house, but was later left in Norway on the Blue Star."

"However, the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard is still there after all these years, and the Cosmic Cube has also been on Blue Star, and has not strayed outside the Nine Realms."

"So my father didn't go out of his way to get it back."

Thor nodded when he heard this and said.

Tony was also very surprised at first, why a special treasure like the Cosmic Cube, which can connect all parts of the universe and has the ability to jump through space, appeared on Blue Star.

But now that he understood that this was one of the treasures of God King Odin, everything made sense.

"The space jumping technology possessed by the Cosmic Cube."

"When the time comes, can you lend it to me for research?"

So Tony also asked directly.

Although it is said that the space fighter has space wormhole jumping technology, he will definitely go to that place to study in the future.

But it would undoubtedly be better if a stable space-crossing transmission point could be directly established.

"I still owe you a favor."

"It's not impossible if you can promise me not to abuse it."

Thor heard this and spoke.

Natasha saw the Avengers gathering this time to snatch the Cosmic Cube.

In this way, the two of them regarded it as their own, and they began to consider whether they could borrow it.

There was something she wanted to say in her heart, but faced with the tyrannical strength of the two men, she couldn't say anything.

And Steve also understood that the special treasure of the Cosmic Cube that he encountered many years ago seemed to come from aliens, and the owner of the Cosmic Cube was Thor, the God of Thunder.

It is normal for the thing to be returned to its original owner, and if this thing continues to stay in Blue Star, it will only cause trouble one after another.

Don't you think that Hydra back then started a series of crazy actions because it obtained the Cosmic Cube?

If it can be returned to Thor, taken away from Blue Star and kept well, this is indeed a good thing.

Natasha was unhappy and didn't dare to say anything. Steve felt that it was understandable that the property should be returned to its original owner, but there was one person present who was unhappy, and that was Loki.

"I still have the Cosmic Cube in my hand."

Loki looked at Thor and Tony who were talking to themselves and said.

"If you still want to save your life, I advise you to shut up now."

"Your brother Thor is unwilling to kill you out of consideration for brotherhood."

"I also promised not to kill you this time and let him take you back."

"But if you want to provoke me and let me take action, then your brother will protect you and the two of us will fight to give you a chance to escape."

"You can try."

"Let's see if it's faster for you to run faster or for me to catch up with you and kill you."

"I wanted to kill you just now, but I've already twisted your head off."

Tony was originally reminiscing with Thor, but now that he heard Loki's words, he turned his eyes to look at Loki and said coldly.

He didn't even need the vibranium armor. Using the current steel armor, he could directly kill Loki.

"Loki, please stop causing trouble for me."

"I will take you back after this matter is dealt with."

"Mom, she misses you so much."

Thor felt Tony's angry look, looked at Loki, and said.

"You said it yourself, I'm adopted. Now are you telling me this?"

Loki said disdainfully when he saw Thor's appearance of dressing up for his own good.

"Even if you were adopted, mother has taken care of you for fifteen hundred years."

"Don't forget that your magic was also taught by your mother. She has never treated you badly."

"The kindness of giving is worse than the kindness of nurturing. You and I have both learned this sentence."

"So now I take back the disrespectful words you just said about my mother."

"If you are so cruel, you really don't care about the fifteen hundred years of upbringing."

"Even if my father asks me to take care of you if I meet you in other worlds."

"I won't care about you anymore, I will let you live or die."

When Thor saw that Loki was still stubborn, he couldn't help it. He rushed forward and grabbed Loki's collar. He looked at Loki and said angrily.

He wholeheartedly wanted to save Loki and appease Tony's murderous desire, but in the end Loki kept causing trouble for him.

Although he didn't have much contact with Tony, he could see that Tony was by no means an indecisive person.

For the safety of Blue Star, Tony might really kill Loki to avoid further trouble.

Because less than a year apart, Blue Star caused some trouble because of Rocky.

"I take back what I just said..."

Loki saw that Thor was really angry and saw the murderous intent in Thor's eyes. Even though his heart was twisted, he couldn't help but obey Thor's words and spoke.

"Hand over the Cosmic Cube."

Tony didn't say anything when he saw this scene that was difficult for outsiders to evaluate, but said directly.

"Not with me now."

Loki also became more honest and spoke.

"Of course I know it's not here with you. What I want is for you to take us to get it."

Tony heard this and spoke.

The fourth update is sent

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